Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Super Shamou, Inuk Hero!

Originally uploaded by The MediaMentor.
Base of Operations : Canadian north

First Appearance :Super Shamou (Inuit Broadcasting Corporation, 1980s)

Powers/Abilities : Flight. Other powers unknown

History : Super Shamou is an Inuk (Eskimo) super hero. He protects the wilderness of Canada, looking out for unwary travellers who fall foul of the unforgiving conditions, and children in particular. As well as rescuing such individuals, he also makes sure to teach them some realities of life in the North.

Comments : Super Shamou is the world's first Inuk (Eskimo) super hero. He was created by Barney Pattunguyak and Peter Tapatai © Inuit Broadcasting Corporation. This comic was drawn by Nick Burns and the translations were done by Micah Lightstone.

If you are interested in finding out more about this character, you can order his comic book in English, French and Inuktitut by contacting:

Inuit Broadcasting Corporation, 251 Laurier Avenue West # 703, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1P 5J6, or Calling1-800-267-8327.


Originally uploaded by The MediaMentor.

SUPER SHAMOU - Inuk super hero descends on Ottawa

Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 16:34:56 -0500

From: Galerie SAW Gallery
Date: Tue Jan 25, 2005 5:11:31 PM US/Eastern

La version française suivra.

Galerie SAW Gallery Media Release


EXHIBITION: The Winter Life
ARTISTS: Joelle Ciona (Vancouver), Eryn Foster (Halifax), Barney
Pattunguyak (Baker Lake), Liss Platt (Hamilton) + Laura Splan (San
CURATORIAL THINK TANK: Darsha Hewitt, Stefan St-Laurent, Ryan Stec,
Ming Tiampo + Tam-Ca Vo-Van
DATES: February 3 - March 19, 2005
OPENING: Thursday, February 3 from 8PM to 1AM. World premiere of
Remix 2004 at 10PM followed by an audio performance by Pho. Free
admission and cash bar.
PERFORMANCE: Puck Paintings by Liss Platt, Saturday, February 5 from
12PM to 2PM, on the Rideau Canal at Patterson Creek. Presented in
collaboration with Winterlude. Free admission. Audience participation
is encouraged.

A common metaphor in many of the world's most celebrated novels,
winter has not been ignored by visual artists, who often relate their
own dark experiences through a cold, foggy lense. Indeed, it could be
said that there is no better circumstance than to put a subject in
the alienating landscape of winter, where everything that we know is
lightly covered by an enormous blanket of snow or ice. More
interestingly, we try to fool ourselves into believing that this
season is not that bad - cold weather, expensive heating, limited
access - by using coping devices that create physical and
psychological barriers. We half-believe that we can have a superhuman
control over the Earth's elements.


Barney Pattunguyak imagines the world's first Inuk superhero, Super
Shamou, who protects the Canadian wilderness and teaches children the
harsh realities of life in the Artic. Certainly a spoof of Superman -
that perfectly Caucasian male who seduces more than he saves - Super
Shamou looks and acts just like a regular Inuk Joe who happens to
fly. Although the flying scenes are a little unconvincing, due to
limited resources and to video's capabilities at the time, we are
more enraptured by the context than we are by Shamou's special
powers. In fact, he is a sort of antihero created by the autonomous
Inuit Broadcasting Corporation. Founded in 1981, the IBC was formed
in direct response to the proliferation of southern televisual images
being disseminated to the North, threatening a culture that was
already impacted by trade and religion. What a better way to counter
America's rapidly expanding Capitalist regime than to produce
Superman's cultural nemesis? Pattunguyak's tape will premiere in its
new, restored version during the exhibition.


REMIX 2004. CURATORS: Anne Clarke + Ryan Stec. ARTISTS: Tony
Asimakopoulos (Ottawa), Kerry Campbell (Ottawa), Lee Demarbre
(Ottawa), Adad Hannah (Montréal), Donna James (Ottawa), laura jeanne
lefave (Gatineau / Montréal), Jenny Lin (Montréal), Liss Platt
(Hamilton), Frank Shebageget (Ottawa), Dan Sokolowski (Ottawa) +
Susan Terrill (Ottawa / Los Angeles).

Galerie SAW Gallery, 67 Nicholas Street, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA K1N 7B9
T: 613.236.6181
Hours of operation: Tuesday to Saturday, 11AM to 6PM

For more information, to book interviews with the artists or to
receive a media kit, please contact Erin Kelly at 613.236.6181 or at

Galerie SAW Gallery acknowledges the support of its members, the
Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council, the City of
Ottawa and Canadian Heritage. Special thanks to the Winterlude
festival, co-presenter of THE WINTER LIFE, and sponsors Available
Light Screening Collective, Inuit Broadcasting Corporation, Oboro,
SAW Video, imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival, Bridgehead
Coffeehouse + Steam Whistle Brewing.



EXPOSITION : La vie d'hiver
ARTISTES : Joelle Ciona (Vancouver), Eryn Foster (Halifax), Barney
Pattunguyak (Baker Lake), Liss Platt (Hamilton) + Laura Splan (San
COMITÉ D'EXPOSITION : Darsha Hewitt, Stefan St-Laurent, Ryan Stec,
Ming Tiampo + Tam-Ca Vo-Van
DATES : du 3 février au 19 mars 2005
VERNISSAGE : le jeudi 3 février, de 20 h à 1 h. Première
internationale de Remix 2004 à 22 h et une performance audio de Pho.
Entrée libre et bar payant.
PERFORMANCE : Puck Paintings de Liss Platt, le samedi 5 février, de
12 h à 14 h, sur le canal Rideau. Présentée en collaboration avec le
festival Bal de neige. Entrée libre. Les spectateurs sont invités à
participer à cette performance.

L'hiver est une métaphore répandue dans plusieurs romans importants à
travers le monde, et les artistes visuels ne l'ont pas négligée : ils
et elles témoignent souvent de leurs expériences difficiles sous une
perspective glacée et brumeuse. En effet, l'on pourrait affirmer
qu'il n'existe pas de meilleure situation que de placer un sujet dans
un paysage d'hiver aliénant, lorsque tous les éléments familiers sont
recouverts d'un énorme manteau de neige ou de glace. Il est
intéressant de constater à quel point nous essayons de nous leurrer
en croyant que cette saison n'est pas si mal - avec ses températures
froides, le coût élevé du chauffage, l'accès limité -, en ayant
recours à des mécanismes d'adaptation qui créent des barrières
physiques et psychologiques. Nous sommes presque convaincus d'exercer
un contrôle surhumain sur les éléments terrestres.


Barney Pattunguyak a créé Super Shamou, le premier superhéros inuk au
monde, qui protège les grands espaces canadiens et apprend aux
enfants les dures réalités de la vie arctique. Assurément une parodie
de Superman - ce mâle type de race blanche qui séduit bien plus qu'il
ne sauve - Super Shamou a l'apparence et le comportement d'un Inuk
tout à fait ordinaireŠ capable de voler. Même si les scènes de vol
sont peu convaincantes en raison des ressources limitées et des
possibilités de la vidéo à l'époque, c'est le contexte qui nous
charme, plus que les pouvoirs spéciaux de Shamou. En fait, ce genre
d'antihéros a été créé par une compagnie indépendante, la Inuit
Broadcasting Corporation. Fondée en 1981, la IBC a été mise sur pied
en réaction directe contre la prolifération d'images télévisuelles en
provenance du Sud et diffusées dans le Nord, une menace pour une
culture déjà atteinte par le commerce et la religion. Existe-t-il un
meilleur moyen de contrer l'expansion rapide du régime capitaliste
américain que de produire la némésis culturelle de Superman? Cette
exposition coïncide avec la première de la nouvelle version restaurée
de la bande de Pattunguyak, grâce au talent de l'équipe du festival
de film et vidéo imagiNative de Toronto.


- Stefan St-Laurent + Tam-Ca Vo-Van (traduction : Denis Lessard)

REMIX 2004. COMMISSAIRES : Anne Clarke + Ryan Stec. ARTISTES : Tony
Asimakopoulos (Ottawa), Kerry Campbell (Ottawa), Lee Demarbre
(Ottawa), Adad Hannah (Montréal), Donna James (Ottawa), laura jeanne
lefave (Gatineau / Montréal), Jenny Lin (Montréal), Liss Platt
(Hamilton) + Frank Shebageget (Ottawa), Dan Sokolowski (Ottawa) +
Susan Terrill (Ottawa / Los Angeles).

Galerie SAW Gallery 67, rue Nicholas, Ottawa (Ontario), CANADA K1N 7B9
T: 613.236.6181
Heures d'ouverture: du jeudi au samedi, de 11 h à 18 h

Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, pour réserver des
interviews avec les artistes participants ou pour recevoir un dossier
de presse, veuillez contacter Stefan St-Laurent ou Tam-Ca Vo-Van au
(613) 236-6181 ou à

La Galerie SAW Gallery remercie ses membres, le Conseil des Arts du
Canada, le Conseil des arts de l'Ontario, la Ville d'Ottawa et
Patrimoine canadien de leur appui. Merci également au festival Bal de
neige, co-présentateur de LA VIE D'HIVER, et aux commanditaires
Available Light Screening Collective, Inuit Broadcasting Corporation,
Oboro, SAW Video, imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival,
Bridgehead Coffeehouse + Steam Whistle Brewing.



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Via / By / Excerpted / From / Tip from / Thanks to:

Melanie Legault

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"We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are."
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CBC "Definitely Not The Opera" Contest

From: Magnus Thyvold <>
Subject: CBC DNTO Contest

Hey All!
CBC's DNTO has a contest that might be of interest to Canadian DJ's hoping for a chance to ply their trade at the Mother Corp.
They have asked me to pass along the attached PSA which is pretty self explanatory. There's an audio version as well at

Post the PSA at the station, play on air or whatever you think. Programmers will probably be interested.

TAKE ME HOME : DNTO's brand new contest
EXPIRES FEB 8, 2005.
Whatís even more fun than listening to the radio? Being on the radio. And thatís just where you might end up if you enter Definitely Not The Operaís new contest. Itís called Take Me Home.
Last year, Nora Daisy Fannin won and got to co-host 4 freakin' hours of radio along with DNTO's regular host Sook-Yin Lee. She spent the time showing us around her hometown of Cobalt, Ontario.
Whoever wins the contest this year will get to take DNTO to their hometown too!
Whatís that I hear? Is it all of you asking How can I enter this Take Me Home Contest?  Well, perk up your ears and grab a pen to write all this down.
 Here ís what you have to do to win. Send DNTO a tape or cd of you talking about what your plan for your show is, so they can tell what you sound like on-air. Write a paragraph about where you want to take Sook-Yin and DNTO's listeners while you're on the show.  Send us a playlist of the tunes you'll spin and tell DNTO why you like'em!
The final step is to put all that stuff in an envelope and send it to us at this address: Definitely Not the Opera, Take Me Home Contest, P.O. Box 160, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 2H1.
So get cracking buckaroos, the deadline for entries is Feb 8, 2005, and if you win DNTO and Sook-Yin Lee will be coming to your hometown.  If you need a bit more information head to our website then click on the link to Take Me Home.


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Via / By / Excerpted / From / Tip from / Thanks to:
Magnus Thyvold
Managing Editor,
!earshot magazine

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Information & Media Specialist
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MSN: MediaMentor (video cam & audio capable)
ICQ: 8501081 P2PNetPhone: themediamentor
Home Pages / C.V.
Online Activities:
Member  &
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
"We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are."
(Max Depree)
"Try? There is not try. There is only do or not do."

!Earshot Online

!earshot is published by Canada's National Campus and Community Radio Association
/ l'Association nationale des radios étudiantes et communautaires ( NCRA/ANREC ).

Airplay Basics
OK, so you got a CD. What now?

and top 200 |electronica |hip hop |loud |international |jazz

Charts Editor: Bryndis Ogmundson
Reviews Editor: Anne Sulikowski
Webmasters: Magnus Thyvold and Giedrius Virbalas
Publisher: Magnus Thyvold

Days of Radio Caroline

Days of Radio Caroline

"Radio Caroline" - a true short story by Clive Warner, can be found HERE . The year is 1974, and the characters include reclusive  Irish millionaire Ronan O'Rahilly, George Harrison and friends, Harold Wilson,  Johnny Jason, Andy Archer, John B Mair and the late Tony Allan. A tale of  madness and rock music set in the gale-thrashed English Channel.

It must have been September 1974, or thereabouts. For the last year - since  the start - I'd been working for Capital Radio, London's first commercial radio  station. That had all changed with the introduction of a new 'national  agreement' that had resulted in most of the engineers being downgraded in  status, pay, and conditions. It was time to move on.

I accepted a one-year contract in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. But the visa took forever to come through. Russ Tollerfield,  one of the engineers at Capital, knew I wanted 'out' and surprised me one day,  saying "Why don't you go to work for Radio Caroline until the Saudis sort out  your visa?"

I thought he was joking. He wasn't. Russ knew Ronan O'Rahilly, legendary  Irish Outlaw of the Aether, a good-looking rich batchelor who toured London in  his Range Rover; one of the 'in crowd' Ronan was always seen with the prettiest  debs and was a good friend of George Harrison and Ravi Shankar, the famous  Indian sitar player.

A few days later Russ said, "If you're interested, be at the Casserole  restaurant on King's Road, (Chelsea), at 6 o'clock."