Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Reporter’s Guide to Multimedia Proficiency, English & En EspaƱol

Now printable! Reporter's Guide to Multimedia Proficiency


Reporter's Guide to Multimedia Proficiency (PDF; 536 KB)

En español (PDF; 600 KB) — translation by María Elena Brizuela, a
journalist and journalism educator based in Córdoba, Argentina. (Posted
Sept. 8, 2009.)

Posts in this series in HTPL...

* RGMP 1: Read blogs and use RSS
* RGMP 2: Start a blog
* RGMP 3: Buy an audio recorder and learn to use it
* RGMP 4: Start editing audio
* RGMP 5: Listen to podcasts
* RGMP 6: Post an interview (or podcast) on your blog
* RGMP 7: Learn how to shoot decent photos
* RGMP 8: Learn how to crop, tone, and optimize photos
* RGMP 9: Add photos to your blog
* RGMP 10: Learn to use Soundslides
* RGMP 11: Tell a good story with images and sound
* RGMP 12: Learn to shoot video
* RGMP 13: Edit your video with iMovie or Windows Movie Maker
* RGMP 14: Publish your video on your blog

The "blog" of "unnecessary" quotation marks.

For anyone who enjoys the humor of unnecessary quotation marks, and
sharing that humor of "unnecessary" quotation marks.

Facebppk page
