From: "Nick Grace"
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 00:34:05 -0500
Subject: [crwatch] CRW 177 Extra
March 17, 2005
CRW is the biweekly online magazine for, the
Web's only portal on clandestine broadcasting and subversive media.
The full online issue can be read at:
------------xxxxxxxxxx Breaking News xxxxxxxxxx----------------
China (PRC): Interception of Nine Commentaries Message on TV Was a "Good Thing"
China (PRC): CCP Withdrawals Pass 300,000, News Broadcast in China
China (PRC): Unexpected Program on China's TV: Withdrawing from CCP
Interception of Nine Commentaries Message on TV Was a "Good Thing"
March 31, 2005
Article originally posted at:
By Zhao Zifa
The Epoch Times
During Beijing’s 2005 annual government conferences on the night of
March 14 around 9:35- 9:45 p.m., more than eight provincial TV
stations and more than six satellite TV stations were interrupted
with broadcasts about The Nine Commentaries on the CCP.
Initially, many people thought it was a message introducing the
beginning session of the CCP Congress. However, as they continued
watching and saw that it was exposing the CCP, it dawned on them that
the TV program signals had been intercepted. The interception lasted
for one to two minutes.
According to responses from viewers and Beijing investigators, the
scope of this interception covered eight TV stations including
Heilongjiang province, Liaoning province, Jiangsu province, Guangxi
province, Henan province and Hunan province. Since it happened during
prime time viewing at night, many people saw the contents of The Nine
Viewers in Shenzhen said programs in the four satellite TV stations
in Shanghai, Guangxi, Sichuan and Shenzhen stopped suddenly following
the interruption and their TV screens went blank.
Yesterday, Beijing citizen Mr. Zhao and his neighbors were watching
television together. They saw the intercepted program, Nine
Commentaries as well.
Our reporter interviewed Mr. Zhao on March 15. Here is an excerpt of
the interview:
Mr. Zhao: A few of us saw the intercepted Nine Commentaries. It was a
coincidence yesterday. We were just switching channels and then The
Nine Commentaries on the CCP appeared. We saw it first on the
Heilongjiang TV station.
Reporter: Were you very surprised at seeing this?
Mr. Zhao: Not at all, I was glad because we depend on outside media
to understand the situation in China. Everything they (the CCP)
propagate are lies, nothing they say is true. We need to hear a
different voice; we can’t let them continue to deceive people
People in Beijing call them (the CCP) “the embezzlement party”- they
come from all walks of life and come together for a common goal,
Reporter (laughing): It seems you are trying to be funny?
Mr. Zhao: Yes, people in Beijing can only try to find a balance
through our own efforts.
(The Epoch Times Mar 16 via Grace-USA)
CCP Withdrawals Pass 300,000, News Broadcast in China
March 16, 2005
Article originally posted at:
By Zeng Ni
The Epoch Times
Around 11:30 am on March 16 (Beijing time), The Epoch Times reported
that the number of people who withdrew from the CCP exceeded 300,000.
At the same time, the Chinese official news agency, Xinhua News,
confirmed that the signals of many TV stations were intercepted and
the news of the withdrawals were broadcast in China on the
intercepted signals.
First Time TV Broadcast On The Withdrawals And The "Nine
Commentaries" Seen in China
According to an Epoch Times reader, on the night of March 14, the
signals of more than eight provincial TV stations and more than six
satellite TV stations were intercepted and replaced with broadcasts
about "The Nine Commentaries On The CCP" and the withdrawals from the
CCP. The longest broadcast lasted five minutes. TV stations
intercepted include Xindongfang, CCTV1, a satellite TV station in
Jiangsu, and cable TV stations in Sichuan, Heilongjiang, Anhui,
Xinjiang, and Guangxi Provinces.
Official Confirmation On the Interception
The China official news agency, Xinhua News, confirmed that the
signals of many TV stations were intercepted. On March 15, the Hong
Kong office of Xinhua released the news report titled, "Satellite
intercepted by Falun Gong again, Asia Satellite Telecommunication Co.
(AsiaSat) strongly condemns interception." In the report, it said
that "at 9:34 pm on March 14, 2005, six C-band transponders of
AsiaSat's 3S satellite were interfered with by the signals with Falun
Gong content which stopped normal TV programs of several provinces
renting those transponders."
A visitor to the Xinhua website posted a message following the news
report, "Why claim it was Falun Gong? There was no such propaganda,
only the withdrawal from the CCP. What did this have to do with Falun
Gong? You should report after you find the real criminal."
(The Epoch Times Mar 16 via Grace-USA)
Unexpected Program on China's TV: Withdrawing from CCP
March 15, 2005
Article originally posted at:
By Pu Huien
The Epoch Times
HONG KONG - At 9 p.m. on March 13, "a statement to withdraw from the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP)" popped up on the TV screen when Hong
Kong residents were watching a Chinese satellite TV program. It
lasted for about a minute. Then, the TV play was resumed. One hour
later, the TV station stopped all its programs.
Mrs. Zhang, a resident of the North District of Hong Kong, called The
Epoch Times and said that when she and her family were watching Jiang
Su Satellite TV programs at home, the screen was paused suddenly, and
then there appeared a stationary image of white characters on a red
background, which was "A Statement to Withdraw from the Communist
Party." A male voice read the statement.
(The Epoch Times Mar 15 via Grace-USA)
------------xxxxxxxxxx Miscellaneous xxxxxxxxxx----------------
China (PRC)
AsiaSat Probes Falun Gong-related Hijack of Satellite Transmissions
March 16, 2005
Article originally posted at:
Kyodo News
HONG KONG — Asia Satellite Telecommunications Co said Tuesday it has
launched an investigation into Monday's interruption of its satellite
transmissions with signals carrying content related to the Falun Gong
spiritual movement, banned in China.
The company said in a statement that six transponders on its AsiaSat
3S satellite were deliberately interrupted by illegal signals,
repeatedly carrying Falun Gong-related content.
(Kyodo News Mar 16 via Grace-USA)
China (PRC)
AsiaSat Says Transmissions Interrupted by Falun Gong Content
March 15, 2005
[no known url]
Text of report in English by official Chinese news agency Xinhua (New
China News Agency)
Hong Kong, 15 March: Asia Satellite Telecommunications Co. Ltd.
(AsiaSat) announced here Tuesday [15 March] that the transmissions of
its satellite were deliberately interrupted by illegal signals,
reportedly carrying content related to Falun Gong.
The company expressed its strong condemnation of the incident at a
press conference here. Falun Gong, an evil cult, was banned in China.
Six C-band transponders on an AsiaSat 3S satellite were interrupted
by illegal transmissions carrying Falun Gong-related content at 9.34
p.m. [1334 gmt] Monday, which caused a break in service of TV
programming on several provincial TV channels in Chinese mainland,
the company said in a statement.
This is the second incident to the company after a similar one on 20
November last year, the statement said, accusing the deliberate
attack of seriously violating international telecommunications
treaties, contravening international regulations and being in breach
of the normal conduct of satellite operations.
The company said it strongly condemns such behaviour and reserves the
right to take the appropriate action under the law, adding that the
AsiaSat has initiated an inquiry and the findings will be released in
due course.
AsiaSat is a wholly owned subsidiary of Asia Satellite
Telecommunications Holdings Ltd., whose major shareholders include
China's state-owned conglomerate CITIC Group.
Source: Xinhua news agency, Beijing, in English 1333 gmt 15 Mar 05
(BBC Monitoring Mar 15)
China (PRC)
Falun Gong Denies Sending China Pirate Signals
March 16, 2005
[no known url]
HONG KONG, March 16 (Reuters) - The Falun Gong spiritual movement
dismissed on Wednesday accusations by a Hong Kong-based satellite
operator that it had hacked into a satellite to beam transmissions
into mainland China.
"The accusation is completely groundless, we do not know what this
whole thing is and we do not know who may be doing it," said Kan
Hung-cheung, a Hong Kong-based spokesman for the group.
China's official Xinhua news agency reported on Tuesday that Asia
Satellite Telecommunications Co Ltd (AsiaSat) said Falun Gong
interrupted transmissions on Monday on several provincial channels to
broadcast information about the group into China, where Falun Gong is
banned as an "evil cult."
AsiaSat accused Falun Gong of a similar operation on November 22. At
that time, a Falun Gong spokeswoman in Hong Kong said she knew
nothing about any hacking.
Xinhua said AsiaSat condemned the illegal transmissions at a news
conference in Hong Kong and reserved the right to take legal action.
Beijing banned the Falun Gong in 1999 after 10,000 members besieged
the compound of the Chinese leadership in the capital to demand
official recognition for their faith.
But the movement, which combines Taoism, Buddhism and traditional
Chinese breathing exercises, remains legal in Hong Kong, a former
British colony that returned to Chinese rule in 1997.
A Falun Gong Web site,
past five years China has tortured more than 1,121 practitioners to
death, jailed at least 6,000 and sent more than 100,000 to labour
camps. The figures could not be independently confirmed.
Two years ago, China accused the Falun Gong of hijacking satellite
signals to disrupt state media broadcasts, saying it had pinpointed
the origin of the disruption to Taiwan.
(Additional reporting by Tan Ee Lyn in Hong Kong)
(Reuters Mar 16 via Grace-USA)
------------xxxxxxxxxx Team CRW xxxxxxxxxx---------------------
Martin Schoech, Editor in Chief
Achraf Chaabane, CRW North Africa
Nick Grace, CRW Washington
Takuya Hirayama, CRW Japan
Robert Petraitis, CRW Baltics
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