Tuesday, September 29, 2009

CHINA: Censorship and attacks on journalists in run-up to 1 October anniversary

Reporters Without Borders/Reporters sans frontières

29 September 2009

Censorship and attacks on journalists in run-up to 1 October anniversary

"Government security paranoia in the run-up to the celebration of the 60th
anniversary of the proclamation of the People's Republic of China on 1
October has led to a reinforcement of online censorship and abusive
behaviour towards foreign journalists," Reporters Without Borders said
today. "A case of police brutality towards three foreign journalists was
particularly unacceptable."

The press freedom organisation added: "What the authorities are trying to
portray as a big celebration is turning into a major head-ache for
Internet users and a reporters."

Internet control agencies have redoubled efforts to prevent Internet users
based in China, including foreign residents, from using censorship
circumvention software such as Freegate and virtual private networks
(VPN). Experts have told Reporters Without Borders that tens of thousands
of IP addresses suspected by the authorities of using Freegate and VPNs,
especially those that are free, have been blocked in the past few days.

"The Electronic Great Wall has never been as consolidated as it is now, on
the eve of the 1 October anniversary, proving that the Chinese government
is not so sure of its record," Reporters Without Borders said. The new
restrictions are making it even more difficult to access social-networking
websites such Facebook and Twitter, or YouTube's video-sharing sites,
which have been blocked since July.

China's leaders have made combating separatism one of the watchwords of
the 60th anniversary, and new regulations have just been issued for
combating online separatism in the far-western province of Xinjiang.

A Reporters Without Borders study of Uyghur-language and Xinjiang-based
websites has established that the clampdown imposed during last July's
rioting in the province has not been loosened. Most of the sites that
existed before the unrest are either still inaccessible or their content
has not been updated. Of the 65 sites included in the study, 54 are still
blocked for Internet users in China or abroad.

Even Tianshannet.com, a Xinjiang-based website that was held up by the
authorities as an example of a site that respected the regulations, is no
longer accessible. Xinjiang residents have been cut off from the Internet
for almost three months and Uyghurs are being deprived of all news and
information that is independent of the official media.

Three China-based Mongol websites – Mongol Ger Association
(http://www.mongolger.net/), Mongol People Chat Room (MGLhun), which is
hosted on the Sina.com site (http://www.sina.com.cn/), and Mongolian
People (http://www.mongolhun.com/) – have been rendered inaccessible in
the past few weeks.

The Mongol Ger Association site had become very active in promoting the
Mongol language and had referred to sensitive subjects such as arbitrary
arrests and the right to land access for Mongols. The site's owner,
identified as Sodmongol, was arrested by the Chinese authorities on 13
June. Mongol People Chat Room, which covered politics, culture and the
environment and organised events centred on the rights of Mongols in
China, was closed without prior warning.

The Mongolian People site offered a range of services to Mongols in China,
putting people in touch with each other and organising charity events. The
authorities accused all three sites of conspiring with hostile and
separatist foreign forces – the same grounds that have been cited for
censoring dozens of Tibetan websites and forums

Chinese hackers have meanwhile posted crude messages and xenophobic
slogans on Taiwanese and Australian film festival websites in protest
against the screening of "The 10 Conditions of Love," a documentary about
Uyghur exiled activist Rebiya Kadeer, who is blamed by the Chinese
authorities for stirring up the violence in Xinjiang. The hackers, who did
not hide their affiliation to the Communist Party of China, called on the
festival organisers to apologise to the Chinese people for including the
film in their programmes.

China-based foreign journalists have also been the target of hacker
attacks. Emails containing viruses have been sent to French, American,
Singaporean and Italian correspondents. The Chinese assistants of foreign
reporters have received booby-trapped emails that try to establish a
parallel control over the recipient's computer. At the same time, Chinese
websites based abroad such as Boxun have received very aggressive
distributed denial-of-service attacks DDOS (in which targeted servers are
swamped by simultaneous communication requests).

Police have used violence against foreign journalists trying to cover the
preparations for the 1 October parade. Three journalists employed by the
Japanese news agency Kyodo, for example, were attacked in their hotel room
by plain-clothes men after a parade rehearsal on 18 September. They were
hit about the head and their computers were smashed.

This occurred after the authorities warned more than a dozen of foreign
news media not to film or photograph the preparations. The Foreign
Correspondents' Club of China has asked the foreign ministry to explain
the ban, which is not based on any rule or law.


Censures et bavures à la veille du 1er Octobre

"La paranoïa sécuritaire des autorités à la veille des célébrations du 60e
anniversaire de la proclamation de la République populaire de Chine, a
conduit à un renforcement de la censure sur Internet et à plusieurs
bavures à l'encontre de journalistes étrangers. Le comportement de
policiers à l'encontre de trois journalistes japonais est particulièrement
inacceptable. Ce que le pouvoir souhaite faire passer pour une fête se
transforme en un casse-tête pour les internautes et les reporters", a
affirmé Reporters sans frontières.

Les administrations en charge du contrôle d'Internet ont redoublé
d'efforts pour empêcher les internautes basés en Chine, notamment les
expatriés, d'utiliser des softwares de contournement de la censure, comme
Freegate, et des logiciels VPN. Selon des experts interrogés par
l'organisation, des dizaines de milliers d'adresses IP, soupçonnées par
les autorités d'utiliser Freegate, et des réseaux VPN, notamment ceux qui
sont gratuits, ont été bloquées au cours des derniers jours.

"La Grande muraille électronique n'aura jamais été aussi consolidée
qu'avant les célébrations du 1er octobre, preuve en est que le
gouvernement chinois n'est pas aussi sûr de son bilan", a estimé Reporters
sans frontières. Ces nouvelles restrictions rendent encore plus difficile
l'accès des internautes aux réseaux sociaux Facebook et Twitter et aux
sites YouTube, bloqués depuis juillet dernier.

Alors que les dirigeants chinois font de la lutte contre le séparatisme
l'un des mots d'ordre de ce soixantième anniversaire, une nouvelle
régulation vient d'être promulguée pour lutter contre le séparatisme en
ligne dans la province du Xinjiang. Selon une étude de Reporters sans
frontières sur les sites en ouïghour ou basés au Xinjiang, l'étau ne s'est
toujours pas desserré depuis les émeutes de début juillet 2009. La plupart
des sites existant avant les événements ne sont toujours pas accessibles
ou leur contenu n'est plus actualisé. Sur plus de 65 sites consultés pour
cette étude, 54 sont toujours bloqués pour les internautes chinois ou
depuis l'étranger. Même le site tianshannet.com (basé au Xinjiang),
pourtant salué par les autorités comme un exemple de respect des
régulations, n'est plus accessible. Depuis pratiquement trois mois, les
habitants du Xinjiang sont coupés d'Internet et les Ouïghours sont privés
de toute information indépendante des médias officiels.

Par ailleurs, trois sites mongols basés en Chine ont été bloqués, à
l'approche du 1er octobre. Mongol Ger Association
(http://www.mongolger.net/), Mongol People Chat Room (MGLhun, hebergé sur
la site http://www.sina.com.cn/) et Mongolian People
(http://www.mongolhun.com/) ont été rendus inaccessibles au cours des
derniers jours. Le site Mongol Ger Association était devenu très actif
dans la promotion de la langue mongole, évoquant des sujets sensibles tels
que les détentions arbitraires et le droit d'accéder à la terre pour les
Mongols. Le propriétaire du site, Sodmongol, a été détenu par les
autorités chinoises le 13 juin 2009. Mongol People Chat Room a été fermé
sans avertissement préalable. Il traitait aussi bien de politique, de
culture, d'environnement et organisait des événements sur les droits des
Mongols en Chine. Enfin, le site Mongolian People offrait des services aux
Mongols de Chine, mettant en relation les gens et organisant des actions
de charité. Selon les autorités, ces sites conspirent avec des forces
étrangères hostiles et séparatistes. Ces même motifs ont été évoqués pour
censurer des dizaines de sites et forums tibétains

Par ailleurs, des hackers chinois ont posté des messages vulgaires et des
slogans xénophobes sur les sites de festivals de films taïwanais et
australien pour protester contre la diffusion du documentaire "Les dix
conditions de l'amour" sur l'activiste ouïghoure en exil, Rebiya Kadeer,
accusée par Pékin d'avoir incité à la violence dans le Xinjiang. Les
hackers, qui ne cachent plus leur affiliation au Parti communiste chinois,
demandent que les organisateurs s'excusent auprès des Chinois pour avoir
inclus ce documentaire dans le programme.

Des journalistes étrangers basés en Chine ont également été les cibles
d'attaques informatiques. Des messages électroniques contenant des virus
ont été adressés à des correspondants français, américains, singapouriens
et italiens. Des assistants chinois de reporters étrangers ont également
été visés par ces emails piégés qui visent à prendre un contrôle parallèle
sur l'ordinateur du destinataire. Au même moment, des sites Internet
chinois basés à l'étranger, notamment Boxun, sont victimes d'attaques
D-DOS très violentes (attaque durant laquelle le serveur cible est attaqué
par plusieurs ordinateurs simultanément).

A Pékin, les journalistes étrangers qui ont tenté de couvrir les
préparatifs du défilé du 1er octobre ont été violemment pris à partie par
des policiers. Ainsi, le 18 septembre, trois journalistes de l'agence de
presse japonaise Kyodo ont été agressés dans leur chambre d'hôtel par des
hommes en civil après une répétition de la parade officielle. Des
reporters ont été frappés à la tête et des ordinateurs ont été détruits.
Les autorités ont mis en garde plus d'une quinzaine de médias étrangers de
ne pas filmer ou prendre des clichés des préparatifs. Le Foreign
Correspondents' Club of China (FCCC) a demandé au ministère des Affaires
étrangères de s'expliquer car cette interdiction ne repose sur aucune
règle ou loi.

Vincent Brossel
Asia-Pacific Desk
Reporters Without Borders
33 1 44 83 84 70

Reporters Without Borders

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Social Network Site Privacy:A Comparative Analysis of Six Sites from the Privacy Commissioner of Canada

Social Network Site Privacy: A Comparative Analysis of Six Sites


The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
February 2009
Researched by: Jennifer Barrigar

This report was prepared for the Office of the Privacy Commissioner by
Jennifer Barrigar, a consultant and researcher with experience in both
privacy law and developments in internet technology. It was originally
commissioned in late 2008, and a final report was delivered to the Office
in February 2009.

Social networks frequently make amendments or additions to their privacy
policies and protections. As a result, some of the observations made in
this report may appear outdated or even incorrect. This is certainly the
case with Facebook, one social network that has undertaken successive
rounds of privacy amendments in 2009.

This is not the case with many of the other social networking sites
identified by Ms. Barrigar. They are among the most popular sites with
Canadians, but are largely developed and headquartered outside Canada. As
a result, they offer significantly different levels of privacy protection
for their users. This report identifies areas where these sites need to
improve their policies and take steps to effectively protect the personal
information of their users.

Colin McKay
Director of Research, Education and Outreach

cfp: Chinese Journal of Communication Special Edition

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Radhika Gajjala <cyborgwati@gmail.com>
Date: 2009/9/27
Subject: [Air-L] Chinese Journal of Communication Special Edition Call for
To: aoir list <air-l@aoir.org>

*****Special Issue CJoC 3(4) CFP******

Chinese Journal of Communication

Special Edition

Call for Papers

"Emerging Media and Challenges in Chinese Communities"

Professor Louisa Ha, Bowling Green State University, USA

Submission by January 15, 2010

Launched in 2008 and published by Routledge, Chinese Journal of
Communication (CJoC) is an English language scholarly publication aimed at
elevating Chinese communication studies along theoretical, empirical, and
methodological dimensions. This special issue of the Chinese Journal of
Communication (CJoC) is to address the impact and nature of emerging media
in Chinese communities or comparison with other countries or ethnic
communities. Emerging media is defined as message delivery vehicles
achieving higher utilization among the general population, but has neither
universally accepted technical standards for content transmission and
display, nor established operation models such as revenue sources and
content strategies. Examples of emerging media are digital television,
webcasting, podcasting, cellular phones, IPTV, blogs, social media and
networking sites, etc.

China is at the forefront of emerging media. The number of Internet users
in China is the largest in the world and Chinese consumers are among the
most avid users of media technologies. The adoption of these media can
have significant political, social, and economic implications on Greater
China and present challenges to the current media industry structure
there. The use of the emerging media by overseas Chinese can reconnect
them to the mainland and connect them to the Chinese around the world.

Topics for papers could include, but are by no means limited to:

1. Political, social or economic impact of emerging media on Greater
China and other Chinese communities

2. Public perception of emerging media and their role in politics and
formation of public opinion

3. Comparison of the use of emerging media between Chinese and
non-Chinese markets

4. Comparison of emerging media use in different Chinese markets

5. Business models of emerging media in Chinese markets

6. Market competition and management of emerging media in Chinese markets

7. Comparison of the use of different emerging media by Chinese

8. Policy and regulatory issues on emerging media in Greater China.

9. Online advertising, online games, and Internet search services
development in Greater China

10. Audience measurement of emerging media in Greater China

11. Methodological issues in studying emerging media in Chinese communities

Both quantitative and qualitative approaches to the issue are welcome. We
especially encourage the collaboration of Chinese scholars and non-Chinese
scholars to submit manuscript to this issue to facilitate exchange of
ideas and offer cross-national perspectives on the issue.

Submissions should conform to the editorial guidelines of the Chinese
Journal of Communication to be found at
http://www.informaworld.com/cjoc under "Instructions for Authors."
Papers for consideration in this special edition should be emailed to:

Papers will undergo a double blind peer review process and should be
submitted by January 15, 2010. Informal enquiries are welcome and please
contact the special issue editor for potential topics. Planned publication
date is December 2010.

Chinese Journal of Communication (CJoC) is a refereed journal serving as
an important international platform for students and scholars in Chinese
communication studies to exchange ideas and research results.
Interdisciplinary in scope, it examines subjects in all Chinese societies
in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Singapore, and the global
Chinese diaspora. The journal will be published quarterly beginning 2010.

The CJoC welcomes research articles using social scientific or humanistic
approaches on such topics as mass communication, journalism studies,
telecommunications, rhetoric, cultural studies, media effects, new
communication technologies, organizational communication, interpersonal
communication, advertising and PR, political communication, communications
law and policy, and so on. Articles employing historical and comparative
analysis focused on traditional Chinese culture as well as contemporary
processes such as globalization, deregulation, and democratization are
also welcome.

Published by Routledge, CJoC is institutionally based at the Communication
Research Centre, the School of Journalism and Communication, the Chinese
University of Hong Kong . For more information and submission
instructions, please visit


Radhika Gajjala
Professor of Communication Studies and Cultural Studies
Interim Women's Studies Director 2009-2010
233 Shatzel
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403
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Saturday, September 26, 2009

OpenOffice.org Portable 3.1

OpenOffice.org Portable 3.1

Packing a number of office applications can be an onerous undertaking, but
this portable version of OpenOffice makes this task a bit easier.
Essentially, users can use this open platform program with any storage
device (such as a USB drive) to take their materials wherever they need to
go. This open source office suite includes an email client, an instant
messaging client, a PDF reader, and so on. This version is compatible with
computers running Windows 2000 and newer. [KMG]

via / from / thanks to:

The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout 1994-2009.


Now you can carry your favorite computer programs along with all of your
bookmarks, settings, email and more with you. Use them on any Windows
computer. All without leaving any personal data behind.


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entire platform is open source built around an open format that any
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The PortableApps.com Suite and Platform is free. It contains no spyware.
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Employers grappling with social network use

Employers grappling with social network use



Social networking is on the rise, both on and off the job, leaving
companies uncertain how to monitor their use by employees, reports new

More than 50 percent of companies questioned said they have no policy to
address the use of social networking by employees outside the workplace,
according to a survey released Wednesday by the Society of Corporate
Compliance and Ethics and the Health Care Compliance Association.

Typically, companies shy away from restricting an employee's actions off
the job. But businesses are concerned about employees who use social
networking and reveal private details or post inappropriate pictures that
could embarrass the company.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Reporter’s Guide to Multimedia Proficiency, English & En EspaƱol

Now printable! Reporter's Guide to Multimedia Proficiency


Reporter's Guide to Multimedia Proficiency (PDF; 536 KB)

En español (PDF; 600 KB) — translation by María Elena Brizuela, a
journalist and journalism educator based in Córdoba, Argentina. (Posted
Sept. 8, 2009.)

Posts in this series in HTPL...

* RGMP 1: Read blogs and use RSS
* RGMP 2: Start a blog
* RGMP 3: Buy an audio recorder and learn to use it
* RGMP 4: Start editing audio
* RGMP 5: Listen to podcasts
* RGMP 6: Post an interview (or podcast) on your blog
* RGMP 7: Learn how to shoot decent photos
* RGMP 8: Learn how to crop, tone, and optimize photos
* RGMP 9: Add photos to your blog
* RGMP 10: Learn to use Soundslides
* RGMP 11: Tell a good story with images and sound
* RGMP 12: Learn to shoot video
* RGMP 13: Edit your video with iMovie or Windows Movie Maker
* RGMP 14: Publish your video on your blog

The "blog" of "unnecessary" quotation marks.

For anyone who enjoys the humor of unnecessary quotation marks, and
sharing that humor of "unnecessary" quotation marks.

Facebppk page


Monday, September 21, 2009

Media is a Plural: Just Say Yes Men

Fake NYPost paper online at http://nypost-se.com

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Media is a Plural: Just Say Yes Men
From: "MediaChannel.org" <mediachannel@mail.democracyinaction.org>
Date: Mon, September 21, 2009 12:59


Media is a Plural -- September 21, 2009

Just Say Yes Men
By Rory O'Connor

I've long been a fan for years of the zany duo of performance
artists/political activists known as the Yes Men, ever since their
turn-of-the-century stunt of creating their own "corrected" World Trade
Organization website at GATT.org (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade).
Soon their fake site began to receive real email queries from confused
visitors, including invitations to address various elite groups on behalf
of the WTO. Naturally, and hysterically, the Men responded as if they
actually represented the WTO ? all of which is documented in their very
funny and very pointed 2004 film "The Yes Men."

Now the Men have a new, almost as amusing documentary about to hit movie
screens across America ? "The Yes Men Fix the World," which they
accurately describe as "a screwball true story about two gonzo political
activists who, posing as top executives of giant corporations, lie their
way into big business conferences and pull off the world's most outrageous
pranks. "

But it is in their actual stunts - and not just in their documentation of
them ? that the Yes Men truly excel. Of late they have taken to targeting
the media directly, such as last fall's fake New York Times? which
declared the Iraq War over, Universities to be free, Bike paths expanded ?
and even announced the much-anticipated resignation of NYT Op-Ed apologist
? oops, I mean, columnist - Thomas Friedman.

Now comes their latest effort - this week's stunning "SPECIAL EDITION" New
York Post, trumpeting the headline "WE'RE SCREWED" in large point type.

The Yes Men's latest elaborate media hoax/heist blanketed Manhattan early
Monday morning with a fake "truth-telling tabloid" about climate change
and how it will soon affect New York City ? and the rest of the world?

New Yorkers were met with the appearance of a "special edition" of the
Post highlighting warnings that the city could face "deadly heat waves,
extreme flooding, and other lethal effects of global warming within the
next few decades." The most alarming thing about the spoofy newspaper was
that the news within it came from a spooky - but official - City report.

Distributed by thousands of volunteers throughout New York City, the paper
was created "as a wake-up call to action on climate change" by a coalition
of activists. It appeared just a day before a United Nations summit in
which Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon will attempt to persuade world leaders
to reduce carbon emissions in the lead-up to December's upcoming climate
conference in Copenhagen. (Ban has called the Copenhagen gathering a
"once-in-a-generation opportunity" to halt the global rise in greenhouse
gas emissions "if we are to avoid catastrophic consequences for people and
the planet.")

Although the 32-page Post is a fake, everything in it is true. "This could
be, and should be, a real New York Post," said Yes Man Andy Bichlbaum.
"Climate change is the biggest threat civilization has ever faced, and it
should be in the headlines of every paper, every day until we solve the

The fake Post's cover story reports the real conclusions of a scientific
panel commissioned by the mayor's office to determine the potential
effects of climate change on New York City. (The report, released in
February, received little attention in the real media.) Other articles
described the Pentagon's warnings about global warming; the government's
inadequate response to the crisis ("Congress Cops Out on Climate");
China's alternative energy program ("China's Green Leap Forward Overtakes
U.S."); and how, if the US doesn't quickly pass a strong climate bill, the
crucial Copenhagen climate talks this December could turn out instead to
be a "Flopenhagen."

The paper includes original investigative reporting, such as an article
revealing that Deutsche Bank - which erected a seven-story "carbon
counter" in central Manhattan - not only invests heavily in coal-mining
companies worldwide, but recently entered the business of coal trading
itself. It also displays the world's gloomiest weather page, covering the
next 70 years?rather than just the next 7 days ? and an "Around the World"
section that describes the disproportionate effects of climate change -
such as droughts, floods, famines, water shortages, mass migrations and
conflicts - on the poor. Although they have done little to cause the
problem, developing countries will bear the brunt of its effects.

But all the news in the faux Post isn't bad ? one article ("New York
Fights Back") reports that the Big Apple's carbon emissions are only one
third the national average. There's also a lot of Yes Men-style humor,
including a page of cartoons and a number of pointed but funny ads ? for
sex ("Awesome. No carbon emissions."), tote bags, and even tap water
("Literally comes right out of your faucet!"). A more serious ad promotes
civil disobedience and encourages readers to risk arrest in a planned
global action November 30, just before the conference in Copenhagen.

Scared of the future effects of climate change? Angry at the media's
failures to highlight the problem?? Anxious to do something about it???

Just Say Yes Men!

(Editor's Note: The fake New York Post paper is one of 2500 initiatives
taking place in more than 130 countries, part of the "Global Wake-up Call"
on climate change. For more information, visit www.tcktcktck.org/wakeup or
contact The Yes Men at tabloid@theyesmen.org. To see the New York City
report on climate change click here. Link to video news release:

Comment on this post:

Aviation Safety Network Database of incidents, hijackings and accidents

Aviation Safety Network

Mission Statement

"Providing everyone with a (professional) interest in aviation with
up-to-date, complete and reliable authoritative information on airliner
accidents and safety issues".

Content / scope
The Aviation Safety Network is a private, independent initiative founded
in 1996. On line since January 1996, the Aviation Safety Network covers
accidents and safety issues with regards to airliners, military transport
planes and corporate jets.

The ASN Safety Database contains detailed descriptions of over 10,700
incidents, hijackings and accidents.

Most of the information contained in the Aviation Safety Network site is
based on information from official sources (authorities, safety boards).
Sources used as a basis for the accident database are aircraft production
lists, ICAO Aircraft Accident Digests since 1952, and NTSB, TSB etc.


This section contains photos of aircraft taken before the crash; photos
taken after the actual accident and miscellaneous photos (ARFF, emergency
exits, safety placards).

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Your Google docs: Soon in search results?

September 19, 2009 6:31 PM PDT

Your Google docs: Soon in search results?


Google on Thursday wrote in a blog post
that "in about two weeks, we will be launching a change for published
docs. The change will allow published docs that are linked to from a
public Web site to be crawled and indexed, which means they can appear in
search results you see on Google.com and other search engines...This is a
very exciting change as your published docs linked to from public websites
will reach a much wider audience of people."

"Marie" of Google was quick to note that the crawling for search results
"only applies to docs which you explicitly publish using the 'Publish as
Web page' or 'Publish/embed' option, and which are linked to from a
publicly crawled Web page" (documents for which users choose only to
"allow anyone with the link to view" will not get crawled, she wrote,
adding that users can unpublish documents they wish to remain uncrawled).


Friday, September 18, 2009

"Espresso Book Machine" - Google To Reincarnate Digital Books As Paperbacks

Google To Reincarnate Digital Books As Paperbacks



Google is giving 2 million books in its digital library a chance to be
reincarnated as paperbacks. As part of a deal announced Thursday, Google
is opening up part of its index to the maker of a high-speed publishing
machine that can manufacture a paperback-bound book of about 300 pages in
under five minutes. The new service is an acknowledgment by the Internet
search leader that not everyone wants their books served up on a computer
or an electronic reader like those made by Amazon.com and Sony.


The "Espresso Book Machine"
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Espresso_Book_Machine ] has been around for
several years, but it figures to become a hotter commodity now that it has
access to so many books scanned from some of the world's largest
libraries. And On Demand Books, the Espresso's maker, potentially could
get access to even more hard-to-find books if Google wins court approval
of a class-action settlement giving it the right to sell out-of-print

"This is a seminal event for us," said Dane Neller, On Demand Books' chief
executive, as he oversaw a demonstration of the Espresso Book Machine
Wednesday at Google's Mountain View headquarters.

In the background, some of the books that Google spent the past five years
scanning into a digital format were returning to their paper origins.


- - - - -


What Gutenberg's press did for Europe in the 15th century, digitization
and the Espresso Book Machine®
will do for the world tomorrow.

Library quality paperbacks at low cost, identical to factory made books,
printed direct from digital files for the reader in minutes, serving a
radically decentralized world-wide multilingual marketplace.

Espresso: something made to order, one at a time, at point of sale, quickly.

Our EBM Locations
Video of The Espresso Book Machine 2.0
NEWSFLASH: On Demand Books and Google Sign Agreement

British Newspapers, 1800-1900

British Newspapers, 1800-1900

The British Library has done historians a tremendous service by creating
this extensive and thoroughly engaging collection of British newspapers from
1800 to 1900. The site contains over two million pages of 19th century
newspapers, though it is worth noting that many of them require the payment
of a fee. Visitors can browse complete articles from the "Penny Illustrated
Paper" and "The Graphic" free of charge, and they should also click on the
"Topical Articles" area. This area contains thematic essays on matters such
as the Sepoy Mutiny, the Napoleonic Wars, and the abolition of slavery. Each
essay also includes access to relevant articles from the newspapers of the
day. This area also includes detailed information on how best to use the
search engine in order to locate items of interest. [KMG]

Via The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout 1994-2009.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Creative Commons Publishes Study of “Noncommercial Use”

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Richard Forno <rforno@infowarrior.org>
Date: 2009/9/15
Subject: [Air-L] Creative Commons Publishes Study of "Noncommercial Use"
To: air-l@listserv.aoir.org

Creative Commons Publishes Study of "Noncommercial Use"
Mike Linksvayer, September 14th, 2009
San Francisco, California, USA — September 14, 2009


Creative Commons announces the publication of Defining "Noncommercial": A
Study of How the Online Population Understands "Noncommercial Use." The
report details the results of a research study launched in September 2008
to explore differences between commercial and noncommercial uses of
content found online, as those uses are understood by various communities
and in connection with a wide variety of content. Generous support for the
study was provided by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

The study investigated understandings of noncommercial use and the
Creative Commons "NC" license term through online surveys of content
creators and users in the U.S., open access polls of global "Creative
Commons Friends and Family," interviews with thought leaders, and focus
groups with participants from around the world who create and use a wide
variety of online content and media. The research behind Defining
"Noncommercial" was conducted by Netpop Research, under advisement from
academics and a working group consisting of several Creative Commons
jurisdiction project members as well as Creative Commons staff and board

Creative Commons provides free copyright licenses to creators who want to
grant the public certain permissions to use their works, in advance and
without the need for one-to-one contact between the user and the creator.
"Noncommercial" or "NC" is one of four license terms that creators may
choose to apply to CC-licensed content.

Creative Commons noncommercial licenses preclude use of a work "in any
manner that is primarily intended for or directed toward commercial
advantage or private monetary compensation." The majority of respondents
(87% of creators, 85% of users) replied that the definition was
"essentially the same as" (43% of creators, 42% of users) or "different
from but still compatible with" (44% of creators, 43% of users) theirs.
Only 7% of creators and 11% of users replied that the term was "different
from and incompatible with" their definition.

Other highlights from the study include the rating by content creators and
users of different uses of online content as either "commercial" or
"noncommercial" on a scale of 1-100, where 1 is "definitely noncommercial"
and 100 is "definitely commercial." On this scale, creators and users
(84.6 and 82.6, respectively) both rate uses in connection with online
advertising generally as "commercial." However, more specific use cases
revealed that many interpretations are fact-specific. For example,
creators and users gave the specific use case "not-for-profit organization
uses work on its site, organization makes enough money from ads to cover
hosting costs" ratings of 59.2 and 71.7, respectively.

On the same scale, creators and users (89.4 and 91.7, respectively) both
rate uses in which money is made as being commercial, yet again those
ratings are lower in use cases specifying cost recovery or use by
not-for-profits. Finally, both groups rate "personal or private" use as
noncommercial, though creators did so less strongly than users (24.3 and
16.0, respectively, on the same scale).

In open access polls, CC's global network of "friends and family" rate
some uses differently from the U.S. online population—although direct
empirical comparisons may not be drawn from these data. For example,
creators and users in these polls rate uses by not-for-profit
organizations with advertisements as a means of cost recovery at 35.7 and
40.3, respectively—somewhat more noncommercial. They also rate "personal
or private" use as strongly noncommercial—8.2 and 7.8, respectively—again
on a scale of 1-100 where 1 is "definitely noncommercial" and 100 is
"definitely commercial."

"As more people have begun to make, share, and use content online, the
question of what constitutes a 'commercial use' versus a 'noncommercial
use' has become increasingly important to understand," said Josh Crandall,
President of Netpop Research. "With this study, we were particularly
interested to see that—contrary to what many might believe—there is little
variation between creators and users in the perceived 'commerciality' of
particular uses of copyrighted content. Furthermore, where they do differ,
users tend to have a more conservative outlook than creators. This study
provides useful data and perspectives—from both members of the general
public and people who work closely in the world of copyright—that can help
people begin to think more clearly about the issue."

The study report and its associated data are available at
http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Defining_Noncommercial, where members of
the public can contribute feedback about the report. Defining
"Noncommercial" is published under a Creative Commons Attribution license,
and the research data is available under a CC0 public domain waiver.

"We're excited that the results of this important project will be
available for all kinds of uses—including commercial use—by anyone," said
Joi Ito, CEO of Creative Commons. "We encourage researchers and our
community to use what we've done and expand this investigation further,
building upon the data we collected and incorporating more perspectives
from Creative Commons adopters worldwide."

In the next years, possibly as soon as 2010, Creative Commons expects to
formally launch a multi-year, international process for producing the next
version (4.0) of the six main Creative Commons licenses. This process will
include examination of whether the noncommercial definition included in
licenses with the NC term should be modified or if other means of
clarifying noncommercial use under the CC licenses should be pursued. The
results of Defining "Noncommercial" and subsequent research will be an
important thread informing this process.

About Creative Commons

Creative Commons is a not-for-profit organization, founded in 2001, that
promotes the creative re-use of intellectual and artistic works, whether
owned or in the public domain. Through its free copyright licenses,
Creative Commons offers authors, artists, scientists, and educators the
choice of a flexible range of protections and freedoms that build upon the
"all rights reserved" concept of traditional copyright to enable a
voluntary "some rights reserved" approach. Creative Commons was built with
and is sustained by the generous support of organizations including the
Center for the Public Domain, Google, the John D. and Catherine T.
MacArthur Foundation, the Mozilla Foundation, Omidyar Network, Red Hat,
and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, as well as members of the
public. For more information about supporting Creative Commons, please
contact development@creativecommons.org.

About Netpop Research, LLC

Netpop Research, LLC is a San Francisco-based strategic market research
firm that specializes in online media, digital entertainment and
user-generated content trends. Netpop Research has fielded numerous
studies for major profit and nonprofit entities, and is the creator of the
Netpop tracking study of Internet usage among broadband consumers in the
United States and China.


Mike Linksvayer
Vice President
Creative Commons
+1 415 369 8480

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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rise of the Professional Blogger & increasingly mythical - pajama-wearing classes.

The Rise of the Professional Blogger
by Benjamin Carlson
The Atlantic
September 11, 2009


In a recent essay in the New York Review of Books,
Michael Massing articulates a point made so often about
the Web that it's nearly catechismal. Blogs, he says,
have torn down the power structure of old media.
"Decentralization and democratization" are the law of
the land, offering "a podium to Americans of all ages
and backgrounds to contribute." This is a notion that
bloggers and web gurus have been touting for years. In
his 2006 book, An Army of Davids, for example,
"Instapundit" blogger Glenn Reynolds argued that
"markets and technology" empowered "ordinary people to
beat big media." And this June, internet sage Clay
Shirky assured an audience at a TED event that the old
model, where "professionals broadcast messages to
amateurs," is "slipping away."

But is this really true? Among some of the biggest
bloggers, this notion is increasingly seen as suspect.
In early July, Laura McKenna, a widely respected and
longtime blogger, argued on her site, 11D, that blogging
has perceptibly changed over the six years she's been at
it. Many of blogging's heavy hitters, she observed, have
ended up "absorbed into some other professional
enterprise." Meanwhile, newer or lesser-known bloggers
aren't getting the kind of links and attention they used
to, which means that "good stuff" is no longer "bubbling
to the top." Her post prompted a couple of the medium's
most legendary, best-established hands to react: Matthew
Yglesias (formerly of The Atlantic, now of
ThinkProgress), confirmed that blogging has indeed
become "institutionalized," and Ezra Klein (formerly of
The American Prospect, now of The Washington Post)
concurred, "The place has professionalized." Almost
everyone weighing in agreed that blogging has become
more corporate, more ossified, and increasingly
indistinguishable from the mainstream media. Even Glenn
Reynolds had a slight change of heart, admitting in a
June interview that the David-and-Goliath dynamic is
eroding as blogs have become "more big-media-ish." All
this has led Matthew Hindman, author of The Myth of
Digital Democracy, to declare that "The era when
political comment on the Web is dominated by solo
bloggers writing for free is gone."


Blogging, then, seems to be an industry on the cusp of
maturity. Nick Carr compares its evolution to that of
ham radio in the early twentieth century. Out of the
amateur hubbub emerged self-made stars, who were then
hired by fledgling networks that eventually grew into
CBS, NBC and ABC. In much the same way, blogging
celebrities have been snatched up by old and new
conglomerates, while a sudden heart attack in the old-
media world has put commercial blogging enterprises into
a startlingly advantageous position. To wit, in the
midst of a major downturn in advertising profits across
most media, revenue to Gawker's network of eight blogs
jumped 45% in the first half of this year.

Clearly, a new establishment is taking shape. It seems
ever more likely that the next media kingpins will come
from the proverbial - and increasingly mythical -
pajama-wearing classes.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Call For Submissions / New Adventures in Sound Art / HOME - Deep Wireless, Sound Travels & SOUNDplay Festivals

Call For Submissions / New Adventures in Sound Art / HOME - Deep Wireless,
Sound Travels & SOUNDplay Festivals / Toronto, ON / Deadline Date:
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New Adventures in Sound Art invites artists of all ages and nationalities
to submit works on the theme HOME for consideration in 2010 future
programming for the annual Deep Wireless, Sound Travels, and SOUNDplay
festivals, produced by New Adventures in Sound Art in Toronto, Canada.

Artists may submit works in one or all of the following four categories:
1) Radio Art,
2) Electroacoustic Music & Sound Art,
3) Videomusic and
4) Installation Art (Note: please send separate submission forms for each

Individual interpretations or variations on the theme HOME are encouraged,
but should be realized with sound as the primary component.

All submitted works must respond in some way to the theme HOME in order to
be considered for 2010 NAISA programming.

1) Radio Art (for Deep Wireless)
The Radio Art category is for works conceived for radio or that use radio
and other wireless technology in their creation and that play with the
medium. Works submitted to this category must be less than 60 minutes in
duration. Special consideration will be given to 1 minute radio art pieces
for broadcast as well as 1 page proposals for collaboration on translocal
broadcast performances.

Pieces will be selected for broadcast within Canada and on several
international radio stations in May 2010 as part of the Deep Wireless
Festival of Radio and Transmission Art.

Both Canadian and International radio art submissions will be considered
for inclusion in the following:

-The Deep Wireless 7 radio art compilation CD
-The Radio Art Interventions (1 minute pieces played guerilla-style on
radio stations during the Deep Wireless festival)
-The Radio Art Salon - a listening gallery of radio art works exhibited
for the month of May.

2) Electroacoustic Music & Sound Art (for Sound Travels)
The Electroacoustic Music & Sound Art category is for multi-channel and
stereo works less than 20 minutes in duration and conceived for concert
performance or presentation in the Sound Travels festival of sound art.
Preferred formats for performance presentation include 5.1, octaphonic, 12
and 16-channel formats in both acousmatic (tape), live and mixed formats.
Please indicate in the notes the intended format of presentation and any
required instrumentation or specialized equipment.

3) Videomusic (for SOUNDplay)
The Videomusic category is for works that explores non-narrative
abstraction with equal emphasis on sound and image. Submitted works will
be considered for video screenings with either stereo or multi-channel
playback. Submitted works will be considered for screenings in either a
performance venue or a small-size gallery alongside other works selected
from this call for submissions.

4) Installation Art (for Deep Wireless, Sound Travels or SOUNDplay)
Installation proposals of previously realized works for site-specific and
gallery installations with no fixed duration will be considered for
presentation as part of Deep Wireless, Sound Travels or SOUNDplay.
Site-specific works can be for indoor or outdoor locations. Works can use
multichannel or single channel playback and may incorporate any number of
media, but must feature original sound as a primary element. Preference
will be given to small to medium scale interactive works that appeal to
all ages. Please attach a list of the necessary equipment required to
mount the installation and which of these items can be supplied by the
artist. Submissions should include audio, video or audio-video
documentation of previously realized versions of the work.

Submission Guidelines

Please submit a completed submission form (in digital format if possible)
along with the proposed works on CD or DVD.

For multichannel works, please include a stereo reduction for reference
purposes only. For video works, please include a DVD copy for reference
only. Screening and multi-channel masters will be requested later if the
work is to be programmed. For installation works or performance proposals,
please attach a list of required equipment with indications of equipment
that can be supplied by the artist.

Materials will not be returned. Please don't send original copies.

Submissions must be postmarked no later than September 30, 2009 and mailed
to: New Adventures in Sound Art
601 Christie Street #252
Toronto ON M6G 4C7

Visit http://www.naisa.ca for more information.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Web-tracking tool provides datasets of web-browsing activities for researchers

Web-tracking tool provides datasets of web-browsing activities for


A group at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab has
launched a new project, eyebrowse <http://eyebrowse.csail.mit.edu/>, which
allows you to record, visualize and share your web browsing history in

Eyebrowse is a Firefox plug-in that records visits to websites that you
choose to track on an individual basis. Your data is presented on your
eyebrowse profile in the form of interesting and insightful visualizations,
allowing you to gain personal and social insights and catch a glimpse of what
Google knows about

Currently, most web browsing data is collected by search engine companies
(Google, Microsoft, Alexa…), which is hardly available for public domain
research. Eyebrowse seeks to fill this gap by providing a public repository
of web trails. By making this data available, we hope to support the
creation of open public services that analyze and report major trends on the
web, services that support personalization of the web through collaborative
filtering and other crowd-sourcing techniques, and other as-yet unimagined
services that require a mass of data about the world's interaction with the

Check out some real <http://eyebrowse.csail.mit.edu/profile/emax/>
profiles <http://eyebrowse.csail.mit.edu/users/> and our page
stats<http://eyebrowse.csail.mit.edu/search/>graphs, which are
accessible from any page via the plug-in

Eyebrowse is an open source project
hosted<http://code.google.com/p/list-it/>on Google Code implemented
using Django, Javascript and HTML5. It is
actively seeking users for feedback and beta testing.

happy surfing!
eyebrowse team

Sunday, September 06, 2009

UbuWeb ... great audio files & more... it's the polar opposite of MySpace


Via http://www.ubu.com/

What is your philosophy?
See our manifesto.
[Version française]
[Versione Italiana]



Produced by The Poetry Foundation http://poetryfoundation.org/ , UbuWeb is
pleased to announce the latest in its podcast series, focusing on a dozen
of Ubu's hidden treasures, highlighting audio works that you really should
know about about but most likely don't. With this podcast, we kick off a
series focusing on the sounds of different regions. Here the focus is on
the very rich scene emerging out of Los Angeles. Blending genres such as
punk rock, visual art, performance art, experimental music and innovative
poetry, we focus mostly on the late 1970s. Featured here are Chris Burden,
Paul McCarthy, The Kipper Kids, Mike Kelley with Sonic Youth, John
Baldessari, David Antin, Eleanor Antin, the Los Angeles Free Music
Society, and Benjamin Weismann. You can subscribe to our podcast here.


Frequently Asked Questions



1. When did UbuWeb Start?
2. How is UbuWeb funded?
3. Can I get involved?
4. Can I use something posted on UbuWeb on my site, in a paper, in a
project, etc.
5. How do I purchase something from your site?
6. What is your policy concerning posting copyrighted material?
7. How do I download MP3s?
8. I only have RealPlayer. How come you mostly have MP3s?
9. Are you affiliated with a university?
10. Why are your pages in English? / Why are your pages not in English?
11. Who are you?
12. Where are you located?
13. Why don't you respond to my emails?
14. I'm interested in advertising on UbuWeb. How do I go about this?
15. Why isn't new content posted every day?
16. I'd like to receive notices of UbuWeb updates. How do I do this?
17. Do you have an UbuWeb listserve?
18. What system do you design UbuWeb on? What browser is UbuWeb optimized
19. What is your philosophy?
20. Why is there no Alfred Jarry on UbuWeb?
21. What happened to the image of the nude woman at the top of the Artist
Index page?
22. Why won't you look at my MySpace page?
Why won't you look at my MySpace page?
It's ugly, crowded, filled with ads, blares music at you, and nine times
out of ten, crashes our browser. Really, it's the polar opposite of
UbuWeb. Just as in meatspace there are certain streets you never walk
down, so in cyberspace, we assidiously avoid the MySpace mall. No ifs ands
or buts. Sorry.

When did UbuWeb Start?
UbuWeb was founded in November of 1996, initially as a repository for
visual, concrete and, later, sound poetry. Over the years, UbuWeb has
embraced all forms of the avant-garde and beyond. Its parameters continue
to expand in all directions.


I'm interested in advertising on UbuWeb. How do I go about this?
You don't. UbuWeb is completely commercial-free and it will always stay
that way.

Why isn't new content posted every day?
UbuWeb is an archive, not a blog. It has accumulated slowly and steadily
and shall continue to far into the future.

I'd like to receive notices of UbuWeb updates. How do I do this?
UbuWeb refuses to advertise or promote itself. Most of all, we detest the
idea of filling inboxes with more unwanted material. A few times a year,
we post our updates to select mailing lists; that's what they're for,
aren't they? For UbuWeb updates, best to just keep checking back on the
homepage, where notices of all new content appears.


What is your philosophy?
See our manifesto.
[Version française]
[Versione Italiana]



Concrete poetry's utopian pan-internationalist bent was clearly
articulated by Max Bense in 1965 when he stated, "…concrete poetry does
not separate languages; it unites them; it combines them. It is this part
of its linguistic intention that makes concrete poetry the first
international poetical movement." Its ideogrammatic self-contained,
exportable, universally accessible content mirrors the utopian
pan-linguistic dreams of cross-platform efforts on today's Internet;
Adobe's PDF (portable document format) and Sun System's Java programming
language each strive for similarly universal comprehension. The pioneers
of concrete poetry could only dream of the now-standard tools used to make
language move and morph, stream and scream, distributed worldwide
instantaneously at little cost.

Essentially a gift economy, poetry is the perfect space to practice
utopian politics. Freed from profit-making constraints or cumbersome
fabrication considerations, information can literally "be free": on
UbuWeb, we give it away and have been doing so since 1996. We publish in
full color for pennies. We receive submissions Monday morning and publish
them Monday afternoon. UbuWeb's work never goes "out of print." UbuWeb is
a never-ending work in progress: many hands are continually building it on
many platforms.


China Google boss departure reignites debate over censorship

China Google boss departure reignites debate over censorship
They were never going to be the easiest of bedfellows. When Google, the
modern face of Western freedom, first decided to launch a censored version
of its search engine inside communist China, civil liberties campaigners
were appalled.



That was in 2006. Yesterday the sudden and unexpected resignation of
Kai-Fu Lee, the head of Google China, reignited the debate about how a
business model built on providing unfettered access to information can
possibly thrive in a regime that thrives on control - and whether it
should try to.

Mr Lee, 47, who was born in Taiwan but educated in the US, is seen in
China as an Alan Sugar-type business celebrity - and after four years at
the helm was said yesterday to be leaving to start a venture capital fund
to help young Chinese entrepreneurs start new web-based businesses.

But his surprise departure from a high-flying role in one of the world's
most influential companies has led inevitably to new questions about the
tensions between Google and China's communist leadership.

It follows 12 months in which Google China, despite its decision to accept
restrictions on its search engine to conform with communist censorship,
has come under increasingly hostile fire from the Beijing government.

The company denied that Mr Lee's departure was a sign of anything other
than his desire to embark on something new. But on his blog he wrote that
he wanted to be "actively involved in the work and to have full control
over it" - a hint, some suspect, that he did not feel completely in charge
of events.

Mathew McDougall, the chief executive of SinoTech Group, China's largest
independent digital marketing agency, told The Sunday Telegraph: "He seems
like a guy who tried very hard and in the end got frustrated in the role.

"Since he arrived at Google he's had a difficult job - and myriad bad
publicity in the last quarter. None of that has made his life easier and
it looks as if he's gone off to do something for himself that is free of
the constraints that come with trying to do business in the Chinese
internet market."

In January, three years after Google China (Google.cn) was launched,
Beijing authorities fired a warning shot.

As part of an initiative "to purify the internet's cultural environment"
the government accused the search engine of failing to use effective
measures to block searches for "vulgar, pornographic sites".

In June, state censors went further, announcing "punitive measures" over
the same concern, and blocking all access to the site for several hours. A
spokesman for the Chinese foreign ministry accused the search engine of
spreading "large amounts of vulgar content that is lascivious and
pornographic, seriously violating China's relevant laws and regulations".

Google, which had been careful to heavily self-censor during the 20th
anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre a few weeks earlier,
swallowed the ticking off.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

TRAILER: Michael Moore's 'Capitalism: A Love Story' - OPENS NATIONWIDE OCTOBER 2nd!

'CAPITALISM: A LOVE STORY' - In Theaters October 2nd

"It's a crime story. But it's also a war story about class warfare. And a vampire movie, with the upper 1 percent feeding off the rest of us. And, of course, it's also a love story. Only it's about an abusive relationship.

"It's not about an individual, like Roger Smith, or a corporation, or even an issue, like health care. This is the big enchilada. This is about the thing that dominates all our lives — the economy. I made this movie as if it was going to be the last movie I was allowed to make.

"It's a comedy." — Michael Moore

Check back for updates at http://www.michaelmoore.com

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Learn From Rogue Tweeters...

Learn From Rogue Tweeters:
7 Steps to Promoting Your Organization in Twitter
By Lisa Gualtieri, Editor-in-Chief, eLearn Magazine



1. Try Twitter to learn about it. Follow Mark's lead at NIOSH and try
Twitter for yourself. Forrester Research CEO George Colony agrees: "You
can't understand Twitter, Facebook, or blogging by reading an article in a
magazine [even here]… you won't be able to truly understand how they could
change your business unless you actually use them."

2. Become a bit of a rogue. Forget policies and guidelines and instead
bring to your own Twitter use the initiative and conscientiousness that
Mark brings to his.

3. Commit the time required to tweet regularly. David Armano blogged for
Harvard Business Review that the "economics of using social media in
business requires the participation of people to fuel it. It is not simply
enabled by technology that maintains itself." Mark's production and
sustained use is undoubtedly greater if his Twitter time is considered
part of his job.

4. Tweet about information that is relevant and timely to attract and
retain followers. Good tweets come from multiple sources and it takes
diligence to locate them. Setting Google Alerts can help. Have a topic mix
that appeals to your current and desired constituency; topical articles
are much more likely to be retweeted than what you ate for lunch!

5. Pace your tweets. Tweet too often, and you'll lose followers. Tweet too
infrequently and risk being overlooked. Mark's experience is that multiple
times each day works. Also be sensitive to when your potential and
existing followers are online.

6. Use other channels to get more followers. Promote your Twitter
participation widely.

7. Consider how Twitter fits into your overall social media strategy.
Exploit Twitter's unique capabilities; Mark could follow the lesson of
many businesses that monitor customer reactions on Twitter to identify
safety topics that NIOSH doesn't currently address. Finally, Twitter, like
other social media, is constantly evolving, so adapt with it.