Friday, December 03, 2004


Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 23:26:27 +0100
Reply-To: newsroom-l
Sender: newsroom-l
From: Newsroom List


Whois info for the domain name shows that it is
most likely an activist site. However, the phone number in the
"press release" is a real number owned by Dow Europe in Zurich.

Here is the whois info:

owner-address: Marylin Mircus
owner-address: 56, flowers road
owner-address: 321
owner-address: Bhopal
owner-address: India
admin-c: MM1311-GANDI
tech-c: MM1311-GANDI
bill-c: MM1311-GANDI
reg_created: 2002-12-06 10:19:25
expires: 2006-12-06 10:19:25
created: 2002-12-06 16:19:26
changed: 2003-12-08 11:39:56

person: Marylin Mircus
nic-hdl: MM1311-GANDI
address: 56, flowers road
address: 321
address: Bhopal
address: India
phone: +66 62542322
fax: +66 364839
lastupdated: 2004-03-08 11:34:37



>[Forwarder's Note:
>The URL
>actually leads to
>and the URL leads to a
>site that claims to be Copyright © The Dow Company (1995-2002). All
>Rights Reserve, It is hard to judge if this is a spoof or an activist
>site unrelated to the company or if it actually has anything to do
>with the company. You must make your own judgement. Activists are
>doing very interesting things with the internet these days. George ]
>"Historic aid package for Bhopal victims" a lie
> Contact: Marina Ashanin, Corp. Media Relations, +41-1-728-2347
> Related information:

JOB: Coordinator, Development Communications for the Developing Countries Farm Radio Network


Employment Opportunity  - Internal/External Posting

Position title: Coordinator, Development Communications
Position location: Ottawa
Reports to: Director of the Developing Countries Farm Radio Network
Position Group: 5 (42,061 - $45,961)
Application Deadline: December 16, 2004


WUSC is currently seeking a Development Communications specialist to join Developing Countries Farm Radio Network (DCFRN) as Coordinator, Development Communications. DCFRN supports broadcasters to strengthen small-scale farming and rural communities in developing countries. DCFRN produces and distributes radio scripts and topical reports about best farming practices that are designed to improve food security and rural livelihoods in Africa.

Reporting to the Executive Director of DCFRN, the Coordinator, Development Communications has the primary responsibility for developing partnerships and strengthening relationships with African
radio broadcasters and with development research organizations. She/he will manage participatory development activities focused on agricultural development through radio, and establish relationships and network with appropriate resource people and agricultural development research organizations.

She/he is responsible for the efficient planning and execution of DCFRN's development communications initiatives, and plays a leading role in the development, implementation and coordination of programs.


·Develop and coordinate a partner-centered perspective in all aspects of the program

·Develop and strengthen partner relationships; seek out new partners in targeted regions and communities; develop and coordinate processes to ensure that partner relationships meet our objectives and criteria; research and report on the contexts in which our partners operate

·Coordinate partner communication; establish and maintain regular contact with partners according to overall program priorities; encourage communication between partners; respond to partner requests for information, referring these to other staff as appropriate

·Coordinate partner services; assist with production of print and on- line publications for partners; coordinate distribution by post and on-line; coordinate monthly electronic bulletins; coordinate partner awards and incentives; enhance the profile of our partners in all publications and on our website; make recommendations for additional services as appropriate

·Coordinate program monitoring and evaluation related to partners; participate in the design of monitoring and evaluation tools and systems; administer and/or facilitate evaluation processes; provide research and analysis as required

·Administer partner records; maintain the partner database and make recommendations for improvements as appropriate; maintain correspondence files; provide partner data to assist staff and others in partner-related activities

·Provide general program assistance as required; coordinate and participate in meetings of the Program Committee and ad hoc working groups; assist with program reports; respond to program enquiries as required; represent the organization at program and partner meetings as directed

·Coordinate special programs, as needed, to enhance partner capacity ·Identify opportunities to develop enhanced relationships with partners; assist the Director and other team members with project development


Education and training
A university degree in a related field preferably at the Masters level (development communications, international development, journalism, broadcasting, communications, public administration)

Experience and competency

*At least five years experience in international development and two years in project management;
*Significant knowledge or experience in two or more of the following fields would be a definite asset:
 *Development communications
 *Agriculture/rural development
 *Institutional strengthening/capacity building
 *Radio broadcasting
 *HIV/AIDS and development
 *Basic education
 *Gender and development
 *Experience overseas and in cross-cultural communications;
 *Knowledge of, and experience working with, new information and communications technologies;
 *Superior communications skills, well-developed writing skills: clear, concise, persuasive writing style;
 *Strong interpersonal skills – able to work well with teams under tight deadlines;
 *Excellent administration and organizational skills, including ability to prioritize tasks and handle multiple initiatives simultaneously;
 *Well-developed presentation skills and the ability to represent the organization in a professional and dynamic manner;
 *Solid computer skills in word processing, spreadsheet, database management, electronic mail and graphics;
 *Experience working in committee and team environments; able to develop and manage positive relationships and exercise tact and diplomacy.


*Complete fluency, oral and written, in English and French is required.

·Full-time contract, from January 2005 to December 2007, with possibility of extension.

WUSC is an equal opportunity employer. Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

If you wish to apply for this position, please send your resumé with a covering letter quoting reference number 04/12 to:

Dana Labelle
Human Resource Officer
World University Service of Canada



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[Forwarder's Note:
The  URL  actually leads to  and the URL leads to a site that claims to be Copyright © The Dow Company (1995-2002). All Rights Reserve, It is hard to judge if this is a spoof or an activist site unrelated to the company or if it actually has anything to do with the company. You must make your own judgement. Activists are doing very interesting things with the internet these days. George ]

Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 19:55:58 +0100
From: Dow Chemical Corporation <>
Sender: Dow Chemical Corporation <>

December 3, 2004

"Historic aid package for Bhopal victims" a lie

   Contact: Marina Ashanin, Corp. Media Relations, +41-1-728-2347
   Related information:

Today on BBC World Television, a fake Dow spokesperson announced fake plans to take full responsibility for the very real Bhopal tragedy of December 3, 1984. (1) Dow Chemical emphatically denies this announcement. Although seemingly humanistic in nature, the fake plans were invented by irresponsible hucksters with no regard for the truth.

As Dow has repeatedly noted, Dow cannot and will not take responsibility for the accident. ("What we cannot and will not do... is accept responsibility for the Bhopal accident." - CEO Michael Parker, 2002.) The Dow position has not changed, despite public pressure.

Dow also notes the great injustice that these pranksters have caused by giving Bhopalis false hope for a better future assisted by Dow. The survivors of Bhopal have already suffered 20 years of false hope, neglect, and abdication of responsibility by all parties. Is that not enough?

To be perfectly clear:

* The Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) will NOT be liquidated. (The fake "Dow plan" called for the dissolution and sale of Dow's fully owned subsidiary, estimated at US$12 billion, to fund compensation and remediation in Bhopal.)

* Dow will NOT commit ANY funds to compensate and treat 120,000 Bhopal residents who require lifelong care. The Bhopal victims have ALREADY been compensated; many received about US$500 several years ago, which in India can cover a full year of medical care. (2)

* Dow will NOT remediate (clean up) the Bhopal plant site. We do understand that UCC abandoned thousands of tons of toxic chemicals on the site, and that these still contaminate the groundwater which area residents drink. Dow estimates that the Indian government's recent proposal to commission a study to consider the possibility of proper remediation at some point in the future is fully sufficient.

* Dow does NOT urge the US to extradite former Union Carbide CEO Warren Anderson to India, where he has been wanted for 20 years on multiple homicide charges. (3)

* Dow will NOT release proprietary information on the leaked gases, nor the results of studies commissioned by UCC and never released.

* Dow will NOT fund research on the safety of Dow endocrine disruptors (ECDs) considered to have long-term negative effects.

* Dow DOES agree that "One can't assign a dollar value to doing what's morally right," as hoaxter Finisterra said. That is why Dow acknowledged and resolved many of Union Carbide's liabilities in the US immediately after acquiring the company in 2001. (4)

Again, most importantly of all:

* Dow shareholders will see NO losses, because Dow's policy towards Bhopal HAS NOT CHANGED. Much as we at Dow may care, as human beings, about the victims of the Bhopal catastrophe, we must reiterate that Dow's sole and unique responsibility is to its shareholders, and Dow CANNOT do anything that goes against its bottom line unless forced to by law.

For more information please contact Marina Ashanin, Corporate Media Relations, +41-1-728-2347, or reply to this email.


(1) On December 3, 1984, Union Carbide - now part of Dow - accidentally killed thousands of residents of Bhopal, India, when its pesticide plant leaked a vast cloud of lethal gas over the city.
Since that date, at least 12,000 more people have died from complications, and 120,000 remain chronically ill. The Dow Chemical Corporation hereby expresses its condolences to the victims.

(2) Union Carbide was originally forced to pay US$470 million in compensation to survivors, which amounts to about US$500 per victim. (Note: Dow hereby wishes to retract the 2002 statement of Dow PR Head Kathy Hunt as to US$500 being "plenty good for an Indian." The poor phrasing of this statement has often come back to haunt us.)

(3) Arrested in India following the accident, Andersen posted US$2000 bail and successfully escaped India.

(4) Dow settled Union Carbide's asbestos liabilities in the US, and paid US$10 million to one family poisoned by a Dow pesticide. This is a mark of Dow's corporate responsibility.

                             # 30 #

CEP calls for legislation to protect journalists / Le SCEP appelle à l'adoption d'une loi prot égeant les journalistes

The Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada

From: Lisette Desjardins <>
To: "all.staff", newslist
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 15:40:00 -0500
Cc:Subject: CEP calls for legislation to protect journalists / Le SCEP appelle à l'adoption d'une loi prot égeant les journalistes

CEP calls for legislation to protect journalists
For immediate release          December 2, 2004
Ottawa -- The contempt of court citation of journalist Ken Peters for refusing to reveal the name of a confidential source has led to an "urgent" call for a national shield law to protect the freedom of the press and journalists.
Peter Murdoch, media vice president for the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, which represents more than 20,000 people who work in all segments of the media, described a shield law as "whistleblower legislation" in the defense of an open democracy.
A shield law, says the CEP, would protect the confidentiality of new sources and would have prevented the situation faced by Mr. Peters and his newspaper, the Hamilton Spectator in recent weeks.
"The unanimity with which the Canadian media has condemned the judge's contempt of court citation is in itself an urgent call for swift legislation from government," Mr. Murdoch said. "If this were about the safety of cars or the integrity of the stock exchange, action would be quick and effective. Why would the government feel that the integrity of our media is any less important?
"Journalists protecting sources is an essential ingredient to the critical watchdog role our press and broadcasters play in a democratic society. Anything which undermines that role needs to be reviewed and acted upon by government."
Mr. Murdoch said the 150,000 member CEP will actively lobby for enactment of legislation to protect journalists in the coming weeks and months.
For information:  Peter Murdoch at 905 516-5720
Le SCEP appelle à l'adoption d'une loi protégeant les journalistes
À diffuser immédiatement            Le 2 décembre 2004
Ottawa - La condamnation du journaliste Ken Peters pour outrage au tribunal parce qu'il avait refusé de nommer une source confidentielle a donné lieu à un urgent appel à l'adoption d'une loi nationale protégeant la liberté de la presse et des journalistes.
Peter Murdoch, vice-président - Média du Syndicat canadien des communications, de l'énergie et du papier qui représente plus de 20 000 personnes travaillant dans les différents médias, a décrit cette loi comme étant un moyen d'assurer une protection aux dénonciateurs et dénonciatrices de manière à défendre la démocratie.
Selon le SCEP, s'il existait une loi protégeant la confidentialité des sources de nouvelles, les situations comme celle dans laquelle M. Peters et son journal, le Hamilton Spectator, se sont trouvés ces dernières semaines ne se présenteraient pas.
« L'unanimité avec laquelle les médias du Canada ont condamné l'outrage au tribunal est en elle-même un appel urgent à l'adoption d'une loi dans les plus brefs délais », a indiqué M. Murdoch. « Si l'enjeu était la sécurité des automobiles ou l'intégrité de la bourse, des mesures efficaces seraient prises sans tarder. Pourquoi le gouvernement trouve-t-il que l'intégrité de nos médias est moins importante?
« La protection de leurs sources par les journalistes est indispensable au rôle critique de chien de garde que joue la presse écrite et électronique dans une société démocratique. Tout ce qui compromet ce rôle doit être examiné et rectifié par le gouvernement. »
M. Murdoch a déclaré que le SCEP, qui compte 150 000 membres, fera des pressions politiques intenses au cours des prochaines semaines et des prochains mois pour que soit adoptée une loi protégeant les journalistes.
Renseignements : Peter Murdoch, 905 516-5720
Lisette Desjardins
301 Laurier Ave. West/Ouest
Ottawa, ON K1P 6M6
Tel: (613) 230-5800, ext./poste 257
Fax/télécopie: (613) 230-5801


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Newslist mailing list
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From: Sameer Padania
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 4:08 AM
Subject: [panosradio]

This blog (or online journal) is about all things radio...
May be of interest to you.
Best wishes,
Sameer Padania
Radio Unit - Panos London
9 White Lion Street
London N1 9PD   UK
Tel : +44 (0)20 7239 7630/2 (direct)
Fax : +44 (0)20 7278 0345
e-mail :
yahoo/msn: sameerpadania

Panos Radio
For details of all Panos Radio activities, see:

BBC is looking for radio fans

BBC is looking for radio fans
(Posted November 28, 2004)
Are you a diehard fan of radio? If you, the BBC might want to interview you. The producer of the BBC's A World In Your Ear  asked me to post this -- they're hoping to find a couple of radio lovers/listeners about their favourite shows. They'd play a clip from that show but also would want to know what it means to you.

     If you're willing to help, email and tell her what your favourite radio show is, why you're so obsessed about it or radio in general, what the show means to you, and your phone number in case they want to get back to you.

     And please mention that you found out about it on

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BBC Asian Network's World AIDs Day coverage

Subject: BBC Asian Network's World AIDs Day coverage
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 18:00:12 -0000
From: "Tamasin Ford" <>

If any of you have any time next week, have a look at the BBC Asian Network's website and click on "World AIDs Day"
Some of you may know but a colleague and I have been organising the station's HIV/AIDs awareness campaign.  I've been speaking to British Asians affected AND infected by HIV, while my colleague Gubs has been in Delhi focusing on how and why HIV is spreading through India.  We've had some great feedback from HIV/AIDs charities about our coverage...thought some of you may be interested.  Thank you also to those of you that helped make this happen.
It should be live on the internet on Monday -
Tamasin Ford
Broadcast Journalist
   Epic House, Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 3SH
  Tel:  0116 202 1567
  Mob: 07795 188 353


Resources on the Internet for Business Journalists

Resources on the Internet for Business Journalists
A compilation of links, arranged by topic, to sites that may be
useful to business researchers. Topics include business news
publications, Securities and Exchange Commission filings, the
economy, law and regulation, public records, healthcare,
insurance, and public opinion. Most sites are available for free.
From a journalism professor.
* Business
* Journalism, Commercial
Created by: jp

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Gwich'in join big leagues to bid on pipeline construction
     The N.W.T. Gwich'in are now majority owners of a company capable of constructing the proposed Mackenzie Valley pipeline.

* Anti-spam plan overwhelms sites *

* Anti-spam plan overwhelms sites *
A screensaver targeting spam-related websites appears to have been too successful.
Full story:

Lycos anti-spam screensaver