What it can do
The Last Messages Club is a secure place for you to write and store
messages to be sent after you die.
What it can't do
The Last Messages Club cannot replace a properly drawn-up will. Documents
that you store with the Last Message Club have no legal authority.
What are the alternatives?
You could ask a lawyer to store these documents with your will or leave
them with a friend but neither of these options are really suitable. A
lawyer will normally only store documents with a Last Will and Testament
for a client they know very well and, even then, it will be inconvenient
and probably quite expensive to add, amend or delete your messages. If you
leave documents with a friend, there is always a risk that they will be
read (either deliberately or by accident) during your life. And after you
die they may simply be forgotten.
You can use The Last Messages Club to:
Let your family know where to find details of important documents, like
life insurance policies and bank account details.
Make life easier for those you leave behind.
Explain the reasons why you have divided your estate in the way you have
& the thinking behind your will.
Manage your on-line life with a digital will
Give somebody the passwords to your online accounts so that they can
close them down.