Tuesday, August 05, 2014

#Listen to the world’s first 3D Printed Saxophone - Sneak Preview

#Listen to the world’s first 3D-printed #saxophone http://ow.ly/A0hig #music

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Now You Can See Which Restaurants Help Feed the Hungry

Now You Can See Which Restaurants Help Feed the Hungry

 "..Hunger is a
huge problem in America. Even more than you may realize. Right now, 1
in 6 Americans are hungry. At the same time, a LOT of food is wasted
every day in the food industry.

One guy is on a mission to change
that. After we posted his video on Upworthy a few months ago, hundreds
of you were inspired by that mission. You offered to help in your own
communities, and the movement took off. Now, Ben is taking it to the
next level. Here’s to hoping more restaurants and food businesses hop on


Saturday, April 26, 2014

Webinar: Facebook throttled my social media strategy. Now what?

Webinar: Facebook throttled my social media strategy. Now what?
**this is a free online event. Hosted by Broadbent Institute | Institut Broadbent
EVENT listing on Facebook

It recently came to light that #Facebook's changes to its #NewsFeed are drastically reducing the reach of organizational fan pages. In its quest to manage overwhelming volumes of content for users and to generate revenue from brands, things could get worse: one well publicized internal source said unpaid, or "organic," reach on Facebook could drop as low as 1% in the near future.

Non-profits and campaigns have spent years building up #audiences on Facebook and many have seen some significant successes using the medium for growth and awareness building. Many social media managers have tracked a significant drop in engagement and reach metrics over the last few months, while others are using new strategies to maintain and even grow the impact of their Facebook promotions efforts. While the debate is far from settled what is clear is that last year's Facebook strategy is dead.

Should groups and campaigns "divest" from Facebook and grow other communities? Suck it up and spend more money on promoted posts? Or lean in with new creative strategies?

Join this free one-hour webinar where senior digital strategist and Broadbent Institute fellow Jason Mogus will facilitate a conversation with three experts providing advice to organizations in charting a path through the new reality.

Click here to get the webinar link: https://www.broadbentinstitute.ca/en/training-leadership/sessions/facebook-changes-webinar

About the Instructor/Host

Jason Mogus is a Broadbent Institute Leadership Fellow and the principal strategist at Communicopia and the founder of the Web of Change conference. He has led digital transformation projects for some of the world's most recognized social change brands including Human Rights Watch, NRDC, the City of Vancouver, the Elders, the UN Foundation, and the David Suzuki Foundation. Jason currently supports over 60 environmental and First Nations groups working to stop the expansion of Canada's tar sands.

Beth Becker brings 20+ years of communication and marketing background to politics where she has consulted for numerous House campaigns, non-profits and unions. From trainings about digital strategy for the New Organizing Institute, clients and conferences like PA Progressive Summit and Netroots Nation, to managing a variety of pages and Facebook groups for causes and organizations she works with, Beth puts her knowledge to work on a daily basis. She is also a contributing blogger at epolitics.com and an avid activist.

Drew Bernard is the founder and CEO of ActionSprout.com, a Facebook app that empowers non-profits and political campaigns to engage supporters beyond like, share and comment. Drew co-founded ActionSprout after recognizing that a number of API changes Facebook was rolling out to better support app developers working with big brands could be leveraged by non-profits to build real, productive relationships with supporters on Facebook and off.

Drew has been helping organizations build productive relationships with supporters online since 2001. From 2001 to 2009 he worked at Groundwire.org where he helped create the strategy program and Groundwire Innovation Lab. Drew is a rabid supporter of entrepreneurship in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors and is active angel investor in Northwest US. He serves on the board of GetLittleBird.com and lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife and two kids.

Nadege Vince is the digital strategy coordinator at the David Suzuki Foundation, which runs one of Canada's largest environmentally-focused Facebook communities with over 300,000 people. A skilled communications designer with a post-secondary background in design and web development, Nadege has a keen interest in translating environmental research and policy issues into engaging content and visuals that reaches more widespread audiences.