Tuesday, November 22, 2005

George's Bolivian Pictures

All my Bolivian Pictures
La Paz Municipal Zoo Pictures
Wayna Tambo Community Centre, Radio Station and Music Producer
Radio ERBOL, a nation wide coop radio network
Radio Illimani

CESO/SACO VA# 11799 http://www.ceso-saco.com
Information & Media Specialist
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Voice 867 872-3455
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Home Pages http://mediamentor.ca
Online Activities: http://www.web.ca/~media/index.html
Photos:   http://www.flickr.com/photos/george-lessard/sets/
The MediaMentor's Blogs
Photos http://mediamentor.blogspot.com/
Overseas http://mediamentor-overseas.blogspot.com/
Text Blog http://garpl.blogspot.com/
Canadian Association of Journalists http://www.caj.ca
Canadian Artists Representation / le Front des artistes canadiennes http://www.carfac.ca/
Canadian Artists Representation Copyright Collective http://www.carcc.ca/
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Developing Nations license.
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." (Gandhi)
"We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are." (Max Depree)
"Try? There is not try. There is only do or not do." (Yoda)
"Life is fatal, but not serious"  (Oscar Wilde)

Sunday, November 20, 2005

�Cree su blog, preserve su anonimato y evite la censura !

¡Cree su blog, preserve su anonimato y evite la censura !

Leer el Guía (en francés, inglés, chino, árabe y persa)

Los blogs apasionan, preocupan, molestan, interpelan. Algunos los
desprecian, otros los consideran profetas de una nueva revolución de
la información. De hecho, son una formidable herramienta para la
libertad de expresión porque desatan las lenguas de los ciudadanos
normales. En los países en que impera la censura, donde los medios de
comunicación tradicionales viven a la sombra del poder,
frecuentemente los bloggers son los auténticos periodistas. Son los
únicos que publican una información independiente, destinada a
disgustar a sus gobiernos, y muchas veces arriesgando la libertad..
Reporteros sin Fronteras ha concebido esta guía para ayudarles, con
consejos prácticos y astucias técnicas, a preservar su anonimato, a
evitar la censura -identificando la técnica más adecuada para cada
situación -, y también a crear un blog en buenas condiciones, darlo a
conocer - optimizando su referencia en los buscadores -, y garantizar
su credibilidad mediante el respeto de unas cuantas reglas éticas y

En esta guía han participado numerosos expertos de Internet, entre
los que se encuentran el periodista norteamericano Dan Gillmor y los
periodistas franceses de pontblog.com, así como algunos bloggers de
las cuatro esquinas del mundo.

A partir del 22 de septiembre, la Guía práctica del blogger y el
ciberdisidente está disponible en las librerías (a 10 euros). También
será posible descargarla, en cinco lenguas (francés, inglés, chino,
árabe y persa), en el sitio de Reporteros sin Fronteras : www.rsf.org.

Monday, October 24, 2005

The Education Podcast Network

The Education Podcast Network

...David Warlick has done it again with this great new site which
features categorized podcasts created by K-12 schools as well as
links to others which can provide teachers with content-specific
information and news

Education -- The what, why, and how of 21st century teaching & learning

Professional Philosophy & ICT 41
Strictly ICT 10
Student & Class Podcasts
Elementary Grades 9
Middle School 5
Secondary School 8

Subject Specific Podcasts

Computer/Tech. Skills 13
Dance Education 0
English Language Arts 27
Healthful Living 3
Information Skills 4
Mathematics 0
Music Education 3
Science 20
Second Languages 20
Social Studies 19
Theatre Arts Education 2
Visual Arts Education 5
Career Development 4
Current Events 10
Miscellaneous 27


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Visit this and previous Sites of the School Days by going to

"The Thrill of Discovery in Your Classroom"

At Discovery, we value your privacy. If you would like to be removed
from Discovery emails like this, please
here to unsubscribe.

Kathy Schrock <mailto:kathy@kathyschrock.net>
Administrator for Technology
Nauset Public Schools
78 Eldredge Park Way, Orleans, MA 02653
508-255-0016 x216
Sites of the School Days
a weekly update to
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators on DiscoverySchool.com

© info
Due to the nature of email & the WWW, check ALL sources.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Developing Nations license.
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 12:52:28 -0400
From: Katarina Soukup <katarina@isuma.ca>
Subject: LIVE FROM THE SET | masterclass

[le français suit]

is delighted to invite you to the

Zacharias Kunuk
Norman Cohn
Katarina Soukup

Festival de Nouveau cinéma
Saturday, October 21, 2005
Salon Rouge
Musée juste pour rire
2111, boulevard Saint-Laurent

Free admission

Saturday October 22, the Festival du Nouveau Cinéma and Igloolik
Isuma Productions invite you to an OPEN SOURCE special presentation
of LIVE FROM THE SET, a masterclass with Norman Cohn and Zacharias
Kunuk (Atanarjuat The Fast Runner), co-directors of a new feature
film, The Journals of Knud Rassmussen, and Katarina Soukup, producer
of the film's interactive website, http://www.sila.nu.

The masterclass explores the filmmakers' aesthetic and strategic
vision of interactive Internet/film convergence to enhance and extend
the film's impact to a wider audience.

Live from the Set is an on-line production diary of The Journals of
Knud Rasmussen shot last spring in the remote Arctic community of
Igloolik, Nunavut. The website also includes a cultural and
educational component to enable use of the film as curriculum
material in schools.

The Journals of Knud Rasmussen is scheduled for release in 2006.



C'est avec plaisir qu'IGLOOLIK ISUMA PRODUCTIONS vous convie à

Une masterclass donnée par
Zacharias Kunuk
Norman Cohn
Katarina Soukup

Festival du Nouveau cinéma
Samedi, 21 octobre 2005
14h à 17h
Musée Juste pour rire
2111 boul. Saint-Laurent

Entrée gratuite

Dans le cadre de l'événement OPEN SOURCE, le Festival du Nouveau
Cinéma et Igloolik Isuma Productions vous invitent à LIVE FROM THE
SET, une Masterclass en compagnie de Zacharias Kunuk et Norman Cohn
(Atanarjuat l'Homme rapide), co-réalisateurs du long métrage Les
Journaux de Knud Rasmussen, et de Katarina Soukup, productrice du
portail http://www.sila.nu dans lequel s'inscrit le volet interactif
du film.

La masterclass présentera la vision esthétique et stratégique des
réalisateurs, qui voient en la convergence Internet/cinéma un outil
permettant de rejoindre un plus large public et d'étendre le
rayonnement du film.

Présenté au printemps 2005, LIVE FROM THE SET est un journal de
production retransmis via Internet, en direct du plateau de tournage
des Journaux de Knud Rasmussen, dans la communauté d'Igloolik
(Nunavut). Le site Internet propose également des contenus culturels
et pédagogiques permettant aux enseignants d'inscrire le film à leur

Les Journaux de Knud Rasmussen sortira en salles en 2006.


k a t a r i n a / s o u k u p

igloolik video by artists

www.isuma.ca / www.atanarjuat.com / www.nunatinnit.org / www.sila.nu

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Calling all Indigenous Musicians

From: "Melissa Kaestner" <melissa@ncra.ca>
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 19:50:12 -0400

For Immediate Release/ Pour Diffusion Immédiate
October 11, 2005/ Le 11 octobre 2005
Français en bas
PDF/JPG/MP3 available/disponible

Calling all Canadian and International Indigenous Artists

Ottawa - The National Campus and Community Radio Association (NCRA/ANREC) is
calling for submissions for its national talent development initiative.
After successful years with Hip Hop, Spoken Word, Electronic Dance and
Roots, this year will see the continuation of the series with our fifth
project, “Dig Your Roots – Indigenous”, showcasing both our own Indigenous
artists as well as those who come from all over the globe.

“We’re doing something different with the project this year”, says Lydia
Masemola, NCRA/ANREC President. “We’ve been focusing on under-exposed styles
of music, but this year, it is more about the artists themselves and who
they are and where they come from, no matter what style of music or spoken
word they work in. Canadian Aboriginal artists play such an important role
in exploring and examining the roots of Canadian culture. As well, the
International compilation reflects the multicultural aspect of Canada and
how such diverse communities have influenced our own Canadian cultural
identity. I think “Dig Your Roots – Indigenous” will prove to be a
cornerstone for the overall series and one that will truly emulate the
entire mandate of this project.”

Dig Your Roots features independent artists from all across Canada on its
website as well as through a series of compilations and live concert
broadcasts. For “Dig Your Roots – Indigenous”, both Canadian Aboriginal and
International artists are invited to submit their work to be featured on
the Dig Your Roots website, where up to 200 artists will be showcased.
Following a national selection process, 30 of these artists will be chosen
to appear on compilations to be released in the spring of 2006. These
artists will take part in a series of regional concerts, each of which will
be live coast-to-coast-to-coast on participating radio stations.

Deadline for submissions: November 23, 2005. For more information visit


National Media Contact:
Melissa Kaestner, National Coordinator — (613) 321-1440; melissa@ncra.ca

Dig Your Roots/Découvre tes racines is a Canadian talent development
initiative coordinated by the National Campus and Community Radio
Association/l’Association nationale des radios étudiantes et communautaires
(NCRA/ANREC), with funding provided by Corus Entertainment Inc. The project
aims to promote Canadian artists specializing in musical genres that are
under-represented in the commercial radio sector. As the not-for-profit
national association of organizations and individuals committed to
volunteer-based, community-oriented radio broadcasting in Canada, the
NCRA/ANREC is dedicated to providing resources and concrete, meaningful
support towards the enhanced recognition and development of Independent
Canadian music artists. Dig Your Roots. Discover Your Culture. Grow a


Avis à tous les artistes autochtones canadiens et d'ailleurs dans le monde

Ottawa - L'Association nationale des radios étudiantes et communautaires
(NCRA/ANREC) fait un appel de soumissions aux artistes autochtones de
partout au pays. Après le hip hop, le spoken word, la danse électronique, et
le roots, voici maintenant notre cinquième projet annuel intitulé cette fois
« Découvre tes racines – autochtones » mettant de l'avant les artistes
autochtones d'ici et des quatre coins du globe.

« Nous tentons une nouvelle approche cette année » affore Lydia Masemola,
présidente de l'ANREC. « Par le passé, nous nous sommes intéressés à des
styles musicaux marginaux mais cette année, le projet porte plutôt sur les
artistes eux-mêmes, leur personnalité, leurs origines peu importe le style
musical qu'ils créént. Les artistes autochtones canadiens jouent un rôle
fondamental dans l'exploration des racines de la culture canadienne. De
plus, l'aspect international du projet reflète aussi le caractère
multi-culturel du Canada et montre à quel point la diversité de sa
population a influencé notre façon de définir notre identité culturelle. Je
pense que « Découvre tes racines - autochtones » sera la plaque tournante
pour l'ensemble de nos projets. »

« Découvre tes racines » encourage les artistes indépendants de partout au
Canada sur son site ainsi que par une série de compilations et de diffusions
de concerts. Pour « Découvre tes racines - autochtones », les artistes
appartenant à une Première Nation d'ici ou d'ailleurs sont invités à nous
faire parvenir leur oeuvres musicales pour qu'elles soient par la suite
accessible à tous via notre site web sur lequel jusqu'à 200 artistes
pourront être représentés. En suivant un processus de sélection national, 30
artistes verront leur musique diffusée sur des compilations CD dont la
sortie est prévue pour mars 2006. Ces mêmes artistes participeront à une
série de concerts régionaux rediffusés d'un bout à l'autre du pays sur les
radios membres de notre réseau dès le printemps 2006.

La date-limite pour les soumissions est le 23 novembre 2005. Pour plus
d'information, visitez notre site au http://www.digyourroots.ca


Coordonnées pour les médias nationaux:
Melissa Kaestner, coordonatrice nationale – (613) 321-1440; melissa@ncra.ca

Dig Your Roots/Découvre tes racines est une initiative de l’Association
nationale des radios étudiantes et communautaires (NCRA/ANREC),
subventionnée par Corus Entertainment Inc. Le projet vise aussi à promouvoir
les artistes canadiens dans des genres musiaux largement ignorés par les
radios commerciales. En tant qu'association nationale à but non-lucratif
composée d'organismes et individus menant leurs activités sur une base
volontaire, l'ANREC se consacre à l'apport concret et constructif de soutien
aux artistes canadiens indépendants. Découvre tes racines. Célèbre ta
culture. Développe une conscience.

Melissa Kaestner, NCRA/ANREC National Coordinator
National Campus and Community Radio Association
l’Association nationale des radios étudiantes et communautaires
325 Dalhousie, Suite 230
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7G2
Dig Your Roots. Discover Your Culture. Grow A Consciousness.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Marantz Portable Digital (Compact Flash) Recorder

At last... digital recorders good enough to be called professional...

PMD 670: Portable Digital (Compact Flash) Recorder List: $1,250.00 (C$)
Record Directly to Compact Flash Cards
Easy One Touch Record
Portable Operation
No Moving Parts
MP3, MP2, WAV, BWF Format Compatible
Over 40 Assignable Quality Settings

PMD 660: Portable Digital (Compact Flash) Recorder List: $870.00 (C$)

- Record directly to compact flash card (64MB is supplied)
- Easy one touch record
- Portable operation
- No moving parts
- MP3, WAV, format compatible
- Security for switch setting and media (door)
- 44.1/48KHz sample rate selection
- Available RC600 Mic remote operation (REC , REC Pause , Mark)
- Balanced XLR Mic input
- Unbalanced line in and out
- 48V phantom power
- 4 x AA batteries


Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2005 22:46:43 +0200
From: info@respeto-total.com
List-Id: announcements for the fibreculture critical Internet studies
community <fibreculture-announce.lists.myspinach.org>
List-Archive: <http://lists.myspinach.org/pipermail/fibreculture-announce>

FALTAN SOLO 10 días // MANCANO SOLO 10 giorni // ONLY 10 days LEFT

//////////Español abajo/////////Italiano sotto

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is the new edition of the festival of 1 second lasting videos,

+ organized by Respeto-Total (http://www.respeto-total.com),

+ which will be hosted by the PEAM'05 (http://www.artificialia.com/peam2005/)

The winner will be selected by a formula that combines the popular voting and
the algorithm DEEP DREDD(http://www.respeto-total.com/osvf/deepdredd/). The
winner of this edition will receive a prize offered by the GOOGLE!
and other prizes (http://www.respeto-total.com/sosvf/premio_interrupt.htm)

+ watch the reportage by Interrupt.it(italian)


20 September - 15 October: UPLOAD videos
15 October - 29 October: VOTING videos
29 October: online PRIZING

_ fill up the application form
_ upload the 1 second video (.mov .wmv .swf)
_ upload a snapshot of the video

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Locked-out CBC Workers turn to Campus-Community Radio

23 August 2005 For Immediate Release
Contact: Frieda Werden (604)291-4423, cjsfpa@sfu.ca

Locked-out Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Workers turn to
Campus-Community Radio

The aims of campus-community radio stations include giving voice to
the voiceless, and this week the numbers of the voiceless grew.

Cut off from their CBC company telephones, emails, and airtime by
management decree, the locked-out technical and production workers of
the Canadian Media Guild (CMG) turned to alternative media to get the
word out. "CBC Unplugged from Studio Zero" was produced literally on
the street outside the CBC building in Vancouver, by people
accustomed to rather adequate media conditions. Using personal
recorders, laptops, internet, and hand-delivered CDs, they donated
their labour to community radio, and to their own cause.

Among the highlights was Bill Richardson's well-modulated statement
that he is "pissed off" by the treatment he's receiving, including
hearing his own voice scabbing in re-broadcast programs, while he's
on the sidewalk with a picket sign around his neck. Richardson said
he had always continued to work during strike actions during the past
fifteen years, and his loyalty to the network now counts for nothing.

Pierre Claveau from the CMG, interviewed by Miyoung Lee [from The
Early Edition] stated the union's position that they will not sign a
contract allowing management to hire only temporary-contract workers
and no new permanent workers in all job classifications. The CMG is
a new union for the CBC; formerly, technical and content workers were
represented by separate unions, and Claveau says negotiations on
melding the contracts were stalled by management inflexibility on the
temp issue.

Guests on "CBC Unplugged" plugged a number of web sites for more
information about the lockout. The site HYPERLINK
"http://www.cmgvancouver.org" www.cmgvancouver.org has a podcast
download of the program; HYPERLINK "http://www.iloveradio.org"
www.iloveradio.org has links to many blogs about the labour stuggle,
including one from an anonymous manager's point of view.

(page 1 of 2)
CBC on CCR, continued
(page 2 of 2)

Elsewhere in the hour, musicians queued up to donate their voices to
"CBC Unplugged," and workers paused in their duties to play a game of
street hockey by the library across the street. Listeners expressed
opinions of the programming being aired on CBC right now - mostly,
but not all negative. Aside from reruns, the CBC has had management
staff flown to Toronto to revive old skills and wrestle with new
equipment and produce the news.

"CBC Unplugged" was aired Tuesday, August 23, on three community
stations in the Lower Mainland: CJSF-FM, Burnaby, and CFRO and CITR
FM stations in Vancouver, as well as stations in Fort Smith Northwest
Territories and Lethbridge Alberta. The show is being made available
to other stations around the country and around the world through the
internet. Coordinator of the project JJ Lee told CJSF that this
first program could be considered "a pilot," but was not prepared to
say if or when more would be forthcoming.

CBC units in other cities are also doing collaborations with
campus-community radio. At CKUW in Winnipeg, CBC staffers are
co-hosting the news with station volunteers, producing stories, and
running training workshops. The University of Calgary student
station is giving an hour a week during a time slot called Local
Revolutions, for a dozen locked-out CBC workers to produce their own
show. Jane McCullough, program director there, cites a long
relationship, with CBC producers training campus producers, and
graduates of the campus station moving on to produce for CBC. CKDU
in Halifax is another participating station.

CBC Unplugged from Studio Zero will re-air, along with other coverage
of the lockout, on CJSF-FM, 90.1, Burnaby and Vancouver, on Thursday
August 25, from 4 to 5:30 pm.


Contact: Frieda Werden, HYPERLINK "mailto:cjsfpa@sfu.ca"
cjsfpa@sfu.ca (604)876-6994

Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 13:45:34 -0700
Reply-To: "Spoken Word CJSF (Frieda Werden)" <cjsfpa@sfu.ca>
Organization: CJSF Radio
Subject: Release: Campus-Community Radio and the CBC
From: "Spoken Word CJSF (Frieda Werden)" <cjsfpa@sfu.ca>
To: cjsf-progpr@sfu.ca, cjsf-pressreleases@sfu.ca,
Sender: owner-ncra@ncra.ca

"CBC Unplugged from Studio Zero" will be re-aired by popular demand on
CJSF-FM on Thursday, 25 August, 4 to 5 pm.

I've attached a story about the experiment, which you may freely use or

Frieda Werden, Spoken Word Coordinator
CJSF Radio
TC-216 Simon Fraser University
Burnaby BC V5A 1S6, Canada
(604)291-4423 phone
fax: (604)291-3695
e-mail: cjsfpa@sfu.ca
90.1 FM
93.9 cable radio
www.cjsf.bc.ca - streaming on the web

23 August 2005 For Immediate
Contact: Frieda Werden (604)291-4423, cjsfpa@sfu.ca

Locked-out CBC Workers turn to Campus-Community Radio

The aims of campus-community radio stations include giving voice to the
voiceless, and this week the numbers of the voiceless grew.

Cut off from their CBC company telephones, emails, and airtime by management
decree, the locked-out technical and production workers of the Canadian
Media Guild (CMG) turned to alternative media to get the word out. “CBC
Unplugged from Studio Zero” was produced literally on the street outside the
CBC building in Vancouver, by people accustomed to rather adequate media
conditions. Using personal recorders, laptops, internet, and hand-delivered
CDs, they donated their labour to community radio, and to their own cause.

Among the highlights was Bill Richardson’s well-modulated statement that he
is “pissed off” by the treatment he’s receiving, including hearing his own
voice scabbing in re-broadcast programs, while he’s on the sidewalk with a
picket sign around his neck. Richardson said he had always continued to
work during strike actions during the past fifteen years, and his loyalty to
the network now counts for nothing.

Pierre Claveau from the CMG,interviewed by Miyoung Lee [from The Early
Edition] stated the union’s position that they will not sign a contract
allowing management to hire only temporary-contract workers and no new
permanent workers in all job classifications. The CMG is a new union for
the CBC; formerly, technical and content workers were represented by
separate unions, and Claveau says negotiations on melding the contracts were
stalled by management inflexibility on the temp issue.

Guests on “CBC Unplugged” plugged a number of web sites for more information
about the lockout. The site www.cmgvancouver.org has a podcast download of
the program; www.iloveradio.org has links to many blogs about the labour
stuggle, including one from an anonymous manager’s point of view.

Elsewhere in the hour, musicians queued up to donate their voices to “CBC
Unplugged,” and workers paused in their duties to play a game of street
hockey by the library across the street. Listeners expressed opinions of the
programming being aired on CBC right now – mostly, but not all negative.
Aside from reruns, the CBC has had management staff flown to Toronto to
revive old skills and wrestle with new equipment and produce the news.

“CBC Unplugged” was aired Tuesday, August 23, on three community stations in
the Lower Mainland: CJSF-FM, Burnaby, and CFRO and CITR FM stations in
Vancouver, as well as stations in Fort Smith Northwest Territories and
Lethbridge Alberta. The show is being made available to other stations
around the country and around the world through the internet. Coordinator
of the project JJ Lee told CJSF that this first program could be considered
“a pilot,” but was not prepared to say if or when more would be forthcoming.

CBC units in other cities are also doing collaborations with
campus-community radio. At CKUW in Winnipeg, CBC staffers are co-hosting the
news with station volunteers, producing stories, and running training
workshops. The University of Calgary student station is giving an hour a
week during a time slot called Local Revolutions, for a dozen locked-out CBC
workers to produce their own show. Jane McCullough, program director there,
cites a long relationship, with CBC producers training campus producers, and
graduates of the campus station moving on to produce for CBC. CKDU in
Halifax is another participating station.

CBC Unplugged from Studio Zero will re-air, along with other coverage of the
lockout, on CJSF-FM, 90.1, Burnaby and Vancouver, on Thursday August 25,
from 4 to 5:30 pm.


Contact: Frieda Werden, cjsfpa@sfu.ca (604)876-6994

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Friday, July 29, 2005

Tips for Making Bear Encounters More Bearable

Occupational Hazards, Thu, 28 Jul 2005 12:12 PM PDT
Tips for Making Bear Encounters More Bearable
A bear attack at a mine in Canada's Northwest Territories last year
prompted the Workers' Compensation Board of Canada's Northwest
Territories and Nunavut to issue a warning earlier this year to all
workers and employers about the hazards of bears.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Journalism Education

Journalism Education
(Lifelong RN: 26/06/2005)
URL: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/learning/lifelong/stories/s1174628.htm

There are a number of schools of thought on how to teach journalism.
Some advocate an in-house training program like the one the British
tabloid, News of the World, runs for new cadets, and others believe
in a wider ranging multi-disciplinary approach in a university
setting. We hear the case for different styles of teaching
journalism. Guests include G. Stuart Adam from the Poynter Institute
in the USA, and John Henningham from J-School

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

(RSF) - alert update China - Cyber-dissident Zhang Lin

China - Cyber-dissident Zhang Lin to go on trial for posting articles
online, including lyrics to a punk song (RSF) - alert update

Monday, June 27, 2005

Regional Human Rights Office condemns the vanishing of media freedom in Somalia

Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2005 21:50:10 +0400
From: Somalia Alerts <alerts@sojonsomalia.org>
Reply-To: faruk129@yahoo.com
Subject: Press Statement: Regional Human Rights Office condemns the
vanishing of media freedom in Somalia

Regional Human Rights Office condemns the vanishing of media freedom in Somalia


The media freedom in Somalia is in critical speculation following the recent
killings of two women journalists in Mogadishu, arrests of Puntland editor and
reporters, suspension of leading newspaper in Garowe and the latest act from
the middle Shabelle region, which obliged journalists to register and pay
registration fee to practice the profession.

“The recent reports from Somalia about the media violations are painful and
deplorable intrusions” said Hassan Shire Sheik, the coordinator of regional
office for the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project in
Kampala, Uganda.

In a meeting with human rights defenders from Sudan, horn Africa team and
officials from Amnesty International in London, the veteran and renowned Somali
human rights activist will lead the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights
Defenders Project, which is dedicated to protecting and monitoring the safety
of human rights defenders in east Africa.

"I've a personal commitment to assist my fellow human rights defenders in the
region," said Hassan Shire, who is also a founder and former co-director of the
Dr. Ismail Juma'le Human Rights Organization (DIJHRO) based in Mogadishu,
Somalia. “As human rights activists, we have to defend the journalists, and
show them sense of solidarity” said Hassan in discussions with the Secretary
General of the Somali Journalists Network, Omar Faruk Osman.

“Press freedom is keystone for all freedoms, therefore if it is slowed down it
means that all other freedoms are hindered” he added. “Every one of us should
applaud the good work that journalists in SOJON are carrying out”. “My last
time in Somalia, it was very uncommon to report or get detailed information on
violations against journalists’ freedom, thank to SOJON”.

In addition, Hassan’s coordination work of the Kampala office aims to support
human rights defenders in Somalia (and Somaliland), Djibouti, Eritrea,
Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Hassan’s mandate is also to
provide training and protection for human rights defenders in danger, help them
relocate to safer parts of Africa, and publicize their plight.

Human rights defenders lobby governments, try to raise awareness about and
fight abuses of human rights, as laid out in the United Nations Universal
Declaration of Human Rights. They may belong to human rights groups, churches,
women's or development organizations or simply be outspoken individuals in a
community. Whoever they are, they risk retaliation and too often are forced to
flee Africa when they dare to expose human rights violations in their community
or state.

He has helped to monitor and publish impartial reports on human rights
violations in Somalia for the last 8 years. He has promoted human rights
campaigns such as the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration for Human
Rights (UDHR) in Somalia.

Hassan is also a member of the All Africa Human Rights Defenders Network, the
Global Human Rights Defenders Network, and the World Movement for Democracy.
He was the former president of the Peace and Human Rights Network in Somalia,
an umbrella group of 24 prominent Somali civil society organizations.

In 1998, the right to promote and protect human rights and a fundamental
freedom was officially recognized by the United Nations when it unanimously
adopted the Declaration of Human Rights Defenders.

This project, a York-initiated project, was initially funded by Amnesty
International, INTER PARES and the International Development Research Centre
and continues to be supported with funds from the National Endowment for
Democracy (based in Washington, D.C.) and the International Development
Research Centre, based in Ottawa.

Press Freedom Monitoring
This information is disseminated by the SOJON Information and Human Rights
Office as part of the office’s roles of monitoring violations of freedom of
press in Somalia.

SOJON takes the responsibility of the information expressed inside this mail,
and any organization, union or group is allowed to recopy or republish this

CONTACT: Omar Faruk Osman (the Secretary General), Ali Moalim Isak
(the Secretary of Information and Human Rights) and Mohamed Ibrahim Isak (the
secretary of Administration); E-mails: faruk129@yahoo.com,
omar@sojonsomalia.org, ali@sojonsomalia.org, bakistaan2002@yahoo.com,
bakistaan@sojonsomalia.org. Telefax: +252-1-859944.
URL: http://www.sojonsomalia.org

Why Google video playback matters

Why Google video playback matters

This is a big deal for many institutions which do not have the
ability to host and stream their own video, but would very much like
to get their message out. In essence, Google is providing their
infrastructure free of charge to let anyone upload video and have it
be found. That's a very big deal in and of itself. . . . this will
help the spread of an alternative universe for video distribution and
playback, one independent of the walled garden business model in
which video is currently locked. I've ranted on this before, but I do
believe that the sooner independent voices have an outlet for their
work, and a business model to pay for it, the sooner we'll see
content creators revolt from
the hegemony of cable and studio models.

Source: John Battelle, John Battelle's Searchblog

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Via / By / Excerpted / From / Tip from / Thanks to:

PressNotes is edited by Matthew Cecil, Assistant Professor in the
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at South Dakota State
University. Cecil can be reached at: matt_cecil@mac.com

Robert Greene can be reached at: robert.greene@gmail.com

SPJ PressNotes is an e-mail newsletter produced every business day by
the Society of Professional Journalists. It is made possible through
a grant from the Sigma Delta Chi Foundation. Send subscription requests
or changes to pressnotes@spj.org.

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Reading And Buying Books For Pleasure : 2005 Canadian National Survey

Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2005 21:08:58 -0500
From: Paul Nielson <p.nielson@shaw.ca>
To: Manitoba Library Association News mailing list

Reading And Buying Books For Pleasure : 2005 National Survey

Submitted to Canadian Heritage Industry Development Publishing Policy
and Programs

March 2005

HTML Version (Executive Summary only)

PDF Version

Table Of Contents

1. Executive Summary

1.1 Purpose Of The Survey
1.2 General Overview
1.3 Leisure Reading Habits
1.4 Social Background And Reading For Pleasure
1.5 Attitudes to Reading
1.6 The Internet and Reading Books for Pleasure
1.7 Language and Reading Books for Pleasure
1.8 Genres of Reading for Pleasure
1.9 Reading Skills
1.10 Introduction to Reading
1.11 Use of Public Libraries
1.12 Searching for Books Online
1.13 Buying Books for Pleasure
1.14 Estimated Market Value of Books for Pleasure
1.15 Buying Books for Pleasure Over the Internet
1.16 Sources of Awareness of Books for Pleasure
1.17 Sources of Supply of Books for Pleasure
1.18 Conclusion


This survey was commissioned by the Research, Analysis and Industry
Development Directorate of the Publishing Policy and Programs Branch,
Department of Canadian Heritage and its partners:

Official Languages Support Programs Branch
Copyright Policy Branch
Canadian Culture Online Branch
Canada Council for the Arts.

The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect those of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

This study is available in electronic format in both official
languages, and can be obtained by sending a message, quoting the
study title to: <mailto:IDD-DDI@pch.gc.ca>IDD-DDI@pch.gc.ca.

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2005

Executive Summary CH44-61/2005-1 0-662-69048-6
CD-ROM CH44-61/2005-MRC 0-662-69049-4

206 Pine Avenue East - Montreal, Quebec H2W 1P1
Tel. (514) 844-1127 - Fax: (514) 288-3194
E-mail: info@createc.ca / Web Site: www.createc.ca

Web Site Makes US Gov't. Reports Available

Web Site Makes Gov't. Reports Available

By TED BRIDIS, Associated Press Writer Mon Jun 27,12:17 AM ET


WASHINGTON - A new Web site aims to make widely available to the
public certain government reports about topics from terrorism to
Social Security that congressional researchers prepare and distribute
now only to lawmakers.

The site — http://www.opencrs.com — links more than a half-dozen
existing collections of nearly 8,000 reports from the Congressional
Research Service and centrally indexes them so visitors can find
reports containing specific terms or phrases.

It also encourages visitors to ask their lawmakers to send them any
reports not yet publicly available — and gives detailed instructions
to do this — so these can be added to the collection. None of the
reports is classified or otherwise restricted.

The site, being announced Monday, is operated by the Center for
Democracy and Technology, a Washington-based civil liberties group.
The project is a response to years of rumbling and wrangling by
open-government advocates over a lack of direct accessibility to
reports from the policy research arm of Congress.


On the Net:

Congressional Research Service: http://www.loc.gov/crsinfo

Federation of American Scientists: http://www.fas.org


Saturday, June 25, 2005

French answer to Google library

* French answer to Google library *
France is responding to Google's online library project with its own version. Click Online reports on the push to preserve French culture.
Full story:


With the Google Print project planning to put 4.5 billion pages of English onto the web, France has decided to do something similar with French, though on a smaller scale.

In fact, France started digitalising parts of its national collection as long as 13 years ago, and in 1997 they began to put this collection online.

Catherine Lupovici, head of the digital library department at the BNF, says: "It was a project with the new library to create a network that would be available for scholars, representing an encyclopaedic French library of French culture."

The project they call Gallica has already put some 80,000 works and 70,000 images online, and it is currently working its way through the BNF's basement of 19th century newspapers.

But it is a long way off from the scope of Google Print, which has got those at the top of the BNF wondering how France can respond to what they see as a cultural challenge from across the pond.

 La Bibliothèque Nationale de France

Origins in the 15th century
Receives copies of all printed French works
Collection now includes more than 12 million books and manuscripts, 500,000 periodicals, 800,000 medals and coins, and 650,000 maps and prints

Friday, June 24, 2005


[Commentary] A look at the global efforts to digitize the holdings of
libraries. Apparently, some of us youngsters may be surprised to
learn, not all of the important information that has ever been
published is available online. “When we were growing up,” said
Brewster Kahle, the founder of the San Francisco non-profit Internet
Archive, “we had great libraries. But for kids today, the Internet is
their library. We are giving them an instantly accessible resource
that is much worse than what we grew up with.”
[SOURCE: MSNBC, AUTHOR: Michael Rogers]
For a longer read, see "Buildings, Books, and Bytes: Libraries and
Communities in the Digital Age"

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Via / By / Excerpted / From / Tip from / Thanks to:

Communications-related Headlines is a free online news summary
service provided by the Benton Foundation (www.benton.org). Posted
Monday through Friday, this service provides updates on important
industry developments, policy issues, and other related news events.
While the summaries are factually accurate, their often informal tone
does not always represent the tone of the original articles.
Headlines are compiled by Kevin Taglang (headlines@benton.org) -- we
welcome your comments.
(c)Benton Foundation 2005. Redistribution of this email publication
-- both internally and externally -- is encouraged if it includes
this message. For subscribe/unsubscribe info email:

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Quick Reference: Google Advanced Operators (Cheat Sheet)

A List of Google Tips By DAVID POGUE (New York Times technical
specialist blog)

Quick Reference: Google Advanced Operators (Cheat Sheet)
by Nancy Blachman – nancy at googleguide.com (replace at with @)


There are a lot of cool Google tips and hacks floating around, some
of which I've mentioned in my weekly e-column. (For example, you can
use Google as a dictionary by typing "define:ersatz," or whatever.)

But here's a nice,
list of all of them in one place, some of which are new to me.
Bookmark this baby!

Internews' French Radio Technician Asked to Leave Aceh

News / General News
Internews' French Radio Technician Asked to Leave Aceh
Oleh relief
Friday, 24-June-2005, 00:58:02


A French radio station technician, Aleksander Lebugle, which assist
rehabilitation of a radio station in Blang Pidie, Soutwest Aceh
district, has been asked to leave Aceh because has no working permit.
Lebugle, who works for Internews, NGO specializing in radio station,
entered Aceh using tourist visa.

Banda Aceh, Serambi Indonesia - A French radio station technician,
Aleksander Lebugle, which assist rehabilitation of a radio station in
Blang Pidie, Soutwest Aceh district, has been asked to leave Aceh
because has no working permit. He entered Aceh using tourist visa.

Head of Soutwest Aceh Police, Kompol Sumardi, told reporter on Friday
that he has issue an order for Lebugle to leave Aceh. Lebugle came to
Blangpidie as invited by Internews, an NGO specializing in radio
station, to rehabilitate radio Fatalie. The radio is part of French
project to create a network of tsunami early warning system.

Sumardi said he invited Lebugle to his office on Sunday night and ask
his working permit. As Lebugle could only show his tourist visa,
Sumardi asked him to complete his immigration paper. ''We didn't
arrest him,'' he said.

The police said, despite his present in Aceh is for humanitarian
work, Lebugle still have to abide immigration laws. On Wednesday,
Internews staffs (Mita, Erik and Tedy Wahyu) pick Lebugle and brought
him to Medan to complete his immigration documents. © ant

Read also: France Start Construction of Sumatra's Tsunami Early Warning System

Government Aid

France Start Construction of Sumatra's Tsunami Early Warning System
Wednesday, 22-June-2005, 21:28:59
Clicks: 42
Jakarta, Indonesia-Relief - The government of France rehabilitates
Fatali radio station in Blang Pidie, Southwest Aceh district. The
$130,000 project will be completed this month and the radio will back
on air early Juliy. The station could reach audience in radius of 120
km, including audience in Blang Pidie and Meulaboh.

''We rehabilitate Fatali because Blang Pidie and its surrounding area
is still a blank spot,'' said Pierre Devoluy told reporters in
Jakarta on Wednesday. In implementing the project, French cooperation
with Radio Republik Indonesia (Indonesia public radio) and Ministry
of Communication and Information.

Rehabilitation of the radio station is first phase in French effort
to rebuild communication sectors in Aceh. In second phase, Devoluy
said, French will hold training for radio technician in the areas.

In third phase, French will build satellite communication system
which will become part of Indonesia's tsunami early warning system.
The system will be connected to 37 radio station in west coast of
Sumatra. The satellite communication will be build in Padang, capital
of West Sumatra, and will be completed in November 2005. © lan

Thursday, June 23, 2005

SOMALIA: Court rules the imprisonment of newspaper editor for undecided period

Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 07:31:29 +0400
From: Somalia Alerts <alerts@sojonsomalia.org>
Reply-To: alerts@sojonsomalia.org, faruk129@yahoo.com
Subject: UPDATE: Court rules the imprisonment of newspaper editor
for undecided period

UPDATE: Court rules the imprisonment of newspaper editor for undecided period


A Puntland judge ruled on Thursday, 23 June 2005, that the editor of Shacab
weekly newspaper Mr. Abdi Farah Nur, known Abdi Farey, ought to be transferred
from the police station, where he was being held since last Sunday, to the
Garowe top-security prison.

The ruling in a court in Garowe, the capital of Puntland Regional State in
northeast regions of Somalia, comes after the arrest of Abdi Farey from the
head office of Shacab on 19 June 2005 by two police vehicles and two sedans
with Colonel Abdi Gaani, Garowe police chief.

Although Puntland law states that the alleged person has the right to appear in
a court within 48 hours when arrested, which was not abided, the presiding
judge asked Abdi Farey one question about the reason he recommenced the
newspaper, which was suspended by a presidential decree following a meeting of
Puntland council of ministers, but Abdi Farey defensively said, “I was doing my

There are other reports from reliable sources who requested anonymity that
reporter Abdirahman Qoondeeye of the Shacab newspaper was arrested with the
editor but in different small rooms. Qoondeeye was also brought to the court,
and both of them only met in the courtroom.

However, the judge, who received allegations against Abdi Farey about breaking
the government’s decision to suspend Shacab, ordered the moving of Abdi from
the police station to the top-security prison for pending investigations, which
will take undecided period. As well, the judge ruled the releasing of
Abdirahman Qoondeeye.

Shacab weekly newspaper, which is a leading independent newspaper in Garowe and
in Puntland regions in general, was suspended by presidential decree on 5th
May. In line with the presidential decree, the suspension is temporary.
Attempts to lift the suspension from traditional elders and intellectuals

Journalists in Garowe told the Somali Journalists Network that the court’s
decision is a maneuver aimed to detain him for undetermined time since the
authorities fear the recommencement of Shacab if Abdi is freed. Also, sources
believe that the arrest of Abdi Farey is affected by the current political
situation that the top leaders of transitional federal institutions and
Puntland Regional State are engaging.

“The court’s decision is offensive verdict, which encourages the Puntland
officials to continue their suppression,” said SOJON Secretary General Omar
Faruk Osman. “To detain someone for unrevealed period is totally mysterious act
and out of law”. We, Somali journalists, appeal to the Puntland authorities to
go back over their decisions”. “SOJON is launching local and international
campaign for the release of Abdi Farey”

Press Freedom Monitoring
This information is disseminated by the SOJON Information and Human Rights
Office as part of the office’s roles of monitoring violations of freedom of
press in Somalia.

SOJON takes the responsibility of the information expressed inside this mail,
and any organization, union or group is allowed to recopy or republish this

CONTACT: Omar Faruk Osman (the Secretary General), Ali Moalim Isak
(the Secretary of Information and Human Rights) and Mohamed Ibrahim Isak (the
secretary of Administration); E-mails: faruk129@yahoo.com,
omar@sojonsomalia.org, ali@sojonsomalia.org, bakistaan2002@yahoo.com,
bakistaan@sojonsomalia.org. Telefax: +252-1-859944.
URL: http://www.sojonsomalia.org

Detecting forged photographs

Detecting forged photographs
The development of a hologram-using technique is welcome in the publishing world, as well as in law enforcement and other legal situations. Implementing this technology will be a boon to any publishers of information.

Using Holograms to Detect Photo Forgeries

>A new technique for detecting forged photographs will help newspapers and
>magazines check celebrity pictures that might have been doctored to make
>them more newsworthy, and prevent hackers from tampering with sensitive
>legal images including fingerprint records and medical scans used as
>evidence in court.


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Via / By / Excerpted / From / Tip from / Thanks to:

jill e.vaile
northern california's finest
media specialist
contact:email- jill @jilleliz.com <mailto:jill@jilleliz.com>
do you blog? don't miss:
The STASH! <http://jilleliz.com/the_stash/intro_blog.html>

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BBC unveils new ethics code

BBC unveils new ethics code

BBC staff are to be told that "accuracy is more important than speed"
in breaking news, as the corporation publishes the first major
overhaul of its editorial guidelines since the publication of the
Hutton report. The new guidelines mark the first time the BBC has
made the commitment to
accuracy explicit and are designed to reflect the "changing media
environment". The corporation will also introduce a time delay on its
live coverage of sensitive news events such as September 11 and the
school massacre in Beslan. The time delay will last several seconds
and will allow editors to cut any scenes they believe are too
shocking for viewers. The BBC said it had made the decision following
unease in some quarters over its coverage of Beslan last September,
when several
broadcasters were criticised for losing sight of the meaning of such
tragedies in an effort to be first with the news. All the major news
broadcasters reported live from the scene of the hostage crisis, in
which more than 300 people died. In some cases cameras were rolling
as bloodied hostages, many of them children, fled the school.

Source: Guardian

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Jack St. Clair Kilby Tiny Chip Changed the World

Engineer's Tiny Chip Changed the World
Jack St. Clair Kilby won the 2000 Nobel Prize in physics for his 1958
invention of the integrated electronic circuit, which made personal
computers, satellite navigation systems, cell phones and the $200
billion field of microelectronics possible. He invented the hand-held
calculator, which commercialized the microchip, and held more than 60
other patents. "In my opinion, there are only a handful of people
whose works have truly transformed the world and the way we live in
it -- Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, the Wright brothers and Jack Kilby,"
Tom Engibous, chairman of Texas Instruments, where Kilby worked for
years, said in a statement. "If there was ever a seminal invention
that transformed not only our industry but our world, it was Jack's
invention of the first integrated circuit." Kilby, 81, died of cancer
Monday at his home in Dallas.
[SOURCE: Washington Post, AUTHOR: Patricia Sullivan]
(requires registration)
* Jack Kilby, Touching Lives on Micro and Macro Scales


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Via / By / Excerpted / From / Tip from / Thanks to:

Communications-related Headlines is a free online news summary
service provided by the Benton Foundation (www.benton.org). Posted
Monday through Friday, this service provides updates on important
industry developments, policy issues, and other related news events.
While the summaries are factually accurate, their often informal tone
does not always represent the tone of the original articles.
Headlines are compiled by Kevin Taglang (headlines@benton.org) -- we
welcome your comments.
(c)Benton Foundation 2005. Redistribution of this email publication
-- both internally and externally -- is encouraged if it includes
this message. For subscribe/unsubscribe info email:
The Benton Foundation (www.benton.org) works to realize the social
benefits made possible by the public interest use of communications.
Bridging the worlds of philanthropy, public policy, and community
action, Benton seeks to shape the emerging communications environment
and to demonstrate the value of communications for solving social

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Egyptian state media ignore U.S. calls for reform

Egyptian state media ignore U.S. calls for reform
Egypt's state media are largely ignoring U.S. criticism of the
government and calls for more political freedom in what observers see
as a losing battle to quell debate on reform in the largest Arab
country. On 20 June, Secretary State Condoleezza Rice directed strong
criticism at Egypt in a major policy speech in Cairo on Arab reform.
However, state media ignored her call for an end to emergency laws
and the need to replace "arbitrary justice" with an independent

- Reuters


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Media News is archived at <http://www.ejc.nl/mn/searchnews.asp> and
searchable on keyword.

Visit the European Journalism Centre website at <http://www.ejc.nl>
for information on training
activities, EJC publications and useful tools for journalists.

For Subscribe/Unsubscribe/Suggestions contact the EJC newsroom at:

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The university-based OpenNet Initiative has released
"Internet Filtering in Iran", a report that documents the
degree and extent to which the Iranian government controls
the information environment in which its citizens live,
including Web sites, blogs, email, and online discussion
forums. ONI's analysis finds that Iran's Internet filtering
system is one of the world's most substantial censorship
regimes. Coverage at
Report at

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Via / By / Excerpted / From / Tip from / Thanks to:

BNA's Internet Law News is published weekdays by The Bureau
of National Affairs, Inc., 1231 25th St., NW, Washington, DC
20037. Michael Geist, a law professor at the University of
Ottawa, holds the Canada Research Chair in Internet and
E-commerce Law. He may be
reached at mgeist@uottawa.ca.

Use of this service is subject to the terms and conditions
published at http://www.bna.com/ilaw/terms.htm. Permission
is granted to distribute this issue in its entirety to
colleagues, students, and friends. To receive your own free
personal copy of BNA's Internet Law News or to change your
address visit http://ecommercecenter.bna.com

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The Canadian government yesterday introduced Bill C-60, a large
copyright reform bill. The bill includes a new making available
right, anti-circumvention measures tied to copyright infringement,
and it establishes a "notice and notice" system for ISPs. The bill
was welcomed by the recording industry and criticized by consumer
groups. Coverage at
Bill at

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Via / By / Excerpted / From / Tip from / Thanks to:

BNA's Internet Law News is published weekdays by The Bureau
of National Affairs, Inc., 1231 25th St., NW, Washington, DC
20037. Michael Geist, a law professor at the University of
Ottawa, holds the Canada Research Chair in Internet and
E-commerce Law. He may be
reached at mgeist@uottawa.ca.

Use of this service is subject to the terms and conditions
published at http://www.bna.com/ilaw/terms.htm. Permission
is granted to distribute this issue in its entirety to
colleagues, students, and friends. To receive your own free
personal copy of BNA's Internet Law News or to change your
address visit http://ecommercecenter.bna.com.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2005


(20 jun 2005) The news that Coca-Cola was in negotiations to
sponsor the anti-poverty Live 8 concert series brought swift
condemnation from across the globe. Among other gross misdeeds, the
company stands accused of pumping massive amounts of groundwater from
India's parched earth and allowing the intimidation and killing of
union leaders in Colombia.
From: India Resource Center

(20 jun 2005) The University of Michigan is placing the Coca-Cola
company on probation until August 2006 for the company's egregious
actions in Colombia and India. The major setback for the Coca-Cola
company comes after a 10 month investigation into Coca-Cola's crimes
in India and Colombia by the Dispute Review Board (DRB), an advisory
body set up by the University of Michigan.

World's largest school launches FM Radio

From: "Alokesh Gupta" <alokeshgupta@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 07:49:03 +0530
Subject: [cr-india] World's largest school launches FM Radio

World's largest school launches FM Radio
Monday, 20 June , 2005, 09:52

Lucknow: The world's largest school as recognised by the Guinness
Book has made its foray into the media world with the launch of an
Educational Frequency Modulation (FM) Radio Channel.

Lucknow-based City Montessori School (CMS) would become the first
intermediate level institution in the country to run an educational
FM Radio.

Union HRD minister Arjun Singh will inaugurate the Channel on July 1
next at a ceremony here.
CMS is the biggest school in a single city anywhere in the world
having over 29,000 students on its rolls. Addressing a news
conference yesterday, CMS Founder-Manager Jagdish Gandhi said the
90.4 MHz FM Radio would air five hours programme daily in two shifts
from 0700 to 0930 hrs and from 1900 to 2130 hrs.

The Channel has materialised with the active support and cooperation
of the All India Radio (AIR).

''The Channel aims at establishing a strong link between the
students, teachers and parents as well as act as a friendly channel
for today's youth,'' said Gandhi.

The FM Radio will also host phone-in programmes featuring guest
lectures, career counselling, subject tutorials, interview with child
psychologists, teaching sessions, besides quizzes based on general
and subject knowledge. ''It will encourage students to produce their
programmes and act as anchors on the Radio shows,'' he added.

United Nations General Assembly has invited Gandhi, also a social
activist, to participate and provide inputs from NGOs in the hearings
to reform the world body.



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Via / By / Excerpted / From / Tip from / Thanks to:

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi.
cr-india mailing list

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Turning Ghana's Youthful Population Into Skilled Human Resource

Turning Ghana's Youthful Population Into Skilled Human Resource by:
George Koomson

Ghana aims to increase its per capita income from its current level
of $400 to $1000 per annum within the next 10 to 15 years. Included
in plans to bring about this development, are turning the country's
large youthful population into a skilled human resource and
increasing the percentage of her key technical and professional
manpower. The plans identify e-learning as a cost effective and
quickest way of achieving this.



We are delighted to announce the launch of a Chinese language version
of SciDev.Net's China gateway, which can be found at
http://www.scidev.net/chinese/gateway/. This will contain both
original items about science-related developments in China, and
translations into Chinese of relevant articles appearing elsewhere on
the website.

The opening of the new gateway coincides with the launch of our
latest regional network, SciDev.Net China.

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InuktiChat unveiling - InuktiBoard - InuktiCode

As part of the National Aboriginal Day, launched by the Department of
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, NunaSoft and the SAT unveil their
new line of technology (hadware and software) dedicated to the
aboriginal cultures:

- InuktiChat(tm) (first pure-Inuktitut chat environment);
- InuktiBoard(tm) (first keyboard specifically engineered for the
Inuit language);
- InuktiCode(tm) (first universal tool for Inuktitut conversion and

The aboriginal communities are, for the most part, isolated.
Community exchanges are limited by technology, infrastructures and
therefore by the costs related to them. It is the reason why the SAT
and NunaSoft took on this ambitious research and development program,
which objectives are the preservation and dissemination of the
aboriginal arts and cultures.

For more information on NunaSoft, go to : http://www.nunasoft.com
For more information on the National Aboriginal Day, go to:



The café is now open only during events. 18+

Programming details at: www.sat.qc.ca <http://www.sat.qc.ca/>


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Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 09:48:36 -0400
From: "Thompson, Darlene" <DThompson@GOV.NU.CA>
Subject: FW: Darlene: InuktiChat unveiling

Thought this might be interesting...

Darlene A. Thompson

Community Access Program Administrator

Nunavut Department of Education/N-CAP

P.O. Box 429

Pond Inlet, NU X0A 0S0

Phone: (867) 899-7363

Fax: (867) 899-7334


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Thursday, June 16, 2005

Algerian journalists sent to jail

Algerian journalists sent to jail
The editor and a reporter on Algerian newspaper Le Soir d'Algerie,
have been sentenced to up to six-months in jail on charges of
defaming the president. A cartoonist on the Liberte newspaper was
also sentenced to six-months in prison for mocking army officers. All
have indicated they will appeal. The rulings are the latest in a
series of cases which have been criticised by international media
watchdogs. They say the government is using defamation law to control
the press.

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4094840.stm - BBC

Taleban set up two more radio stations, announce ambitious Afghan plans

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Taleban set up two more radio stations, announce ambitious Afghan plans
More text at:

Excerpt from report by Pakistan-based Afghan Islamic Press news agency

Peshawar, 11 June: The Taleban have set up two more radio stations in
Afghanistan and say that the total number of Taleban radio stations
will reach 20.

Speaking to the Afghan Islamic Press from an unknown location today,
Taleban spokesman Mofti Latifollah Hakimi said that the Taleban have
recently set up two more radio stations, which have begun
broadcasting fairly successfully. Hakimi added: "With the setting up
of these two stations, the total number of active Taleban radio
stations is now three. We are intending to activate more such

(Source: Afghan Islamic Press news agency, Peshawar, in Pashto 0959
gmt 11 Jun 05 via BBC Monitoring)
Material credited to BBC Monitoring is used by permission. Re-use is
NOT permitted without the prior written consent of BBC Monitoring.

BBC launches "radio amnesty" for Africa

BBC launches "radio amnesty" for Africa

On 6 July 2005, the BBC launches a radio amnesty in aid of African
nations - fronted by presenter Nick Knowles - in which listeners can
receive discounts on DAB radios. The BBC's digital radio team and BBC
Radio Five Live have teamed up with manufacturers and high street
retailers across the UK to offer listeners a discount of 10% on a new
digital radio, when they trade in their portable FM sets. The old
sets will then be reconditioned and sent to Somalia and south Sudan,
where they will be distributed by the BBC World Service Trust.

The amnesty starts on 6 July and lasts until 26 July, during which
time Five Live will support the project on air and around a thousand
stores up and down the country will take part. Nick Knowles - already
recognised for his work with Comic and Sport Relief - is promoting
the campaign on behalf of the BBC and will be raising the project's

"A disused radio set, gathering dust in a spare room in Tunbridge
Wells, could end up making a real difference to a family in Somalia,"
says Nick. Every set that is traded in will help the educational
projects the World Service Trust runs in Africa."

Simon Nelson, Controller of BBC Radio & Music Interactive, says:
"We're delighted to be working with retailers, manufacturers and the
World Service Trust on this project. Everyone involved benefits from
this initiative: consumers get a discount, DAB radios sales will
increase, and it all helps to support some of the fantastic work the
World Service Trust is doing in Africa."

Retailers will accept battery-powered FM/AM radios (not hi-fi
separates or mains only sets), which will be reconditioned, fitted
with new batteries and shipped for distribution by the BBC World
Service Trust and its partner, the African Educational Trust (AET).
The trust and the AET will use the radios to further their work on
the Somalia Distance Education for Literacy project - or 'Radio
Teacher' - which offers education to men and women who have grown up
during civil war with no chance of schooling.

There is a shortage of Somali teachers and there are few western
volunteers, so the only choice is to use the mass media. Radio is by
far the most widespread medium in Somalia, with the BBC Somali
Service by far the most popular broadcaster. The project teaches
literacy through discussions of issues like human rights, health and
environmental protection, and has been a great success, with 10,000
people registering for the first teaching cycle. Given the success of
the first phase of literacy training in Somalia, the series is now
being run for a second time, with a further 7,000 students signing up.

The BBC World Service Trust and AET are also planning to replicate
the literacy project for the south Sudanese audience and are also
exploring the possibility of training farmers and teachers using
similar techniques. The more radios made available to audiences in
Somalia and Sudan, the more students will be able to benefit from
these projects.

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Nepalese radio stations use creative ways to oppose government

Nepalese radio stations use creative ways to oppose government

The Nepali Times reports that FM radio owners have intensified their
nationwide protest program following the order against the government
by the Supreme Court for closing down the radio syndication service,
Communication Corner. Yesterday evening at 8PM local time, FM
stations throughout the country were planning to defy the government
ban on news coverage and simultaneously broadcast news of King
Gyanendra's departure for Doha. Other measures used by the stations
have included broadcasting silence, blowing of conch shells and
reading the news through loudspeakers in the main squares of all
major towns.

There are nearly 60 non-government radio stations in Nepal and many
are on the verge of bankruptcy because of a fall in ad revenues.
Raghu Mainali of Save the Independent Radio Movement told the Nepali
Times: "We need press freedom not just for ourselves, it is the
citizen's right to information that is being violated." Sundar Mani
Dixit of the Citizen's Committee for Peace and Development said "The
curbs on the media have made a mockery of the claims this government
makes about its commitment to restore democracy."
# posted by Andy @ 10:38 UTC

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41 community radio stations in Bangkok could be closed

41 community radio stations in Bangkok could be closed

The Bangkok Post, quoting a source at the Public Relations
Department, says that at least 41 community radio stations in Bangkok
will be shut down if they do not fully conform to broadcasting
regulations by June 15. The stations are accused of breaching
broadcasting regulations that limit transmission power to 30 watts,
antenna height to 30 metres and transmission range to 15 kilometres.
The community radio stations have been granted a grace period of 15
days to make necessary adjustments to comply with the rules, which
will expire on June 15.

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AFRICA: Human Rights

Human Rights

Replacing the discredited United Nations Commission on Human Rights
with a standing Human Rights Council would be a major step forward
for the protection of human rights worldwide, says Human Rights
Watch. On Friday the president of the U.N. General Assembly,
Ambassador Jean Ping of Gabon, presented a draft outcome document for
the General Assembly Summit in September which included a commitment
of support for a Human Rights Council. The proposed Human Rights
Council would operate year-round to allow it to act both preventively
and during urgent crises.

In the wake of last week's election- related protests, the Ethiopian
government's crackdown on potential sources of unrest has spread
throughout the country, Human Rights Watch says. While international
attention has focused on events in Addis Ababa, opposition members
and students in other cities are increasingly at risk of arbitrary
arrest and torture. The current wave of arrests followed a chaotic
week in Addis Ababa that saw security forces put down a series of
election-related protests with excessive force.
Further details: http://www.pambazuka.org/index.php?id=28603

On April 22, 2005, the government of Ghana released the final report
of the National Reconciliation Commission (NRC). The commission was
appointed in 2002 to investigate human rights violations that took
place between 1957 and 1993, particularly during the periods of
military rule. Over the course of 18 months of hearings, NRC heard
testimonies from more than 2000 victims and 79 perpetrators. Victims
reported a wide range of violations, including abductions, beatings,
detentions, executions-style killings, sexual abuse, torture, and
seizure of property. The Commission offered the first opportunity for
Ghanaians to publicly relate their experiences of abuse, uncover the
truth about the past, and seek redress.

The trial of a former Rwandan minister suspected of playing a key
role in the 1994 genocide of some 800,000 people started at the
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) last Thursday.
Prosecutors accuse Andre Rwamakuba of drawing up lists of Tutsi
people to be killed and allowing militiamen with him to kill women
and disembowel those who were pregnant. The former doctor also
allegedly walked around a hospital with an axe hanging from his belt,
striking any ethnic Tutsis he found in wards or corridors.

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour, is
sending a fact-finding team to Togo next week to investigate
allegations of rights violations in the wake of the West African
country's recent elections. Arbour has appointed human rights expert
Doudou Diene to head the mission, which is expected to arrive in Togo
on 13 June and stay there for two weeks, the Office of the UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) said.

Uganda's constitutional court on Friday rejected an appeal by
hundreds of death row prisoners to outlaw capital punishment, but
ruled in favour of putting an end to laws prescribing death as a
mandatory sentence for certain crimes. "The death penalty is not
unconstitutional because it is given by the laws as punishment after
due process," Galdino Okello, who headed the team of constitutional
court judges, said.

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AFRICA: Media and Freedom of Expression http://www.pambazuka.org/

Media and Freedom of Expression

According to information provided to the International Press
Institute (IPI), journalists reporting on violent street clashes in
Addis Ababa between police and students protesting over the 15 May
parliamentary elections have come under increased pressure from the
authorities. On 7 June, the Information Ministry revoked the
accreditation of five Ethiopian journalists, Taddesse Engidaw and
Assegdech Yiberta of Deutsche Welle and Helen Mohammed, Temam Aman
and Bereket Teklu of Voice of America (VOA), who were accused of
filing "unbalanced reports" on the elections.
Further details: http://www.pambazuka.org/index.php?id=28556

On 12 June 2005, the English language daily 'Khartoum Monitor' was
served with a suspension order by the Press Council General
Secretary, Dr. Hashim Mohamed Salih Aljaz. In a letter to the acting
editor of the Khartoum Monitor, Dr. Hashim attached the decision of
Judge Ismat Suleiman Hassan sitting at Khartoum North Panel Court
dated 12 June 2005, ordering the withdrawal of the newspaper license.
In justifying the decision, Judge Ismat's decision cited a High Court
decision dated 12 July 2003, which ordered withdrawal of the license
of the paper.
Further details: http://www.pambazuka.org/index.php?id=28558

Authorities on the semi-autonomous Tanzanian island of Zanzibar have
banned political columnist Jabir Idrissa from writing, saying he was
working without permission. Idrissa told the Committee to Protect
Journalists that he believes he was banned for criticizing the
Zanzibar government. The Zanzibar-based Idrissa is a well-known
political columnist for the weekly, Swahili language newspaper Rai.
The newspaper is based on the Tanzanian mainland, but sells on
Further details: http://www.pambazuka.org/index.php?id=28559

Reporters sans frontieres (RSF) has voiced "revulsion" at a
government-orchestrated campaign to smear murdered journalist Deyda
Hydara following the release of a report by the National Intelligence
Agency (NIA) on its ongoing investigation into his death. The report
is full of gratuitous detail about the journalist's private life and
absurd theories about the motives for the murder.
Further details: http://www.pambazuka.org/index.php?id=28557

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* Friends 'help people live longer' *

* Friends 'help people live longer' *

Good friends promise to be there for you, and their presence can help
you live longer, researchers say.

Full story:


Good friends promise to be there for you, and their presence can
actually help you live longer, researchers say.

Australian scientists said having friends around in old age can do
more for life expectancy than having family members around.

The team looked at how a range of social, health and lifestyle
factors affected the survival rates of more than 1,500 people over 70.

The research is in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

It goes to show that we really do benefit from chatting and
feeling valued among friends
Dr Lorna Layward, Help the Aged

The team took data from the Australian Longitudinal Study of Aging
(ALSA), which began in 1992 in Adelaide, South Australia.

As part of the study, people were asked how much personal and phone
contact they had with their various social networks, including
children, relatives, friends and confidants.

The team then looked at each participant's survival rates over the
following decade, checking them after four years, and then at around
three yearly intervals.

Help the Aged
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
Australian Longitudinal Study of Aging