Wednesday, November 24, 2004

*Canadian Colonialism continues* Mohawk women take on the Canadian government- again.

*Canadian Colonialism continues*
Mohawk women take on the Canadian government- again.  After their former
Band Council Chief entered into agreements with the Canadian
government that infringed upon the sovereignty of their community,
the Mohawk community had him removed from power in a vote of
non-confidence. The Canadian courts overruled the community's vote to
kept him in power. Io-nikonhratsha':ni, a citizen of the Mohawk Nation,
tells of their resistance.
To read more, visit:

Canada Ignores Crimes Against Native Women
Canadian officials and police are ignoring a spate of brutal attacks against aboriginal women, at least 500 of whom have vanished or been murdered over the last 30 years, Amnesty International said

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