Friday, December 03, 2004

BBC Asian Network's World AIDs Day coverage

Subject: BBC Asian Network's World AIDs Day coverage
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 18:00:12 -0000
From: "Tamasin Ford" <>

If any of you have any time next week, have a look at the BBC Asian Network's website and click on "World AIDs Day"
Some of you may know but a colleague and I have been organising the station's HIV/AIDs awareness campaign.  I've been speaking to British Asians affected AND infected by HIV, while my colleague Gubs has been in Delhi focusing on how and why HIV is spreading through India.  We've had some great feedback from HIV/AIDs charities about our coverage...thought some of you may be interested.  Thank you also to those of you that helped make this happen.
It should be live on the internet on Monday -
Tamasin Ford
Broadcast Journalist
   Epic House, Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 3SH
  Tel:  0116 202 1567
  Mob: 07795 188 353


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