Sunday, October 04, 2009

ISES Solar World Congress (SWC) 2009

 Renewable Energy Resources can Unlock Africa's Potential

The potential solutions that renewable energy resources can provide in solving the world's energy problems will be presented by scientists and researchers at the ISES Solar World Congress (SWC) 2009 at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg from 11 – 14 October 2009. 

 The ISES SWC 2009 will not only focus on global issues but will clearly reflect significantly on Africa, while also paying increased attention to environmental and social responsibility issues, global warning and climate change. The Congress will address, in particular, the role that the renewable energy resources can play in the sustainable development of poor and rural communities in Africa.  

 First and foremost will be the use of various new technologies that can convert the abundance of solar energy on the continent into electricity to boost much-needed economic development, which relies heavily on energy supplies. Presentations will include the latest research and technological advances in these conversion processes. 

 "Our continent's potential to be one of the biggest users of renewable energy should not be underestimated," said Jon Adams, Chairperson of the conference steering committee and member of SESSA. Therefore, the timing of this event on the African continent is seen as very appropriate. "In most places in Africa photovoltaic systems are the only source of providing light to those infamous two billion people that live on less that $1 a day and without access to electricity," Adams continued.  

 Top international scientists and researchers will share their latest findings and innovations with peers and the energy industry. Presentations will cover a diverse range of themes such as Resource Assessment, Solar Heating and Cooling, Solar Electricity, Solar Buildings, and Solar Energy & Society.  

The Congress programme is still being finalized, but it already holds promises of a good balance between science and research with a generous touch of current affairs and controversy. High profile national and international speakers will address the most recent and current topics in the sustainable energy field.  

Another speaker who is expected to attract wide attention is Prof. Vivian Alberts of South Africa, who will discuss his reasons for moving his enterprise to Germany. A panel discussion on concentrating solar power and Eskom's technology choices is bound to attract considerable interest from governments and industry in the southern African region.  

The recent announcement in South Africa of the Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff (Refit) has created quite a buzz in the industry and it is expected that the pros and cons of Refit and the level of the tariffs will be hotly debated during the congress. Dr. Hermann Scheer who first introduced the Feed-in Tariff into the German Parliament will also be one of the keynote speakers.

"The above examples represent just a small sample of the level of debate that can be expected at the Congress. We will make more information available about the programme as invited speakers confirm their participation," so Adams.

ISES SWC 2009 key objective are to:

  • ensure a sustainable energy future
  • promote and increase the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • promote the use of renewable energy resources to positively impact on the quality of life for future generations
  • development of future opportunities for the use of renewable energy in Africa
  • jointly seek solutions which are consistent with the principles of sustainability - affordability, environmentally sound and socially acceptable .

Renewable Energy Expo

Parallel to this Congress, SESSA will also promote the interest of the trade and the public by introducing a Renewable Energy Expo, a trade exhibition. The theme of the Expo is Efficient; Alternative; Sustainable, and it will focus on solar, renewable, sustainable, alternative and efficient energy resources and products, services and developments. The Expo will showcase the industrial and domestic use of new technologies and inventions that will be of interest to the business sector and the public at large. SESSA envisages this Renewable Energy Expo to become an annual event. 

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