Sunday, November 21, 2004

Anti-virus sites and information

Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2004 07:43:01 -0000
From: "Sean Grigsby"
Subject: Finished version of antivirus file

The following sites either make antivirus products, give advice about ridding yourself of viruses, and have newsletters or virus related information.  This information is valid as far as I know as of November 8, 2004.  There are freeware products available, but these are almost always more limited than the paid versions.  Some have free online scans for viruses, but many of these require you to download software which (hopefully) serves no other purpose.  But many viruses modify your antivirus software if the aren't caught, so they can be of help finding out what you have if your antivirus has been nixed.  And there are sites that will tell you how to remove it manually listed.
Since you are likely using Yahoo e-mail if you are reading this, I have a few things to say about Yahoo.  Modern viruses copy off themselves in your PC and send these copies via e-mail.  The address they use is a random one taken from files on your hard drive or copied from your incoming/outgoing e-mail.  For this reason you should not immediately ban members if a virus mail bearing their name shows up in your group.  It was likely spoofed.  To find out, click "View Source" at the top their most recent mail before the virus (click View source if your looking in the message archives, click "Full Headers" if your looking at it in your web mail account).  It will show their IP address.  Plug that into a Who Is engine and see what the point of origin was.  Do the same for the virus mail.  If they don't match. Their account was spoofed.  If they do match, inform them that they are infected, and will be on moderation until it's fixed.  As an owner/moderator always moderate your own posts.  That way no one can spoof you without you intercepting it first.  Since it will be coming from you people are far more likely to open it.  The following is a small article on the subject:
You can also read this article at zdnet entitled "Why I'm not sending you

The person whose PC is infected doesn't need to be a group member as
long as they have  a members name in their address book, and the groups address on file it's possible for them to send the group mail.  If you include your groups addresses to contact the owner or unsubscribe in group mails they can be spoofed as well. Spoofing of the unsubscribe mail may very well get some members unsubscribed, so if this begins to happen moderate all posts for a while. If you wish to know more about e-mail headers try here:
Also remember that many viruses exploit vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, or Windows.  If you must use them, update constantly.  Even Microsoft doesn't suggest you use their IE browser now.  I will list alternate browsers and e-mail programs in an upcoming file.
As viruses and hoaxes go arm in arm this file also has links to most hoax pages as well. I know a great many of these pages may seem redundant, but websites can expire, go down for maintenance, or be crippled by Denial of Service attacks. So in case that happens you'll have other pages to choose from.

Alwil Software
makers of Avast antivirus, currently available for Windows.  Also has a freeware version available.  They have forums on viruses and their products, and virus information available as well.

Has links to most antivirus products available for the Mac.

AVG Antivirus
There is a free version of AVG Antivirus available for download. Their antivirus products are currently only available for Windows and Linux.  It also has a virus encyclopedia, FAQ, and a helpful links section.  It also has downloadable removal tools for specific viruses, and manuals on how to remove 3 viruses manually.'s Antivirus Page
Has product reviews, links, and tons of articles. Also discusses hoaxes and scams.

AntiVir Antivirus
Freeware antivirus available to Windows users.  Support forum is mostly in German unfortunately.  Also has a newsletter.

Makers of Command antivirus, currently only available to Windows users.  Also has a free online virus scan, and removal tools for specific viruses.

Bad Teddy's Computer Tutorials
Teddy's Virus section.

BitDefender Antivirus
Makers of BitDefender Antivirus, currently available to Windows and Linux users in free or commercial versions.  Also has free online virus scan and removal
tools for
specific viruses.

Bleeping Computer
A tech support and help site.  It has several forums, including ones for viruses.

Cat Computer Services
makers of Quick Heal antivirus, currently available to for Windows and DOS/LAN. Alos has removal tools for specific viruses.

Central Command
Makers of Vexira Antivirus, currently  available for Windows and Linux.
Has a virus tutorial page.

Claymation Creations
Web site design page.  This is their antivirus section.

Computer Associates
Makers of eTrust antivirus.  I am currently uncertain what platforms it supports.  Has a free online spyware scan.  Also have Vet antivirus available for Windows at 

Computer Cops
A web security page.   They have an antivirus forum.

Computer Hope
A computer help page that has a virus info section.

Computer Privacy, Security, and Software Links
Massive links page that has an antivirus section.

Cyndi's List
A page of links and helpful articles.  Has an antivirus section.

Has some virus help and info in the Computer Tips section.

Don't Spread that Hoax
Hoax page that has a virus section.

Enterprise Security
Security Newsletter.  Has a virus section.

Eric Howes Privacy and Security Page
Tons of useful links.  Also has a virus section.

Makers of the nod32 antivirus, currently available for Windows.  Also has a virus list and free removal tools for specific viruses.

Exploring the Internet
A newbies help guide to the web.  It has a section on viruses.

Makers of F-Secure antivirus, currently available for Windows and
Linux.  Also has a
free online virus scan, removal tools for specific viruses,
information on viruses and
hoaxes, and how to manually remove viruses.
FAQ's on viruses.

Freedom Internet Security
Makers of Freedom antivirus, currently available for Windows.  Also has a free online virus scan, a virus encyclopedia, removal tools for specific viruses, and a glossary of common virus terms.

Frisk International  Software
Makers of F-Prot antivirus, currently available for Windows, Linus, BSD, and DOS.

Security page that has a virus section.

GFI's Email Security Tests
Tests your e-mail for virus protection and vulnerabilities to exploits, but it does need your email address and name.

Help Net Security
Security news and website.  Has a virus section.
Security page with a virus section.

Hoax page.

Hoax page.

A hoax page.

Internet 101
A newvies help guide to the web.  Has a virus information section.

Internet Guide
A guide to helpful web pages.  Has a virus information section.

Internet Hoaxes
Tons of useful links

Internet Scambusters
A page on scams and internet fraud.  Has a virus section.

Internet Security Issues
Has some virus articles.
Hoax page.

Kaspersky Labs
Makers of Kaspersky antivirus, currently available for Windows.  Also has removal tools for specific viruses, several nice explanations and links in the threats section, free online virus scan, and a forum for registered users.

Leave Me Alone
Web security advice for newbies.  Has a virus section.

Living Internet
This is the security section of the Living Internet page.  It has a section on viruses.

Makers of McAfee VirusScan, currently available for Windows.  Also has removal tools for specific viruses, a virus glossary, and a page on hoaxes.

Mike's Whats News
Home page related to the site below.

Mike's Virus Info Pages
Information on viruses, homepage hijacking, backing up and restoring info, and a startup programs list.

Museum of Hoaxes
Hoax Page

Page linked to both of Mike's pages above.

Computer security page.  Has several forums, one of which is about viruses.

Norman Virus Control
Makers of Norman antivirus, currently available for at least windows (I can't find any more info on what OS' they support).  Also has removal tools for specific viruses, some articles on viruses and security, and info on viruses and hoaxes.

Panda Software
Makers of Titanium antivirus  for Windows.  Also has free online virus check, and a virus encyclopedia.  They have a freeware antivirus for Linux, but they don't provide tech support for it.

PC Hell
In the Internet Hell section they have info on removing several of the more common viruses.  They also have a hoax section.

PC Pitstop
Security page with an antivirus section.  Also has a virus forum.

PC World,00.asp
News magazine.  Has a virus section.

RAV Antivirus
Still has a virus encyclopedia, glossary and online scan.  But it's products have ceased being sold after being acquired by Microsoft.  At least until further notice.

Rive Information Technology
Rice's page on viruses, e-mail, and hoaxes.

Security page dealing with viruses (among other things).

Security Focus
Security Newsletter with a virus section.

Security Forums
Has a virus forum.

Simply the Best
Simply the Best's virus information section.
Hoax page

Makers of Sophos antivirus for Windows, Linux, Mac, DOS, and Linux. Has several articles on spam, viruses, and hoaxes.  If you go to a viruses description it also has how to remove it manually.

Spam Fighting Tools
Mostly about spam but it does have a page on how to report viruses on webtv.

Spyware Warrior Forums
The focus of the forums is spyware but they do have a few virus forums.

Stiller Research
Home of Integrity Master antivirus, currently available for Windows and DOS. Also has some general info on hoaxes and viruses.

Makers of Norton Antivirus, currently available for Windows and Mac. Also has a free  online virus scan, removal tools for specific viruses, and tutorials on how to remove viruses manually.  However their website design is a little mazelike at

Tech Support Guy
Has a Security forum dealing with viruses.

TeMerc Internet Security Site
MSN group on computer security that has some antivirus info.

The Internet Tourbus
Internet security newletter and website.

The Truth About "E-Mail Viruses"
A page on viruses and hoaxes.

Tom Coyote Forums
Has a virus forum.

Tomcat Internet Solutions
Has some antivirus info in the links section.

Trend Micro
Makers of PC-Cillin antivirus, currently available for Windows and Linux. Also has  a virus encyclopedia and free online scan.

Hoax page

Urban Legends
Hoax Page

Virus Bulletin
The newsletter isn't free, but they do have virus and hoax descriptions, and recovery tutorials.  The Resources section also has a lot of links, and a search engine linking to VGPrep.  VGPrep keeps track of the various names the different companies call the same virus and indexes them.

Virus Help, Old and New
Links and articles on viruses and spam.

Virus Hoaxes and Netlore
Info on viruses and hoaxes.

Has virus news, encyclopedia, and glossary.

Hoax page
Links to antivirus software, and support forums for most of them as
well as
other antivirus forums.

WinDrivers Computer Tech Support Forums
Has an antivirus forum.

Freeware program that looks for viruses among other things.

Security page that has some antivirus articles.

Winguides Software network
Has a virus forum.

Computer Security Site.  Has a virus section in "Computer Info".

Yahoo Groups Directory
The Yahoo directory section for groups about viruses.  Please remember that not all Yahoo groups are created equal.  This is listed here for the sake of completion.  There is nothing to suggest that any of these groups are knowledgeable or honest, and I have not yet joined any of them so I cannot vouch for them.

MEDIA-VENEZUELA : Controversy Over New Broadcasting Regulations

Controversy Over New Broadcasting Regulations

Humberto Márquez
CARACAS, Nov 16 (IPS) - A draft law on "social responsibility in broadcasting" is seen by the Venezuelan government and its supporters as a tool for protecting children from inappropriate programming and bolstering independent media.

But the opposition movement, with which the country's powerful private media are closely aligned, regards it as an instrument for President Hugo Chávez to intimidate the media and exercise control over society.

The bill made it through the first hurdle in parliament last year with the votes of the ruling coalition majority, which holds 87 of the 165 seats in Congress.

In October, it moved into the second and final debate, where it is being discussed clause by clause amidst the same polarisation that has divided Venezuelan society between supporters and opponents of the left-leaning Chávez for the past few years.

Venezuela's current legislation on broadcasting dates back to 1941, although it has been frequently amended.

According to Information Minister Andrés Izarra, the bill is based on four central pillars, including "the respect that the hosts of TV and radio programmes should offer, and the broadcasting of episodes containing sex and violence at appropriate times of day, to protect children."

The other two are the aim of "forming citizens who are critical of media content," and fomenting the creation of a national "broadcasting industry that is in line with the model of socioeconomic change that the country is experiencing."

That is a reference to Chávez's "peaceful social revolution", which has included a wide range of social programmes, like an adult literacy drive, job training and microcredit programmes for the poor, soup kitchens and subsidised food products, and campaigns that have brought health care, including dental coverage, to slum neighbourhoods.

The purpose of the bill, according to the government, is "to establish the social responsibility of the providers of radio and TV and related services," in order to strengthen democracy, peace, human rights, culture, health and development, in keeping with the constitution and the national laws, especially the one that specifically protects children and adolescents. ...

... Among other things, the new law would create a "family viewing time" when "adult-oriented" programming would be banned.

It would also grant the state and local communities broadcasting space on every channel; provide facilities to independent producers; set up an oversight body; create hefty fines for those who violate the new regulations; and allow authorities to temporarily or permanently close down stations found to be repeat offenders.

Izarra said that according to the bill, "60 percent of TV programming must be made by independent producers, which will give rise to a state policy of support for the development of a national broadcasting industry."

The ruling coalition lawmakers argue that TV programming must no longer remain a monopoly of a handful of families, which have controlled the main TV stations for decades. The three leading networks have 70 percent of the audience. ...

... Under the new system, severe restrictions will be in effect from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, and lighter restrictions until 11:00 PM. After that, broadcasters will enjoy wider freedom to air adult programming.

Critics claim that under the new measure, the oversight bodies could block or punish the broadcasting of live news coverage of events like the Sep. 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York.

But governing coalition legislator Desirée Santos told IPS that the bill would not "establish prior censorship under any circumstances. The idea is simply for the media, which will be able to broadcast live whenever they wish, not to make sensationalist use of images or sounds to exploit people's morbid fascination in time slots dedicated to the education of children and adolescents."

However, communications expert Antonio Pasquali, who heads the Committee for Radio and Television as a Public Service, a local non-governmental organisation, described the bill as "totalitarian". ...

Marcelino Bisbal, director of graduate studies in communications at the Andrés Bello Catholic University, also believes that the bill is "authoritarian and un-democratic", and that the state is trying to create "a legal instrument to control a space in which dissent is still possible." ...

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression said the bill does not live up to international standards of protection for freedom of expression  ...

Indians' Genetic Material Sold on Internet

Indians' Genetic Material Sold on Internet

Stephen Leahy and Mario Osava*
RIO DE JANEIRO, Nov 19 (Tierramérica)  - The Brazilian government has asked Interpol, the international police, to intervene in what it says is the illegal sale of genetic material from its indigenous peoples by a U.S. research centre.

Living cells from individual members of Karitiana and Suruí Indians, as well as other South and Central American indigenous groups, are available for 85 dollars, purchased through the Internet from the Coriell Cell Repositories, a division of Coriell Institute for Medical Research. ...

The Ticuna Indians' cells have been incorporated into a major tool for immunology research, and one the world's largest pharmaceutical corporations has used them to delve into the genetics of the human immune system, Albert notes in the journal ''Public Anthropology: Engaging Ideas 2001''.

Indigenous peoples "should be treated as fully-respected social partners, not as natural 'populations' for gene mining,'' Albert concludes.

(* Originally published Nov. 13 by Latin American newspapers that are part of the Tierramérica network. Tierramérica is a specialised news service produced by IPS with the backing of the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Environment Programme.)

Full Story @

See also:

Coriell Institute for Medical Research
Coriell Cell Repositories - Human Variation Collections
Bruce Albert - Public Anthropology: Engaging Ideas 2001

TORONTO: Tunisian Journalist wins 2004 International Press Freedom Award

Tunisian Journalist Fights for Openness

Stephen Leahy
BROOKLIN, Canada, Nov 19 (IPS) - The Tunisian recipient of a Canadian award  recognising her fight for media freedom in her homeland says she will  organise a counter conference to a planned United Nations meeting on the  "information society" in Tunis in 2005.
Sihem Bensedrine was one of three winners of the 2004 International Press  Freedom Award to be honoured by the group Canadian Journalists for Freedom  of Expression in Toronto this week. The annual prize recognises courageous  journalists who face personal risks in pursuit of the news.
Also saluted were Guy-André Kieffer, a Canadian freelance journalist who  disappeared in Côte d'Ivoire in April, and Zimbabwean newspaper 'The Daily  News', forced to close down in February 2004 for its "uncompromising  opposition to government repression."

Tunisia has one of the most oppressive censorship regimes in the world,  according to the International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of  journalists and editors based in Vienna. For that reason the IPI and other  press freedom organisations want the WSIS to abandon Tunisia as the site of  its 2005 gathering.

Recent events could support that argument.

Any and all mention of Tunisia's ability and suitability as a place to  discuss freedom of expression were shouted down at a major WSIS preparatory  meeting involving civil society groups in Hamment, Tunisia in June, said  Mark Bench of the World Press Freedom Committee, a U.S.-based coalition of  45 countries.

Full Story at:

Health Canada moves on mercury fears

Health Canada moves on mercury fears

The Chronicle Herald Sun, 21 Nov 2004 1:03 AM PST

OTTAWA - Mounting evidence that mercury contamination can damage fetal brain development has pushed Health Canada to review its guidelines on fish consumption by women of childbearing age, The Canadian Press has learned.

Canadian Press via Yahoo! News, Sat, 20 Nov 2004 8:49 AM PST
Mercury, used since ancient times, proves a slippery threat in 21st century
OTTAWA (CP) - The story of mercury in the environment can be read in the chemistry of whales' teeth.

Health Canada reviewing fish consumption guidelines because of ...

Winnipeg Sun - Winnipeg,Manitoba,Canada
... "We have groups in the United States, in some of our urban areas, whose exposure is every bit as high as in the Inuit populations" in Canada's north, said ...

The Globe and Mail Sat, 20 Nov 2004 0:33 AM PST
OTTAWA -- Health Canada says it is reviewing data on mercury levels in fish that could mean changing guidelines on fish consumption by women of childbearing age, in the face of growing evidence that mercury contamination can damage fetal brain development.

France Is Cast as the Villain in Ivory Coast

France Is Cast as the Villain in Ivory Coast
Many Ivoirians have turned on French businessmen, immigrant
workers and one another with a vengeance.
[requires free registration]

Buy Nothing Day Poster

Buy Nothing Day Poster
Originally uploaded by The MediaMentor.

Creative-Radio traffic report for Saturday, November 20, 2004

 Members as of November 21, 2004: 508
 Created: Oct 3, 1998
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 Average per Day .................. 6           
 Average per Visit .............. 1.2           
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George Lessard