Thursday, November 18, 2004

Human Rights & Development - D B Click - November 18 2004

Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:21:10 -0800
 Subject: Human Rights & Development - DB Click - November 18 2004
From:, Rights <>

DB Click: Human Rights
November 2004

For people seeking to address human rights and development issues and opportunities.

DB CLICK: Human Rights updates you on recent human rights and development initiatives including programme activities, awards, training, evaluation and research results, networks, books, other materials, planning ideas, change theories and other information recently placed on The Communication Initiative web site.

DB CLICK: Human Rights complements The Drum Beat through a specific focus on human rights and development.


See also the Human Rights Window - all CI and Related sites information related to human rights through one "window" -


1.      World Congress on Family Law & Children's Rights - Mar 20-23 2005 - Cape Town, South Africa
Organised by Children's Rights International, this conference will aim to evaluate the progress and achievements relating to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCROC) on its 15th anniversary, and will explore the challenges ahead in securing rights to children in the 21st century. The Congress intends to reflect on whether the UNCROC addresses the right issues, in the light of 21st century concerns with nationalism, identity and globalisation, or whether new approaches to protecting children's rights are needed...

2.      Mainstreaming Disability in Development - May 16-27 2005 - Norwich, United Kingdom
Organised by the Overseas Development Group in the United Kingdom, this two-week course will aim to explore all aspects of mainstreaming disability - what it is, why it is important and how to do it. It will also focus on the concepts of disability and equality as well as explore policy development, practical tools and guidelines...

3.      Lorenzo Natali Prize for Journalism
Established by the European Commission in 1992, this prize is awarded annually to journalists from the print and online press for outstanding reporting on human rights and democracy in the developing world as vital elements of the economic and social development in these countries. In 2004, the European Commission intends to award a prize in each of the following five regions: Europe (EU Members States, states of central and eastern Europe, and Mediterranean states); Africa; the Arab world, Iran and Israel; Asia and the Pacific; and Latin America and the Caribbean. Deadline was Oct 31 2004...

4.      Summer Course on Refugee Issues - Jun 11-19 2005 - Toronto, Canada
Administered by the Centre for Refugee Studies at York University, Toronto, this eight-day course aims to provide postgraduate training in refugee issues for practitioners inside and outside government who work on some aspect of refugee protection or assistance. The course includes panel discussions, case studies, a simulation exercise, and lectures from experts in the field, both local and international. Topics covered in the course include: root causes and consequences of forced displacement, ethics of forced migration, the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), cultural psychology of refugees, statelessness, internally displaced persons, public health responses, international trafficking, and refugees and human rights...

5.      The European Forum on Communication Rights - Oct 14-17 2004 - London, United Kingdom
Organised by The Media Culture and Communications Rights Network, The European Forum on Communication Rights (EFCR) sought to address the question of how to bring together those working at different levels on communication rights, including grassroots activists working on practical projects and street-level campaigns, those engaged in lobbying and advocacy, and researchers and academics...



Development institutions rely on gender stereotypes rather than foster resistance to them.

[For context, please see]

Do you agree or disagree?



6.      Front Line Award
Front Line, a Dublin, Ireland-based organisation, has launched a new prize to honour the work of a "Human Rights Defender" who, through his or her non-violent work, has made an outstanding contribution to the promotion and protection of human rights in the face of considerable personal risk. Deadline was Oct 31 2004...

7.      Disability, Poverty & the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) - Nov 2-4 2004 - Lilongwe, Malawi
This first roundtable in a series of three intended to look at the links between poverty and development, and mainstreaming disability in development. It was organised by the Federation of Disability Organisations of Malawi (FEDOMA) and Healthlink Worldwide (UK) as part of the Disability Knowledge and Research Programme. The aim of the Malawi roundtable was to make explicit the links between disability and poverty, and to highlight the role that disability plays in working towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals...

8.      International Day of Peace 2004 - Sep 21 2004 - Global
The International Day of Peace, as decided by the United Nation's fifty-fifth session of the General Assembly, is observed on 21 September each year. The establishment of the United Nations in 1945, at the end of the most devastating war in human history, was an embodiment of this universal desire. Keeping peace and developing friendly relations among nations are among the main objectives of the United Nations. To commemorate and strengthen the ideals of peace, the United Nations General Assembly in 1981 proclaimed the opening day of its regular session as the International Day of Peace...

9.      Appreciative Inquiry: Positive Change in Human Services & Community Development - Oct 4 - Dec 5 2004 - Online Course
"Incorporating all of the voices in the community or organization, Appreciative Inquiry (AI) leverages the most positive possibilities in communities and organizations. Unlike the traditional problem-based tools and models which focus on what is not working well, AI focuses on what is working well (appreciative) by engaging people in asking questions and telling stories (inquiry)..."

10.     Livelihoods: Perspectives & Approaches - Feb 22-24 2005 - Norwich, United Kingdom
Organised by the Overseas Development Group in the United Kingdom, this three-day training course intends to explore what a livelihoods perspective brings to strategies for poverty reduction, food security and social protection. The course will also aim to take into consideration the broad policy context within which livelihoods are built and sustained. The course seeks to have participants "acquire analytical skills for looking at specific rural development issues such as land rights, technical change, privatized services and the delivery of specific assets such as credit. Participants will also be able to use their understanding to evaluate different ways of addressing these issues bearing in mind both individual and household livelihood building strategies..."



Please look for your summary information on The Communication Initiative site and send us any updates or corrections at any time!  Contact Deborah Heimann



Please use the Human Rights Window - organises all the material relevant to human rights and development through one home page - please 'bookmark'


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from The Communication forces...local choices...critical voices...telling stories...
Partners:  BBC World Service Trust, Bernard van Leer Foundation, CFSC Consortium, The CHANGE Project, CIDA, DFID, The European Union, Exchange, FAO, Ford Foundation, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs, OneWorld, The Panos Institute, PCI, The Rockefeller Foundation, Soul City, The Synergy Project, UNAIDS, UNICEF, USAID, WHO.


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