Sunday, November 22, 2009

Your Brain on Books

Your Brain on Books

Neuroscientist Stanislas Dehaene explains his quest to understand how the
mind makes sense of written language By Stanislas Dehaene
Scientific American
November 17, 2009


Stanislas Dehaene holds the chair of Experimental Cognitive Psychology at
the Collège de France, and he is also the director of the INSERM-CEA
Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit at NeuroSpin, France's most advanced
neuroimaging research center. He is best known for his research into the
brain basis of numbers, popularized in his book, "The Number Sense." In
his new book, "Reading in the Brain," he describes his quest to understand
an astounding feat that most of us take for granted: translating marks on
a page (or a screen) into language.
He answered questions recently from Mind Matters editor Gareth Cook.