These training modules have been put together to offer ongoing help to
journalists in transition states, post-conflict countries, and areas where
freedom of expression is under threat.
The only condition for using these modules is that you let us know if you
spot any typos. Many have been written on planes, in departure lounges and
in hotels and they may contain spelling errors.
Also, please credit Media Helping Media (or the author if it is a module
written by a guest) with a mention and a link if you refer to them online.
If you have a training module you would like to make available, please use
the contact us form and let us know.
# Basic journalism training ( 16 items )
This section contains modules covering basic journalism training. There
will be some overlap with other sections, particularly as many media
organisations now have converged news operations, but we have tried to
store these modules in the most appropriate categories for the bulk of the
content they contain. Please, click through to the other setions, too. If
you want to add to this section, please use the contact us form and your
contribution will be considered for inclusion.
# Advanced journalism training ( 4 items )
This section contains modules covering advanced journalism training. There
will be some overlap with other sections, particularly as many media
organisations now have converged news operations, but we have tried to
store these modules in the most appropriate categories for the bulk of the
content they contain. Please, click through to the other setions, too. If
you want to add to this section, please use the contact us form and your
contribution will be considered for inclusion.
# Editorial ethics ( 9 items )
This section contains modules covering the ethical issues that journalists
face day-to-day, such as balance, impartiality, integrity, fairness, taste
and decency, offence, privacy, etc. They are continually updated to
reflect social and cultural changes. It is important that these modules
are continually revisited and kept fresh. If you want to add to this
section, please use the contact us form and your contribution will be
considered for inclusion.
# Media management ( 3 items )
This section contains modules covering media management. These training
courses cover all management aspects from how to run a newsroom to how to
manage a news business. If you would like to contribute a module to the
series, please use the contact us form and your contribution will be
considered for inclusion.
# Online and multimedia ( 7 items )
This section contains modules covering online and multimedia journalism.
There may be some overlap with other sections, particularly as many media
organisations now have converged news operations, but we have tried to
store these modules in the most appropriate categories for the bulk of the
content they contain. If you want to add to this section, please use the
contact us form and your contribution will be considered for inclusion.
# Social networking ( 10 items )
This is a new section of Media Helping Media. We should have loads of
material available here already, but the fact is that we have been slow
off the mark. Now we are aiming to make up time rapidly. If you would like
to contribute a resource (no payment, it's done for the love of it),
please let us know by using the contact us form. You can follow us on
Twitter @helpingmedia.
# Media strategy ( 4 items )
This section contains modules covering media strategy. These training
courses cover how to set a content strategy and run a converged news
operation in order to deliver content to multiple outlets. If you would
like to contribute a module to the series, please use the contact us form
and your contribution will be considered for inclusion.
# Refugee media ( 1 items )
This section deals with how refugee communities can set up and operate
successful news organisations in areas which are often poorly covered by
the mainstream media. The author, T.P. Mishra (left) set up a media
operation in the Bhutanese refugee camps in Nepal over an eight year
period. Now living in New York under a refugee resettlement project,
Mishra, the author of 'Becoming a Journalist in Exile' has put together a
number of guides for those who want to follow his lead.