Friday, January 15, 2010

Fox News Primetime Haitian Earthquake Blackout

RT @mediamentor: FoxNews Haitian Earthquake Blackout

on 01/13/2010 O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck coverage totaled less than 7 minutes

[excerpt embedded URLs at the above link]

Media Matters published an interesting study that reveals just how
dismissive Fox News is of professional journalistic standards. On the day
after the devastating earthquake in Haiti, Fox News practically ignored it
on its most watched programs.

While this isn't particularly surprising, at this difficult time it is
definitely disturbing. This is not just another sad disaster on foreign
soil. There were reportedly 40,000 Americans in Haiti at the time of the
earthquake. But even that isn't enough for Fox to take it seriously.

"On January 13, Fox News' three top-rated programs for 2009 — The
O'Reilly Factor, Hannity, and Glenn Beck — devoted a combined total of
less than 7 minutes of coverage to the earthquake in Haiti, instead
choosing to air such things as Beck's hour-long interview with Sarah
Palin, Bill O'Reilly's discussion of Comedy Central host Jon Stewart,
and Sean Hannity's advocacy for Massachusetts candidate Scott Brown's
Senate campaign. By contrast, the content of MSNBC's three top-rated
shows underscored the significance of the Haiti disaster; Countdown,
The Rachel Maddow Show, and Hardball devoted a total of more than two
hours to the earthquake."