Monday, November 29, 2004

Call for essays on cultural labor

Details on the format of Social Semiotics submissions are at this link,
although you should in fact email them to Toby Miller at

From: Richard Maxwell

Toby Miller asked me to forward this request for submissions to a special issue of Social Semiotics on the subject of cultural labor.
This is about any dimension of cultural work--so the focus ranges from producer/distributor work to consumers' labor in all areas of culture (art, education, religion, sex, food, media, entertainment, domestic realm, music, policy, filmmaking, etc).  Obviously, this can be focused on individual or collective forms of creative/intellectual work, labor processes, labor movements within cultural industries, theorizations of the place of labor in cultural analysis, etc.  The idea is to foreground this routinely obscured area of cultural life.  Essays can be any length up to 8000 words.  Don't be distracted by the journal title--they actually publish non-semiotic oriented work.

I'm writing to see if you'd be interested in submitting an essay for a special issue of Social Semiotics that I'm editing. The issue is on cultural labor, as broadly defined. Maximum length is 8000 words and due date is beginning of February 2005. Let me know if this of interest.

Details on the format of Social Semiotics submissions are at
this link,
although you should in fact email them to Toby Miller at


Toby Miller
Professor of English, Sociology, and Women's Studies
Director of Program in Film and Visual Culture
University of California, Riverside


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INDIA: Dharmendra supports community radio

Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 00:19:24 +0530
From: Arun Mehta
Subject: [cr-india] Dharmendra supports community radio

Four minutes an hour of advertising? Where does that number come from? Maybe we should try to approach these MPs too, if they are so interested in community radio, to help us get a sensible community radio policy.

Community radio: MPs tune in to Dharmendra funds plea

Posted online: Monday, November 29, 2004 at 0224 hours IST

NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 28: With the Information and Broadcasting Ministry's track record on community radio plummetting, actor-MP Dharmendra's suggestion that MPs should part with their MPLADS money to give the necessary push is likely to come in handy if the dismal statistics is anything to go by.

After envisaging 1,000 community radio stations in the country three years ago, only one, in Tamil Nadu, is in operation-that too was a political decision taken by the previous NDA Government.

Perhaps it was only befitting that BJP MP and actor Dharmendra pointed out that if MPs could part with their MPLADS money-more specifically, if each MP could fund at least two Community Radio Stations-community radio would bloom. Each MP gets Rs 2 crore annually.

As per the admission of the ministry, a total of 60 applications had been received, of which 38 eligible applications had been sent to the other concerned ministries for clearance. Letters of intent had been signed in 26 cases and licence agreements in 10 cases.


Addressing the Parliamentary Consultative Committee attached to the Ministries of Information and Broadcasting, and Culture, I&B Minister Jaipal Reddy said community radio has socio-economic and cultural relevance, as it caters to the information and entertainment needs of small communities and the programmes have local flavour.

Other parliamentary members who attended the meeting, sources said, agreed on the usefulness of community radios, but expressed concern on the funding ability of the community/organisations in the remote rural areas since they are run on a no-profit basis. Also, the restriction of advertisement time-four minutes to an hour leaves little room for generating funds to run the station.


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