Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Saudi Prince Faisal ibn Salman has announced plans for a new institute designed to train Saudi youth in the technical aspects of the media industry, the Arab News Web site reported. 

Prince Faisal said the new Prince Ahmad ibn Salman Institute for Applied Media is designed to match the "technological development of the media sector" by offering training in all the activities related to the industry.

A committee has been organized to discuss the training programs and courses to be offered at the institute, which Prince Faisal says will open shortly. Committee members say the institute will help Saudi youth master modern technology related to printing, publishing and advertising.

Turki Al-Sudairy, a member of the institute's constituent committee, told the Arab News that there is no shortage of Saudi editors and reporters being churned out by journalism schools. But those with technical skills are another matter.

"We are now focusing on training Saudis to take up technical and professional jobs at media and printing institutions," he said.

Other members of the committee include Khaled Al-Malik, editor-in-chief of he Al-Jazirah newspaper, Hashim Abdu Hashim, editor-in-chief of Okaz, and Muhammad Al-Waeel, editor-in-chief of Al-Yaum.


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Journalists based in the war-torn nations of Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda can take part in a series of "peace reporting" courses run by Swiss media organizations.

The first group of four journalists flew to Switzerland earlier this month for a technical short course on techniques for responsible reporting on reconciliation and peace negotiation.

Swiss-based InfoSud News is underwriting the training, in collaboration with Syfia International and the Swiss Development Agency. The training is designed to help develop a more reflective, better-researched, more contextual approach to political reporting in central Africa.

The initiative also seeks to network journalists across the region, encouraging them to share resources, information and insight.

InfoSud (in French): www.infosud.org.

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A new report by the Heinrich Böll Foundation looks at the media situation in the Middle East and summarizes the media resources available in the region.

"Walking a Tightrope: News Media and Freedom of Expression in the Arab Middle East" looks at the impact the "media revolution" of the past decade has had on the region – particularly in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria.

The foreword says that this media revolution "has changed the sector, but not necessarily diminished efforts to control the media, and there are still a number of taboo topics that are touching the general social and political framework apart from the media-sector."

The report is divided into three parts. Part 1 features an examination of the structural environment of the media in the Arab Middle East and explores new developments that have changed the regionÂ’s media situation. Part 2 is an overview of existing media in the region, and Part 3 compiles journalism training opportunities, and it lists organizations and projects dedicated to media development.

The report does not offer recommendations for improving the media situation in the country. Instead, the authors say the report is intended to provide introductory information on Arab media to donors and other organizations and individuals interested in the field.

The foundation says the goal is "to create a framework for a meaningful debate on the future role of Arab media within the regional discourse about reform and democratic change in the Middle East."
Heinrich Böll Foundation Middle East Office: http://www.boell-meo.org/


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New book challenges Pacific donor media training culture

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Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 01:12:20 +1300
From: Asia-Pacific Network delaro@clear.net.nz
Subject: [pacific_media_watch] 4573 REGION: New book challenges Pacific donor training culture

Title -- 4573 REGION: New book challenges Pacific donor training culture
Date -- 16 November 2004
Byline -- None
Origin -- Pacific Media Watch
Source -- AUT Journalism   16/11/2004
Copyright - AUT
Status -- Unabridged

* Pacific Media Watch Online - check the website for archive and links:
www.pmw.c2o.org <http://www.pmw.c2o.org/>
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AUCKLAND (AUT/Pacific Media Watch):  A new book is being published next month that challenges the South Pacific's culture of short course media training funded by international donors.

The book, Mekim Nius: South Pacific Media, Politics and Education, questions aid policies in the Pacific and makes a strong case for journalism education and training at the region's universities.

Author David Robie, Auckland University of  Technology's diversity and publications coordinator, says the region's media industry has become the captive of training donor agencies. He says the university-based journalism schools have the capacity to develop an independent and focused regional industry media training strategy.

Dr Robie, who headed two of the region's journalism schools for most of the past decade (University of Papua New Guinea and the University of the South Pacific), says New Zealand has played a crucial role in developing media education in the Pacific.

From the founding of the region's first journalism school with New Zealand aid at UPNG in 1975, Mekim Nius traces three decades of history of South Pacific media education.

The author also examines the impact of the region's politics on the media in the two major news countries, Fiji and Papua New Guinea - from the Bougainville conflict and Sandline mercenary affair to Fiji's coups.

Dr Robie interviewed 57 Pacific journalists, educators and media policy makers and conducted two newsroom surveys in Fiji and PNG.

Mekim Nius can be ordered from the USP Book Centre: bookcentre@usp.ac.fj. Further information from David Robie: David.robie@aut.ac.nz



PACIFIC MEDIA WATCH is an independent, non-profit, non-government organisation comprising journalists, lawyers, editors and other media workers, dedicated to examining issues of ethics, accountability, censorship, media freedom and media ownership in the Pacific region. Launched in October 1996, it has links with the Journalism Program at the University of the South Pacific, Bushfire Media based in Sydney, Journalism Studies at the University of PNG (UPNG), the Australian Centre for Independent Journalism (ACIJ), Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand, and Community Communications Online (c2o).

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Science writers and editors in India can participate in an upcoming conference devoted to those who communicate the latest scientific developments to the public.

The Fourth National Science Communication Congress (NSCC) is scheduled for December 20 to 24 in Gwalior. The meeting is based on the understanding that the general public should better understand new developments in science and technology.

The congress offers a forum where scientists and researchers can interact with science journalists and other communicators. The event also is aimed at addressing various issues related to communicating science and technology news to the public. The discussions will take place in Hindi and English.

The themes of the five technical sessions are: Science and Society Interface; Scientific Awareness and Decision Making; Communication of Traditional Knowledge; Scientific Temper and Mass Media; and Alternative Modes of Science Communication.

The deadline for those submitting papers: November 30.

For more information, contact Sunil Jain at vigyanparishad@yahoo.com, polestar2k@yahoo.com, or telephone +91 751 5070749; or Manoj Patairiya at mkp@alpha.nic.in, manojpatairiya@yahoo.com, or telephone +91 11 26537976.

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The Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) has published a new book with more than 900 pages of Ghanaian media laws, the Accra-based Public Agenda newspaper reported.

"Legislation on Media, Speech and Expression in Ghana: A Source Book" includes a 76-page introduction to the media law situation in the country, and the text of 199 legal provisions.

Human rights advocate Akoto Ampaw wrote and compiled the book, which was released November 2 at the Ghana-India Kofi Annan International ICT Center in Accra.

Speaking at the event, MFWA executive director Kwame Karikari said the book was published to help people understand the laws enacted to bind people with "big mouths."

In a review of the book, Kofi Kumado – a law lecturer and head of the Legon Center for International Affairs (LECIA) – described the book as a "must-have" for all Ghanaians.

"The book provides the raw material ... not only to journalists and legal practitioners, but serves as a one-step vehicle to all who want to dig into, study and understand the history and evolution of law-making in relation to the media, speech and expression in Ghana," Kumado said.
To order the book, contact MFWA at mfwa@mfwaonline.org


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Latin American media professionals are invited to participate in an international conference to be held in Havana, Cuba.

The Encuentro Internacional de Investigadores y Estudiosos de la Información y la Comunicación (ICOM) is scheduled for December 6 to 10. The school of communications at the Universidad de la Habana is organizing the event. The theme of the event, translated, is "Cyberculture, development and social change: real worlds, possible worlds."

Lectures, debates and roundtable discussions will focus on topics such as digital journalism, social and cultural Internet use, media professionals' learning process with digital communications, communication among community members, and the relationship between media, power and politics.

Participants can also choose from 12-hour courses on three topics: digital journalism, trends in contemporary journalism, and verifying information. 

The registration fee for international representatives and lecturers is US$100. International students' fee is US$50 and the fee for Cuban lecturers and local representatives is CUP50. Those participants interested in attending one of the courses should submit a US$50 fee when registering at the event.

Members from different Cuban media outlets as well as representatives from information and cultural organizations will be present at the conference. The event also aims to exchange information among participants regarding cultural issues and folklore.
For more information contact margarita@fcom.uh.cu or visit http://www.felafacs.org/noticias/noticias.asp?cmd=view&articleid=501

The Cuban government has not been hospitable to independent journalism among its people. After a brief period of tolerating some independent Cuban journalists – and even though their reports were inaccessible to the Cuban people – the government arrested 27 of them in 2003.
In Reporters Without BordersÂ’ recent press freedom rankings, Cuba ranked second-to-last in the world. For more information, see http://www.rsf.org/article.php3?id_article=10020


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The University of Missouri School of Journalism is now taking applications for the next Tina Hills fellowship, which offers a two-year masterÂ’s degree program in journalism.

The fellowship is open to Latin American journalists and the award-winner would begin the program in August 2005. Registration deadline: February 1.

The fellowship is named for Tina Hills, former editor of the daily El Mundo of Puerto Rico and president of the Inter American Press Association (IAPA). The ideal candidate would be an experienced, Latin American print journalist, fluent in English with good Spanish-language ability.

The fellowship provides tuition and a stipend of US$5,000 per year. The fellow will work as a part-time instructor at Adelante, a monthly, bilingual news magazine published at the School of Journalism for MissouriÂ’s growing Spanish-speaking population.

Applicants must submit a 500-word essay on why they consider a bilingual magazine in central Missouri to be important and on the potential benefits of working for Adelante.
For applications and more information contact reedkath@missouri.edu or visit http://www.journalism.missouri.edu/news/releases/2004/2004-10-21-tina-hills-esp.html


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(Max Depree)
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Nunavut Territorial Heritage Fair 2003

Nunavut Territorial Heritage Fair 2003
Arctic Animals
Bone Game
The Uses of the Arctic Caribou
Inuit Clothing
My Family Tree
Caribou or Seal Skin Kayak - Which is better?
Throat Singing
Traditional Tools
Inuit Weapons


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Le traîneau à chiens

Le traîneau à chiens
Mon sujet parle du traîneau à chiens en temps qu'une valeur culturelle importante pour les inuits. Je décris aussi la compositions du traîneau à chiens incluant les chiens, l'attelage et les commandes

Nunavut Territorial Heritage Fair 2002

Nunavut Territorial Heritage Fair 2002

Arctic Animals
Inuit Games
How Much Caribou Is Used By The Inuit?
Tourism In Nunavut
The Beginning of Ceramics and Pottery in Rankin Inlet
Dog Team
The Inuit Dog
Traditional Dress


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Nunavut Virtual Heritage Fair 2001

Nunavut Virtual Heritage Fair 2001

Taloyoak *
Inuit Clothing
Inuit Games (Nakasuk Elementary School)
Le Voyage du St. Roch *
Walk For Hope *
Fox Trapping *
Clothing Worn and the Winter Camp and Summer Camp *
Tradional Seal Skin Kamik
Inuit Games (Qitqliq School)
Throat Singing (Qitqliq School)
Throat Singing (Kugluktuk High School) *

*  These are the projects that the judges felt should represent Nunavut at the National Heritage Fair .


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"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
"We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are."
(Max Depree)
"Try? There is not try. There is only do or not do."

Nunavut Territorial Historica Fair 2004

Nunavut Territorial Historica Fair 2004
Ayaya Singing
Arctic Animals
Le traîneau à chiens
Traditional Inuit Clothing
Disc Numbers
Our Elders Speak
My Family Tree
Inuit: Our Favourite Food
The Legend of Sedna
The Watchorns


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"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
"We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are."
(Max Depree)
"Try? There is not try. There is only do or not do."

Nunavut Regional Heritage Fair 2000

Nunavut Regional Heritage Fair 2000
Coal Mining
Fort Prince of Wales
NorthWest Passage
Our Ancestors
The Amauti Project
Throat Singing
Traditional Foods
Traditional Games
Traditional Homes


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"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
"We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are."
(Max Depree)
"Try? There is not try. There is only do or not do."


A Chinese man plans to sue Yahoo for misrepresentation over
the unavailability of a classified ad service. The man paid
the ad fee only to later learn that the service will not be
available in China until next year.


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BNA's Internet Law News is published weekdays by The Bureau
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"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
"We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are."
(Max Depree)
"Try? There is not try. There is only do or not do."


  Nunavut's building projects are among the topics to be discussed in the latest session of the territory's second Legislative Assembly.

Nunavut's second government made its first throne speech Tuesday afternoon, promising to work  to increase Inuit representation in government and the private sector, and to promote cultural values.

- -

Information & Media Specialist

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"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." (Gandhi)
"We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are." (Max Depree)
"Try? There is not try. There is only do or not do." (Yoda)
"Life is fatal, but not serious"  (Oscar Wilde)

Photo Essays on Radio in Afghanistan and Pakistan, November 16, 2004

From: "Patricia Chadwick" pchadwick@internews.org
Subject: INTERNEWS FLASH: Internews Features Photo Essays from Afghanistan and Pakistan, November 16, 2004,
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 09:29:50 -0800
Internews Features Photo Essays from Afghanistan and Pakistan
(November 16, 2004) Internews is featuring three new photo essays from Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Since early 2003, Internews has established and supported 24 independent community radio stations in Afghanistan, and trained Afghan journalists in various aspects of reporting. These photos were taken by David Trilling, freelance photographer and Internews Afghanistan Program Associate, Noah Miller, Internews Afghanistan Business Manager, and Shannon York, Internews Senior Program Associate:
Sanjar Qiam, Internews Afghanistan Radio Network Coordinator, presents an overview of Internews' radio work in Afghanistan from 2002 to the present:
In Pakistan, Internews trains women radio journalists who are producing the first independent syndicated radio program on gender issues. Internews also helped build Pakistan's first university-based community radio station at Peshawar University. Photographers are Lisa Upton, Aurangzaib Khan and Sarmad Abdul Ghafoor from Internews Pakistan:
Internews' work in Afghanistan and Pakistan is made possible by grants from the US Agency for International Development; in Afghanistan, Internews is also funded by the European Community, the UN Assistance Mission to Afghanistan, the United Nations Development Program and the German Foreign Ministry.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoned on the Iditarod

PR Web, Tue, 16 Nov 2004 0:06 AM PST
Carbon Monoxide Poisoned on the Iditarod; Simmons College Graduate Accomplishes the Unthinkable
Full text below and at

2004 Simmons College on-line DPT with distinction graduate, Anchorage Alaska physical therapist, and past Iditarod sled dog racer Dr. Catherine Mormile was severely brain damaged by carbon monoxide while competing in her last Iditarod in 1994. She set course on a difficult 10-year plan to recover and overcome cognitive and emotional trauma and go on with her life while learning strategies to help others. Happily with the help of family and supportive instructors at Simmons College, she not only met but exceeded expectation and her goals.

Anchorage, AK (PRWEB) November 16, 2004 -- While competing in her third Iditarod sled dog race in 1994, Anchorage physical therapist, 2004 Simmons College graduate, and Iditarod finisher Catherine Mormile was severely carbon monoxide poisoned while resting in a shelter tent at the Finger Lake checkpoint, early in that race. Five of the other competitors were also affected, but Mormile lie close to death and severely injured by the poison. She survived the ordeal and returned home happy to be alive; but unbeknownst to her, the worst and the best were yet to be realized.

The years and the race went on and Mormile quietly slipped into Iditarod oblivion. The public had no idea of the rigors the she experienced during her long physical, cognitive, and emotional recovery from the poison; rigors that in all actuality left the Iditarod in pale comparison. But she was not resigned to sit by the sidelines feeling sorry for her self. Mormile, with the help of her loving and supportive husband, Don Mormile set out to be the champion of her "own race" so to speak. She never stopped working. She never stopped mushing the dog team that she loved. And with determination, Mormile stated that by the end of the year 2004 she would become a board certified orthopaedic specialist, obtain her doctorate, and publish a scholarly work. These were all very ambitious goals considering the fact that Mormile returned home with an IQ of 76, suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder, and severe cognitive learning disabilities. Remarkably and on schedule, Catherine Mormile accomplished her goals.

The path was riddled with disappointments, frustrations, and roadblocks. Cognitive rehabilitative treatments provided her by her doctors at the Duke University Medical Center brought her IQ back to normal by 1997. But the emotional hesitance to resume a normal life persisted much longer. Although most individuals were empathetic, a full understanding of the adverse effects of CO poisoning was not universally held at the time. There was a commonly held belief in her community that her withdrawal from the race was not because of poison but simply that she had not trained sufficiently. Strangers would approach Mormile in the grocery store and tell her how disgusting and a disgrace she was to the Iditarod. Several years into her recovery a fellow dog musher inhibited her fragile spirit by quoting to her local newspaper that "If she dared to show up at any Iditarod events, everyone would walk out".  But with each obstacle overcome, she fully recovered in mind and spirit while she learned and honed insights and strategies that would later prove to assist the most physically, and emotionally wounded souls who would seek her physical therapy services.

"I realized that in order to become fully autonomous, mindful, and responsible for the path I choose for my life that my vicarious role models needed to strengthen my self-esteem and the ability for me to visualized, internalize, and seek my personal success". Mormile continues, " It appears to me that many so-called role models become merely external cues and lofty images from which an individual attempts to seek validation. Today, I prefer to offer my patients an experience full of empowerment and self-efficacy, not external props."

So, with renewal, empowerment, and confidence, Mormile sought her goals. In 2002, she successfully passed a peer-reviewed examination to become a board certified orthopaedic specialist in physical therapy. In 2003, she wrote and published a home study course on her clinical specialty, temporomandibular joint disorders for the orthopaedic section of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). And in May 2004, she accomplished the totally unthinkable attainment. She received a doctor of physical therapy degree (DPT), on-line from Simmons College, Boston Mass. If that was not enough, following Simmons College review, she was awarded the doctor of physical therapy with distinction degree this October presumably due in part to her 4.0 GPA and leadership abilities. Dr. Mormile states, "I regained my sense of autonomy at Simmons College; through my computer. How amazing".

The traumas and tragedies of the past are long behind Dr. Mormile now but the memories and recovery strategies guide her every day as she and her husband Don treat patients in their Anchorage private practice. To celebrate their hard work and good fortunes, Dr. Mormile and her husband have moved their office to a larger, bright, and cheerful new office with many windows and a glorious view of the Chugach Mountains right in the middle of the city's business district.

"No hiding for me. There is much to do now with the talents and skills at hand. I am very grateful for my husband and my teachers who helped me, a second change at life and opportunities to help others", says Dr. Mormile. "I won that last race, my patients will win my next race".

Mormile Physical Therapy
Catherine Mormile, PT, DPT, OCS, MA, OTR/L
1600 A Street, Suite 215, Anchorage, Alaska 99501
(907) 561-1800, FAX: (907) 562-4705

Fondation Hirondelle

Fondation Hirondelle
- 3, Rue Traversière
- CH 1018-Lausanne (Suisse)
- Tel +41 21 647 28 05
- Fax +41 21 647 44 69,
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Jobs [in English + French]

Thinning ice makes life tough for Greenland hunters

Thinning ice makes life tough for Greenland hunters
CBC North Mon, 15 Nov 2004 1:09 PM PST
REYKJAVIK, Iceland - Some hunters in Greenland have been forced to slaughter their sled dogs because of poor hunting conditions in the region, says a political group that represents the local Inuit.

WACC: endorses CRIS statement on cultural diversity

From: SH@wacc.org.uk
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 14:24:01 +0000
Subject: [MediaMentor] WACC: endorses CRIS statement on cultural diversity

WACC endorses CRIS campaign statement on UNESCO cultural diversity convention

In November 2001, the UNESCO Declaration on Cultural Diversity was unanimously adopted. Two years on, UNESCO has decided to work towards a Convention on Cultural Diversity, an internationally binding legal instrument for all members States that sign up.

The draft convention promotes pluralism, respect for universal human rights, creativity and international solidarity. The objective is a new ethic of sustainable development and lasting peace. To achieve this, each country will devise and implement cultural, media, and communications policies that foster cultural diversity. However, some countries have already indicated positions that could threaten this effort. In response to this challenge, the CRIS Campaign has drafted a statement of demands to be presented today, 15th November, to UNESCO.

Endorsing the CRIS statement Randy Naylor, WACC General Secretary, said:  "It is easy to view international agreements as the purview of lawyers and constitutional experts. While there is a key role for such expertise in the creation of international agreements, these treaties not only establish international procedures and practices but eventually, through the implementation of the agreement, also define its inherent values. Culture is too central to human development for these to be ignored from the outset. The CRIS statement stresses the importance of community, participation, gender and justice, which WACC believes are essential to all communication policies and agreements."

WACC calls on its members and constituency to get involved and to support the CRIS campaignÂ’s work on the draft convention by going to http://www.mediatrademonitor.org/cris-unesco.php

Notes for editors:

Taking the side of justice and human dignity in media, and promoting diverse media ownership, WACC works for the right to communicate for all. WACC holds the secretariat for the CRIS Campaign. For more information about WACC, please go to: www.wacc.org.uk

For more information about the CRIS statement, or to sign on to the statement, please go to http://www.mediatrademonitor.org/cris-unesco.php

For more information on the CRIS Campaign, please go to: www.crisinfo.org

Myriam Horngren, WACC/CRIS Network and Advocacy Coordinator, mh@wacc.org.uk, tel: (+) 44 207 582 9139

If you found this mailing useful please FORWARD THIS MESSAGE to a friend or colleague.

You are subscribed to WACC's English language newsletter for highlights and headlines from the WACC website and publications

Taking the side of justice and human dignity in media,
and promoting diverse media ownership,
WACC works for the right to communicate
especially in situations of censorship and oppression.

World Association for Christian Communication,



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"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
"We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are."
(Max Depree)
"Try? There is not try. There is only do or not do."

J-H-R traffic report for Monday, November 15, 2004

 Journalists for Human Rights               
  Members: 193
Created: Nov 26, 2002

                    -- Site Summary ---                    

            Total ........................ 2,538   (Since 11/28/2002)        
            Average per Day .................. 6           
            Average Visit Length .......... 0:21           
            This Week ....................... 39           

          Page Views

            Total ........................ 3,015           
            Average per Day .................. 6           
            Average per Visit .............. 1.2           
            This Week ....................... 45   (Since 11/28/2002)      

More stats with a graphic interface at

George Lessard
Journalists for Human Rights Moderator

PANOS Report on ICT Workshop in Senegal, Launch of CIPACO

Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 11:19:04 +0100
From: Soenke Zehle soenke.zehle@web.de
Subject: incom PANOS Report on ICT Workshop in Senegal, Launch of CIPACO
List-Id: "a research list on civil society,
ICT and post-development"
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[via Afrika-IT]

Dear colleagues

In September 2004, the Panos Institute West Africa (PIWA) organized,
in collaboration with the Ecole Supérieure et Multinationale des
Telecommunications (ESMT, Senegal) and Balancing Act, with support
from IDRC, OSIWA and the DFID CATIA Programme, a workshop on
international ICT policies for Africa, at Mbodiene, Senegal.

I am pleased to inform you that the report of the workshop is
available at http://www.panos-ao.org/ntic/atelier_eng.htm

One of the motivations of the workshop was the launch of the Centre
for International ICT Policies for Central and West Africa (CIPACO).
This Center is established by PIWA (ICT Programme) in the framework
of the 1 F component of the CATIA Programme

The Center aims at contributing to strengthening the participation of
African stakeholders (government, private sector, civil society) in
international ICT decision-making. It functions as a network and
receives advices from A Regional Advisory Committee composed of a
number of experts working in the two regions. It collaborates with a
number of partners that constitute the main source of its expertise.

The centre will have five main areas of activities:

1.Management of a website of resources: this information system has
three main functions: to provide current information and reference
documents on ICT policies to all stakeholders in Central and West
Africa (in particular); to offer a regular and an updated agenda on
international ICT events and to host resources produced by the Centre.

2.Production of studies and analyses on priority issues in order to
favour and reinforce advocacy

3.Organisation of virtual debates: the aim is to reinforce collective
capacities on priority issues and to arouse synergies

4.Support participation in selected international meetings in order
to contribute to the expression of African concerns and points of

5.Networking with other centres of expertise on ICT policies to
reinforce synergies and expertise

Activities will cover three main themes: Access to ICTs, Regulation
governance, legislation) and Financing of ICTs. These thematic areas
and priority issues were identified during and after the workshop on
international ICT Policies.

Additionnal information can be found on our provisional pages

You will receive more information on our activities in the coming weeks.

Best regards.
Coordinator of the Centre for International ICT Policies
- West and Central Africa (CIPACO)
Panos Institute West Africa (PIWA)
6, rue Calmette BP 21 132 Dakar Ponty
Tél.: +221 849 16 65
Informing and Communicating to promote a culture of
Democracy, Citizenship and Peace in Africa.



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"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
"We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are."
(Max Depree)
"Try? There is not try. There is only do or not do."

Welcome to a new C-R subscriber from Nairobi...

Welcome to one who is the "... Executive Editor of Nairobi-based
Africa Investigative News Service.
(he) report(s) more on human rights and conflicts. ..."

Thanks for joining... we hope you will enjoy Creative-Radio... and
thanks for giving me the opportunity to remind all subscribers to
attribute any postings you might make... follow fair use guidelines
(excerpts with URLs.. no quoting full stories without author's
permission) and the same applies to re-postings or use of items from
the list...

Postings are reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.

US Code as of: 01/26/98

Sec. 107. Limitations on exclusive rights:
Fair use
Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106
"... for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting,
teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship,
or research, is not an infringement of copyright. ..."

Members who post to this list retain their copyright but grant a
non-exclusive license to others to forward any message posted here.
They also grant the list owner permission to maintain an archive or
approve the archiving of list messages.

Other use of e-mail to this list requires the permission of individual writers

Thanks again for joining.... we look forward to you participation...
either by lurking or posting...

Your C-R Moderator

Computers, Freedom and Privacy Conference 2005, Call for Proposals

Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 12:36:49 -0500
From: Robert Guerra
Subject: [bellanet-l] Computers, Freedom and Privacy Conference 2005,
Call for Proposals
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Reply-To: Robert Guerra rguerra@lists.privaterra.org

Panopticon 2005

April 12-15, 2005, Westin Hotel, Seattle, WA


The 15th annual conference on Computers, Freedom & Privacy takes
place from Wednesday, April 12th, to Friday, April 15th, 2005, in
Seattle, Washington.

The Program Committee is now accepting proposals for conference
sessions and speakers for CFP2005. The deadline for submissions is
December 31, 2004

CFP serves as an internationally recognized forum for the members of
the technical, government, hacker, legal, business, education, media,
cyber-rights, and non-profit communities to address cutting edge
technical, business, legal and cultural issues. Programs, topics, and
speakers from prior years' CFP conferences can be found at:

The CFP2005 Program Committee welcomes proposals on all aspects of
technology, freedom and privacy. We are particularly interested in
receiving proposals that ask the hard questions about privacy and
freedom in emerging surveillance societies, and challenging those
assumptions. For example, how much surveillance is too much? When
does surveillance cease making us more secure and begin to change the
fabric of society?

The theme of the 15th CFP is "Panopticon 2005." Over time, and
particularly recently, surveillance of ordinary citizens has
increased to dramatic levels. Not only are governments watching more
aspects of their citizens' lives, but those in the private sector are
increasing surveillance of people as well. Often lost in the race to
"increase intelligence" are discussions about different approaches to
problems like the threat of terrorism that are equally or more
effective, but do not involve extensive and constant surveillance.

In addition to topics directly related to the Panopticon 2005 theme,
other areas of interest include:

1. domestic and international travel issues

2. communications surveillance

3. children and young adults growing up in a surveillance society

4. social networking

5. the flourishing of free speech (i.e. blogging) in spite of increased

6. RFIDs and other emerging technologies

7. Intellectual property issues

We are seeking proposals for tutorials, plenary sessions, workshops,
and birds-of-a-feather sessions. We are also seeking suggestions for
speakers and other relevant topics not listed above. Sessions should
present a wide range of thinking on a topic by including speakers
from different viewpoints. We particularly welcome proposals for non-
traditional presentations - those that utilize drama, "mock trials,"
interactivity, the performing arts, and audience participation.

Complete submission instructions appear on the CFP2005 web site:


All submissions must be received by December 31, 2004. The CFP2005
Program Committee will notify submitters of the status of their
proposals by January 20, 2005.



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Robert Guerra rguerra@privaterra.org
Privaterra - http://www.privaterra.org

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"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
"We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are."
(Max Depree)
"Try? There is not try. There is only do or not do."

PHILIPPINES: New shooting of journalist

Mailing-List: contact pacific_media_watch-help@lists.c2o.org; run by ezmlm
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Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 00:01:59 +1300
From: Asia-Pacific Network
To: Pacific Media Watch
Subject: [pacific_media_watch] 4569 PHILIPPINES: New shooting of journalist

Title -- 4569 PHILIPPINES: New shooting of journalist
Date -- 14 November 2004
Byline -- Media release
Origin -- Pacific Media Watch
Source -- National Union of Journalists in the Philippines (NUJP),
via inday@nujp.org 13/11/2004
Copyright - NUJP
Status -- Unabridged

* Pacific Media Watch Online - check the website for archive and links:
* Post a comment on this story at PMW's Right of Reply:


MANILA (NUJP/Pacific Media Watch): Heherson Hinolan, station manager
of DYIN Bombo Radyo Kalibo was shot by an unidentified gunman last
night (August 13) in the capital of Aklan province, on Panay island
in the central part of the Philippines.

Hinolan, better known by his radio call name, Bombo Boy, and an anchor
of the popular radio morning program, Bombohanay bigtime, is in
critical condition at the provincial hospital in Kalibo.

Per interviews with his colleagues, Hinolan and a lone bodyguard had
dropped by a street fair along Desposorio Maagma St. after work.
Hinolan had left his companion briefly to urinate when he was shot.

The suspect remains unidentified and the motive could still not be
ascertained, but colleagues say Hinolan has received a number of death
threats "from all fronts" due to his hard-hitting commentaries.

In Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, reports said gunmen had also shot
at a vehicle owned by cable presenter Eric Tenerife. Investigation is
ongoing as to the cause of the incident.

Hinolan's shooting came two days after Mindanao photojournalist Gene
Boyd Lumawag was shot dead in Jolo. He was the ninth journalists to be
slain this year, the 58th since democracy was restored in 1986.

Military authorities have claimed the suspect was a still unidentified
hitman of the Abu Sayyaf. Journalists, however, have urged a deeper
investigation, fearing possibility of a scapegoat.

Aside from preparing to cover the eid fitr, a holy day for Muslims,
Lumawag and his companion, Mindanews editor Carolyn Arguillas, were
reportedly pursuing a story on corruption. Arguillas was inside their
lodgings when Lumawag was shot. She was unharmed.

Refer to inday espina-varona



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Colourful radio will stop on 14 Novembe

Colourful radio will stop on 14 November
The controversial public radio network for young immigrants,
Colourful Radio, will stop its satellite and cable transmissions on
Sunday in accordance with a court ruling last month that it must
close or
substantially alter its programme content. Programming on the
Internet will continue, until its future becomes absolutely clear.
NOS has asked cable companies not to reassign the slots reserved for
Colorful Radio in case it decides to resume transmissions. Another
urban station, FunX, has indicated that it wants to take over these
slots. FunX is run by the local public broadcasters in the four
largest Dutch cities, and believes it has the support of State
Secretary for the Media Medy van der Laan in its efforts to extend
coverage beyond its core area. Commercial station Radio 538 would
also like to use the same cable frequencies for its Juize FM station.

Source: http://medianetwork.blogspot.com/ - Media network weblog


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PAKISTAN - Four journalists arrested, one radio station closed

Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 22:37:30 +0530 (IST)
From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)"
Subject: PAKISTAN - Four journalists arrested, one radio station closed (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Press Release

15 November 2004


Four journalists arrested, one radio station closed

Reporters Without Borders (Reporters sans
frontières) is concerned at a wave of arrests of
journalists and closure of one of Pakistan's few
privately-run radio stations.

The worldwide press freedom organisation has
written to the prime minister Shaukat Aziz urging
the release of the journalists who are still
behind held and for FM Radio 103 to be reopened.

Police arrested Farhat Abbas Shah and Afaq Shah,
journalists on FM Radio 103 on 10 November at
their radio's studios in Lahore, Punjab province
in the east of the country. They were released on
bail the next day.

Two days later, around 20 police raided the
station and seized equipment, making it
impossible for it to continue broadcasting. They
also arrested two staff members, reportedly Abdul
Ghafoor and Nauman. The radio chiefly broadcasts
programmes from the BBC World Service
Urdu-language service.

According to the Pakistan Press Club, the two
radio journalists were arrested for broadcasting
a report on a scandal at the Punjab cardiology
institute. They were reportedly maltreated in the
first hours of their detention.

Police accused them both of taking part in a
demonstration in front of a public building but
the station director said that Farhat Abbas Shah
had not been involved in the demonstration.

On 6 November, Qazi Muhammad Rauf, correspondent
for the Urdu-language daily Express in the
north-eastern Khyber Agency tribal zone, was
seized by armed men and held for 24 hours by
members of Sheikhmalkel tribe angry at what they
saw as a biased article.

Rauf had reported on clashes between the tribe
and a fundamentalist religious organisation Amr
Bill Maroof Wa Nahee Anil Munkar in the tribal
area. Around a dozen armed men abducted Rauf took
him to a private detention centre where they beat
and then chained him.

The authorities intervened following a tip off
from his colleagues in the Tribal Union of
Journalists and persuaded the tribal leaders to
release him, on 7 November.

Police in Skardo in the north-east arrested
editor of a banned magazine Kargil International,
Ghulam Shehzad Agha, on 4 November. The
authorities reportedly accuse the journalist and
political activist of backing autonomy for the
Pakistani part of Jammu and Kashmir. The
Pakistani interior ministry banned the magazine
that he ran on 8 September 2004, charging that it
carried seditious and unpatriotic news.

Elsewhere, Sarwar Mujahid, correspondent for the
conservative Urdu-language daily Nawa-I-Waqt in
Okara district in the east of the country was
freed on 12 October 2004. He was arrested and
detained on 31 July 2004 at Sahiwal prison in
Punjab province.

Mujahid was held under the Maintenance of Public
Order law. His detention appeared to be linked to
his articles about a conflict between Pakistani
paramilitaries and tenant farmers who have for
years farmed land belonging to the army.

Vincent Brossel
Asia - Pacific Desk
Reporters Sans Frontières
5 rue Geoffroy Marie
75009 Paris
33 1 44 83 84 70
33 1 45 23 11 51 (fax)