Saturday, August 22, 2009

Developing Asia Journalism Training and Awards


Developing Asia Journalism Training and Awards


This year's Developing Asia Journalism Awards (DAJA) will include a short
training course for a group of 20 journalists from ADB DMCs across Asia
and the Pacific. The program is designed not only to enhance participating
journalists' knowledge on various development issues, but more
importantly, to recognize and emphasize their crucial role in fostering
greater awareness of key development issues, and providing sound
information to the public that they may be empowered to make better
socio-economic choices.

The poverty impact of the global financial crisis and government responses
to the crisis, as well as the role of development journalism in promoting
greater economic and financial literacy will be the main issues of
discussion for the 4-day workshop. The program will also profile ADB and
ADBI's work on adaptation to climate change and public private
partnerships (PPPs) for infrastructure development. Practical sessions
designed to help journalists prepare clear, accessible stories that will
provide ordinary citizens with a better understanding of the economic
realities and development issues facing their countries are also included
in the program.

The objectives of this training course and the awards are to: i) enhance
the understanding and further develop the skills of journalists in Asia by
equipping them with sound and current knowledge on key economic and
development issues, and; ii) to enable and encourage them to actively
promote public awareness through informative, responsible, and empowering

An announcement has been made to call for submission of articles related
to four issues/categories, namely,
i) poverty impact of the global financial crisis;
ii) government responses to the global financial crisis;
iii) infrastructure development;
iv) climate change adaptation.
The top 20 articles will be selected by a panel of judges and their
authors/writers will be invited to the four day training program that will
be concluded with an awards ceremony.

Winners and runners up of each of the four categories
including two special prizes for
- Best Development Journalist of the Year
- Best Young Development Journalist of the Year
will be selected and awarded at the dinner
at the Foreign Correspondents Club.


Enhanced monitoring, analytical, and reporting skills on economic and
other development issues for Asian journalists
Greater public awareness of economic and other development issues through
the work of the participating journalists
Better public and corporate governance in Asia and the Pacific


Journalists from ADB's developing member countries


Asian Development Bank headquarters
ADB Japanese Representative Office.

Event Details

Event: Developing Asia Journalism Training and Awards
Venue: ADBI, Tokyo
Start date: 20 October 2009
End Date: 23 October 2009

For more information:

[via / thanks to:]

AHM. Bazlur Rahman-S21BR
Chief Executive Officer
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication(BNNRC)
Member, Strategy Council
UN-Global Alliance for ICT and Development (UN GAID)

House: 13/1, Road:2, Shaymoli, Dhaka-1207
Post Box: 5095, Dhaka 1205 Bangladesh

Phone: 88-02-9130750, 88-02-9138501
01711881647 Fax: 88-02-9138501-105


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