---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tommi Laulajainen
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 12:22:24 -0500
Subject: Foreign reporting conference
Dear all,
On April 12, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF)
Canada is organising a stimulating media event in Toronto - Foreign
Reporting: Media's Challenges and Responsibilities - a
limited-invitation event designed to provoke and inspire
international news coverage. To see the agenda and register online,
go to
The event runs from 12 p.m. until 7 p.m. at the InterContinental
Toronto at 220 Bloor St. W, and includes six stimulating
presentations, a three-course lunch, and is followed by complimentary
cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. Registration fee is $30. All registered
participants will also receive a free copy of the book "The Practical
Guide to Humanitarian Law".
During the afternoon Dr. James Orbinski, former MSF international
president, will speak about MSF's struggle to give medical aid and at
the same time fight for its patients' stories to be heard.
Following Dr. Orbinski, Anna Maria Tremonti, host of The Current, CBC
Radio, and Douglas Struck, Canada bureau chief for the Washington
Post, will talk about how the contemporary media is struggling to get
the story and get the story out in an often physically and
intellectually challenging international climate. Video journalist
Tara Sutton will screen two short documentary films, including her
behind-the-lines story Falluja Forensics. Photographer Roger Lemoyne
will make a powerful multimedia presentation and discusses the
current role of photojournalism in a world drowning in sea of news
images. The afternoon will end with a talk from Dr. Gerald Caplan,
Senior Advisor
to the Office of the UN Special Envoy for HIV and AIDS in Africa on
"The Traps and Tribulations of Covering AIDS in Africa".
Limited space available. Sign up online now!
Tommi Laulajainen
MSF Canada