Saturday, January 30, 2010

A People's History Of The United States by Howard Zinn (online-full text)

A People's History Of The United States

by Howard Zinn

Presented by History Is A Weapon. A Note and Disclaimer are below.

Return to History Is A Weapon

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

iPhone effect: Urban Word of the Day

January 27: iphone effect

shortly after one person in the group brings out their iphone, the rest follow suit, ultimately ending all conversation and eye contact.

"Hey, what do you want to order for drinks?" "Not sure, let's see what Imbibe Magazine has for their best beer this month." First iphone comes out of the pocket--enter safari search. Next iphone comes out--enter Facebook post. Third iphone makes an entrance -- the iphone effect has arrived.

Will Apple's iPad live up to expectations? - Shaping the Future of the Newspaper Blog

Will Apple's iPad live up to expectations? - Shaping the Future of the Newspaper Blog

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

George Lessard's Biography in French

George Lessard's Biography in French

George Lessard's Biography (in English)

George Lessard's Biography

Contemporary Digital Imagery - A series of workshops for small and medium sized businesses"

Contemporary Digital Imagery - A series of workshops

Friday, January 22, 2010

Super Shamou with Geman voice over

Super Shamu.. Video Clip The only #Inuit Super Hero comic book cover on Flickr -Vince, 7 likes to read books about Super Shamu - YouTube video excerpt of IBC's Peter Tapiti as the original Super Shamu

Ausschnitt aus der Arte Sendung "Zapping International" vom 06.08.2009 über den Eskimo-TV-Superhelden "Super Shamou" - sehr lustig :D

Ausschnitt aus der Arte Sendung "Zapping International" vom 06.08.2009 über den Eskimo-TV-Superhelden "Super Shamou" - sehr lustig :D

Super Shamou with Geman voice over

Super Shamu.. Video Clip The only #Inuit Super Hero comic book cover on Flickr -Vince, 7 likes to read books about Super Shamu - YouTube video excerpt of IBC's Peter Tapiti as the original Super Shamu

Ausschnitt aus der Arte Sendung "Zapping International" vom 06.08.2009 über den Eskimo-TV-Superhelden "Super Shamou" - sehr lustig :D

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why Don't You Leave Me Alone? A Facebook Song

This is for all of us that are tired of endless Facebook apps, invites and people that we never really liked in high school anyways. I'm @UnMarketing on Twitter, I don't ming high school "friends" on there :)


I hear the ding on my laptop
I'm lying here, wondering who is that?
I ponder who you are tonight
Who is texting me, on my phone
The memories come back very slow
Oh I hope its not that dude with the fro
Oh no....

Till then, I was doing fine on my own
I never really cared about u in high school
And now it chills me to the bone
Why dont you leave me alone
Why dont you leave me alone

You know I've never really wanted
To be a pirate, farmer or samuri.. noo
You don't know how much I have hated
People who tell me to join a mafioso
And people who say LOL
Please KMA, DIAF

Back then, I always got by on my own
You were a prick to me in high school
And now send texts to my phone?
Why dont you leave me alone
Why dont you leave me alone

Friday, January 15, 2010

Fox News Primetime Haitian Earthquake Blackout

RT @mediamentor: FoxNews Haitian Earthquake Blackout

on 01/13/2010 O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck coverage totaled less than 7 minutes

[excerpt embedded URLs at the above link]

Media Matters published an interesting study that reveals just how
dismissive Fox News is of professional journalistic standards. On the day
after the devastating earthquake in Haiti, Fox News practically ignored it
on its most watched programs.

While this isn't particularly surprising, at this difficult time it is
definitely disturbing. This is not just another sad disaster on foreign
soil. There were reportedly 40,000 Americans in Haiti at the time of the
earthquake. But even that isn't enough for Fox to take it seriously.

"On January 13, Fox News' three top-rated programs for 2009 — The
O'Reilly Factor, Hannity, and Glenn Beck — devoted a combined total of
less than 7 minutes of coverage to the earthquake in Haiti, instead
choosing to air such things as Beck's hour-long interview with Sarah
Palin, Bill O'Reilly's discussion of Comedy Central host Jon Stewart,
and Sean Hannity's advocacy for Massachusetts candidate Scott Brown's
Senate campaign. By contrast, the content of MSNBC's three top-rated
shows underscored the significance of the Haiti disaster; Countdown,
The Rachel Maddow Show, and Hardball devoted a total of more than two
hours to the earthquake."

Thursday, January 14, 2010

China gives Google the middle finger:

RT @mediamentor: #China gives #Google the middle finger:

Twitter mobilizes efforts to raise aid for Haiti

RT @mediamentor: #Twitter mobilizes efforts to raise aid for #Haiti

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Google Could Be Granted Copyright Immunity In UK Law

Google Could Be Granted Copyright Immunity In UK Law

A proposed amendment to the Digital Economy Bill in the UK exempts search
engines from copyright infringement claims from third parties – Rupert
Murdoch presumably included. The amendment would give Google legal
immunity with which to index News Corp. content, settling that thorny
topic once and for all. However, under the amendment a publisher blocking
search spiders with a robots.txt file would be taken as withholding that
right. [Guardian]

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Google’s New Approach to China

Google's New Approach


Tags: China, Circumvention, Google, Internet Surveillance, Malware.

Google has just announced that there were successful attacks against their
infrastructure resulting in the theft of intellectual property. Google
traced the attacks to China and although the attribution regarding the
Chinese government is unclear, Google also discovered that the attackers
also attempted to compromise the Gmail accounts of Chinese human rights

But the most interesting result was due to the combination of attacks,
surveillance and censorship Google has decided to reassess their
operations in China:

Canada's The "B e a v e r" magazine renamed to end "p o r n" mix-up

AFP: #Canada's The "B e a v e r" mag renamed to end "p o r n" mix-up
#media #publishing #history


OTTAWA — Canada's second-oldest magazine, The "B e a v e r", is changing
its name after 90 years because the title is too often censored by online
"p o r n" filters, preventing it from reaching new online readers.

The Winnipeg-based magazine was launched in 1920 to celebrate the 250th
anniversary of the Hudson's Bay Company and the fur trade that led to the
early exploration of Canada.

But in modern times, the term "B e a v e r" has become slang for women's

"The "B e a v e r" was an impediment online," publisher Deborah Morrison
told AFP.

"Several readers asked us to change the title because their spam filters
at home or at work were blocking it," she said. "I've even had emails
bounce back because I had inadvertently typed the term in the heading."



Information & Media Specialist

Online Business Card:

Home e-mail
Alternate e-mail:
SKYPE: themediamentor
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Photo Illustrations:
Canadian Association of Journalists
Canadian Artists Representation / le Front des artistes canadiennes
Canadian Artists Representation Copyright Collective

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Blogs are Beautiful

Paul Gillin explains the appeal and potential of blogs, the Swiss-Army knife of the Social Media world. Learn why so many people, businesses and organizations are using blogs to reach the world. Paul explains why they are so effective and gives advice on how to create blogs that people will want to read.

Videos courtesy of, a website dedicated to objective, informational videos by widely acknowledged experts. Take a look at

The Secrets of Social Media

Paul Gillin demystifies the world of Social Media. What steps can your organization take to fully leverage sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others? Paul describes a reasonable and methodical approach to keep from being overwhelmed by the available options and applications.

Videos courtesy of, a website dedicated to objective, informational videos by widely acknowledged experts. Take a look at

What's Up With Twitter?

Paul Gillin breaks down the phenomenon known as Twitter. What is it? Why is everyone talking about it? How can you benefit from it? Why should you care? Paul gives an honest and open-minded analysis of what is truly happening with this much-hyped social media application.

Videos courtesy of, a website dedicated to objective, informational videos by widely acknowledged experts. Take a look at

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Global Innovation Commons

What would happen if you were given over $2 trillion? That's right, if
someone walked up to you and gave you $2 trillion. That could never
happen, right?

In fact, that is exactly what has just happened.

While the patent system has been around since the 17th century when it was
developed by nobles in Italy and England, it may surprise you that the
system was designed to benefit you. Patents were supposed to be a public
disclosure to advance science and useful knowledge. If someone shared
sufficient information to teach the public about a novel development or
useful technology, they would have a limited time (about 20 years) to
decide who could use that idea.

There's some bad news and some good news. First, the bad news: For the
past 30 years, patents have been abused. Rather than serving the public's
expansion of knowledge, they've been used as business and legal weapons.
Over 50,000,000 patents covering everything you do have served to keep you
from benefiting in many aspects of your life. Many life-saving treatments
have been kept from the market because they threaten established business
interests. The world's ecosystem has been severely damaged because
efficiencies have been kept from entereing the market.

In the face of all this, however, there is the good news: The thirty year
"cold war" of innovation is over. Today, you now have access to it all. In
the Global Innovation Commons, we have assembled hundreds of thousands of
innovations - most in the form of patents - which are either expired,
no-longer maintained (meaning that the fees to keep the patents in force
have lapsed), disallowed, or unprotected in most, if not all, relevant
markets. This means that, as of right now, you can take a step into a
world full of possibilities, not roadblocks. You want clean water for
China or Sudan - it's in here. You want carbon-free energy - it's in here.
You want food production for Asia or South America - it's in here.

But here's the catch. We're sharing this under a license. The license is
really simple. If you use this information, you must share what you're
doing with everyone else. If you improve upon it, you must share your
improvements with everyone else. And finally, if you use any of this
information, you must reference the "Global Innovation Commons." That's
it. When you take the next step, turn the possibilities into realities.

The Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma

The Dart Center

The Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, a project of the Columbia
University Graduate School of Journalism, is dedicated to informed,
innovative and ethical news reporting on violence, conflict and tragedy.

Whether the topic is street crime, family violence, natural disaster, war
or human rights, effective news reporting on traumatic events demands
knowledge, skill and support. The Dart Center provides journalists around
the world with the resources necessary to meet this challenge, drawing on
a global, interdisciplinary network of news professionals, mental health
experts, educators and researchers.

The Dart Center's website provides timely articles, expert interviews,
journalist-to-journalist advice, tipsheets and other resources. The
website also serves as a multimedia venue for discussion of controversies
and breakthroughs in trauma science, policy and media coverage.

Friday, January 01, 2010

National Lampoon-"Deteriorata" from the LP "Greatest Hits of the National Lampoon" WITH LYRICS!

Many people have words of wisdom and stuff that inspires them. Desiderata is one of them. Deteriorata, its parody, though, is the best I've got! This is off a compilation LP called "Greatest Hits of the National Lampoon" Hey, I've even included the lyrics!