Friday, December 24, 2004

"Abologs" list from APTN National News (ANN)


Many Aboriginal people in Canada, the US, and around the world
maintain their own blogs. Such blogs - we've nicknamed them "abologs"
- can provide a fascinating view into the personal lives and
differing political and social realities of Aboriginal people.

APTN (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network ) has compiled a blog
list (or blogroll) of just some of the Aboriginal blogs available on
the web.

Links to all the Blogs below may be found at:

Please note: APTN National News (ANN) provides these links as a
service only, and ANN neither endorses nor is affiliated with
off-site material or opinions. ANN is not responsible for any content
that may appear on other sites.

Want to suggest other aboriginal blogs in Canada? Email us,

Alan's Blog
Alan Greyeyes is a 25 year old living in Winnipeg

As Twisted by Dave
Ojibway/Cree/Scot blogging from Sioux Lookout, ON

Big Wab All Day, E're Day
Life & times of a young Aboriginal hip hop artist in Winnipeg

The Daily Blog: Insight into the Life of Anishnawbe
Based out of Nipissing First Nation in Ontario

Yet another young Aboriginal hip hop artist - only he's in Montreal

gôdag wajo
Web log of an abenaki parent

Life on the Rez
Life in Nisga'a Territory; Métis living in Gingolx BC

My Stolen Cat
Yukon blog

NOD version 5.1
Aboriginal woman blogging from Thunder Bay, ON

Metis new media artist

one more nish gyrl left to shatter
An engineer poet "with big cheekbones" from Wikwemikong

'Mom/Animator/Poet/Writer/Director' from Pabineau First Nation, NB
Sonny Assu is an Aboriginal artist from the West Coast

Scott's page of Picto-graphic Impressions of a PAGAK!
Images captured by an Ojibway photographer in Winnipeg

Mohawk woman from Kahnawake blogs about family, friends, music and art

Urban Injun
'Step into my world for a minute or two'

Kept by Waubgeshig Rice, originally from Wasauksing FN

Suggest other Blogs?,


Bad Eagle
Oft-controversial web log of Dr. David A. Yeagley, conservative American Indian

Beats Per Minute
A "full-blooded Navajo" living in New Orleans

Aboriginal woman in Phoenix, AZ

Blog Goddess
A "22 yr young Navajo female" blogger

Brown Chick
"Devoted to the steamy textures and tastes of frybread"

chimEra / saaniidotcom
A Navajo poet from northern New Mexico named Zoey

Atlanta-based Cherokee

Incoherent Musings
Some postings from a Colville native in WA state

Joy Harjo's Web Log
Artist Joy Harjo reports here on her life, travels, and other happenings

Kiwasicu: The Life of an Urban Indian
Pebbles is a 27-years-young Lakota Sioux blogger from New York City.
Very nice layout.

26-year-old native american male living on the Navajo Indian reservation

::my trip to felicity::
Navajo and Jamez Pueblo female blogger

Dine photo blog

Native American ties to the land
Collaboration between Anishinabe elders and students in Minnesota
(note: seems inactive, but still a good read)

Reflections of an Outlaw Indian Lawyer
The title speaks for itself

"The Collective Braindump Project."

Sarcastic Life
A blog written in Chinle, AZ

7th Direction
Nez Perce blogger now in S.Dakota

Sweet Complexity
22-year-old "rez chick" and self-described "wannabe artist" from Kayenta, AZ

Group blog from the US. Progressive Politics, Indian Issues, and
Autism Advocacy

World Suggest other Blogs?,

Blogger de Timor
About East Timor, which re-gained independence in 2002 (note: em
portugêse somente)

Free Hawaii
set up by the Koani Foundation

Hawaiian Independence Weblog
A media log in Hana, Maui

John's Weblog
Political New Zealand blog kept by Maori MP John Tamihere

another Hawaiian blogger

No Rest for the Awake: Minagahet Chamorro
Dedicated to the Chamorro people of the Marianas Islands in Guam

Tanya Wooley - Flexible Learning Leader 2004
Australian interested in education in remote aboriginal communities

Weblog sobre povos indígenas (note: em portugêse somente)

Want to suggest other international indigenous blogs? Email us.,

1 comment:

The MediaMentor said...

Yes indeed I do... perhaps you should bring it up with the folks at APTN... but thanks from reading and commenting on it.. E-mail APTN at or