Friday, December 31, 2004

* Blogs take on the mainstream *

 * Blogs take on the mainstream *
Blogs have shifted the balance of information online, argue experts, and they are here to stay.
Full story:

It seems unlikely that we will end up living in a planet where every human is a blogger.

We are entering one era in which the technological infrastructure is creating a different context for how we tell our stories and how we communicate with each other
Andrew Nachison, Director, Media Center
But the current number of blogs is likely to keep on growing, in a web already overloaded with information.

Blog analysis firm Technorati estimates the number of blogs in existence, the so-called blogosphere, has already exceeded five million, and is growing at exponential levels.

Tools such as Google's Blogger, MovableType and the recently launched beta version of MSN Spaces are making it easier to run a blog.
US research think-tank Pew Internet & American Life says a blog is created every 5.8 seconds, although less than 40% of the total are updated at least once every two months.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Eclectic Blogs -- from Inuvik, NWT

Eclectic Blogs -- Professional and personal insights about Inuvik,
NWT, with photos.


Blogs from around the world are offering instant eyewitness reports
from the region affected by the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami
that the mainstream media cannot match.


Now on Net: Tsunami whodunnit
While nations pool in resources to help out the victims of the
tsunami tragedy and as people contribute their day's salaries, the
Internet is rife with some funny business of its own.

There are theories circulating on the Net about the "real" reasons on
why the tsunami "targeted" India.

What is more disturbing than the theories - ranging from the bizarre
to the ridiculous - is that there are some, who will actually believe
these hearsays.

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Salvation Army HAM radio operators are helping to establish communication in tsunami-hit regions.

Radio Operators Assist

Radio Operators Assist
BALTIMORE (December 27, 2004)
Salvation Army radio operators are helping to establish communication
in tsunami-hit regions.
Current News
Disaster News Network

The Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) is a HAM
radio team that can help families and emergency workers find each
other when a disaster wipes out all other forms of communication.

According to Major Pat McPherson, national director of SATERN,
representatives from the Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response
Association (DERA) have requested SATERN's help in listening to
certain frequencies for missing Indian HAM radio operators in the
tsunami-affected islands between India and Sumatra.

"If we can help effectively, we will," said McPherson. And so far
they have. McPherson noted that several SATERN members have reported
contact from these missing members of the National Institute for
Amateur Radio India (NAIR) from these hard hit regions. This contact
is crucial in order
to establish communication routes for these areas. Information about
the extent of the damage is important as well.

One of the operators recently spoken to is even a SATERN volunteer
who was doing work with NAIR on one of the islands when the tsunamis

McPherson added that anyone seeking information about a missing
relative in the tsunami-affected areas across south Asia can fill out
the request form available on the SATERN Web site. "We will give it
our best shot."


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David Kirkpatrick and Daniel Roth: Freewheeling bloggers can boost
your product or destroy it. Either way, they've become a force
business can't afford to ignore.,15114,1011763,00.html

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Tuesday, December 28, 2004

BOOK REVIEW Societies don't die by accident - they commit ecological suicide

Book "Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed"
from the December 28, 2004 edition

How to succeed in history
Societies don't die by accident - they commit ecological suicide
By David Shi

Full story

COLLAPSE: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed
By Jared Diamond
575 pp., $29.95

"Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed" is remarkable for
its ambitious sweep and interpretive panache. Diamond studies four
ancient societies across space and time: Easter Island in Polynesia,
the native American Anasazi tribe in what is now the southwestern
United States, the Maya civilization in Central America, and the
isolated Viking settlement on the coast of Greenland. Although
diverse in nature and context, these four societies experienced what
Diamond calls "ecocide," unintentional ecological suicide.


In each case, though, what ultimately caused ecocide was a series of
flawed responses to societal crises. Environmental degradation does
not ensure collapse. A society's fate, Diamond concludes, depends
upon how it manages challenging situations.

He reveals, for instance, how the Vikings who settled in Greenland
after AD 984 established a pastoral economy, raising sheep, goats,
and cattle. They also hunted caribou and seal, and developed a
flourishing trade in walrus ivory with Norway. But 300 years later,
the Vikings vanished from Greenland. Documentary sources along with
physical evidence reveal that their settlements gradually experienced
deforestation and soil erosion. A colder climate in the 14th and 15th
centuries impeded commerce with Norway and reduced the production of
hay, which diminished their herds.

At the same time that the Vikings were being cut off from Norway, the
Inuits began attacks on the Norse settlements in Greenland. Cultural
prejudices prevented the Vikings from adopting Inuit technologies,
such as harpoons, so they could not harvest whales. Nor were they
willing to mimic the Inuits in developing dog sleighs, sealskin
kayaks, and seagoing boats. As a result of these cultural prejudices,
by 1440 the Vikings had all died out in Greenland, whereas the Inuits
survive to this day.

Diamond's perspective is not solely historical. He also discusses
contemporary developments in Somalia, Rwanda, Haiti, China, and
Australia, as well as in Montana, a state that once was among the
wealthiest in the nation but now struggles with poverty, population
decline, and environmental problems.

Diamond complements his sobering analysis of collapsed civilizations
with more uplifting examples of societies that have found ways to
sustain themselves without overexploiting their environments.

What determines a society's fate, Diamond concludes, is how well its
leaders and citizens anticipate problems before they become crises,
and how decisively a society responds. Such factors may seem obvious,
yet Diamond marshals overwhelming evidence of the short-sightedness,
selfishness, and fractiousness of many otherwise robust cultures. He
reveals that many leaders were (and are) so absorbed with their own
pursuit of power that they lost sight of festering systemic problems.

Today, Diamond observes, the world is "on a nonsustainable course,"
but he remains a "cautious optimist." The problems facing us are
stern, he notes, but not insoluble. They demand stiff political will,
a commitment to long-term thinking, and a willingness to make painful
changes in what we value.


He concludes, "We have the opportunity to learn from the mistakes of
distant peoples and past peoples." But the question remains, will we?

*David Shi is the president of Furman University in Greenville, S.C.

'Where There is No Doctor' now available online free of charge and in full text

[Each chapter is a separate PDF file]

'Where There is No Doctor' - probably the most important health care
manual of all time - is now available online, free of charge and in
full text, at:

'Where There is No Doctor'
en español:
Donde No Hay Doctor

In addition, the following primary health care books are also
available on the above website:

'Questioning the Solution: The Politics of Primary Health Care and
Child Survival'
en español:
Cuestionando la Solución: Las Políticas de Atención Primaria de Salud
y Supervivencia Infantil

'Nothing About Us Without Us'
en español:
Nada Sobre Nosotros Sin Nosotros

'Disabled Village Children'
en español:
El Niño Campesino Deshabilitado

'Helping Health Workers Learn'
en español:
Aprendiendo a Promover la Salud

'Where There Is No Dentist'

All the above e-books are available in both English and Spanish.

Best wishes,

Dr Neil Pakenham-Walsh
Moderator, HIF-net-at-WHO

[HIF-net-at-WHO profile: Neil Pakenham-Walsh has a background in medicine
and medical publishing, including work with the World Health Organization,
the journal Medicine Digest, and the CD-ROM series Topics in International
Health (Wellcome Trust). He has worked as a medical officer in rural
Ecuador and Peru. From 1996 to 2004 he helped create the INASP-Health
programme (International Network for the Availability of Scientific
Publications), which aims to support cooperation, analysis, and advocacy
among those working to improve access to reliable information for
healthcare workers in developing and transitional countries. ]

Monday, December 27, 2004

Young Power in Social Action - Bangladesh ( ICTs for Development).

Young Power in Social Action - Bangladesh ( ICTs for Development).
Established in 1985, Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) is a
voluntary social development organisation with the mission to engage
Bangladesh's poor, vulnerable and marginalised youth in bringing
about their own and society's sustainable development. The YPSA ICT4D
Contributed by Anuradha Bhattacharjee on 18 December, 2004

Direct URL

Goal & Objectives
Implementation strategy
Project activities
YPRDO - Office
YPSA, Collage Road, Ayesha Villa
Sitakund - 4310
Chittagong, Bangladesh
Young Power in Social Action (YPSA)
House No # F10(P) ; Road No # 13 ; Block B
Chandgao R / A
Chittagong - 4212 , Bangladesh
Land Line: +88-031-672857
Fax: +88-031-650145
Mobile: +88-018-321432, 017-825068

What is YPRDO?

Youth led Poverty Reduction through Digital Opportunities (YPRDO) is
a UNESCO supported project aimed towards affective poverty reduction
& development through the innovative use of Information &
Communication Technologies.


The project is being implemented in Sitakund Upazilla under
Chittagong district, which offers different opportunities for
implementation of the project. The area situated 37 km. away from
Chittagong City flanked by hills and rivers. The total population of
the area is 274,903, Literacy rate is 41.1% and employment status of
men and women are 86% and 21% respectively. 85% of total villages and
65% of total HHs of the Upazilla are under electricity coverage.
Total length of Pucca, HBB and Katcha road is 111.75, 38 and 256 km
respectively. The digital opportunities center will be set up in the
village of MOHADEBPUR of the Upazilla, which is the center point of
the project.

Why Youth Leadership?

The young people are the most socially conscious and active segments
of the population. They are concerned about social issues like
culture, environment, economic inequality, and human rights, lack of
employment opportunities etc. Generally these young people can't
participate in the decision making process, don't have access to the
formal institutions of society. Yet these young people try to
organize themselves voluntarily to address the social problems &
bring about positive social changes. They cover the lack of finance
with their person power, lack of resource with their talent &
intelligence and overcome social barriers with their immense
challenge loving hard working mentality.

As a youth focused organization YPSA have noticed that that
potentially the deprived youths & adolescents of the rural areas are
not behind the urban youths & adolescents. But still the reason why
the rural youths remains behind is not of brain power but of
position. The rural youths have less accessibility to information
because of their position. The reasons adding to this are lack of
access to communication & technology. So if these youths can be
introduced to Information & Communication Technologies they can be
the future leaders to apply it in the field of social development.
Youth are a large untapped resource that have the innovation &
potential to find out ways of using ICTs properly & affective to the
local context.

Unnatural story selection - Media still aims for easy targets - But 2004 better than 2003 overall

Dec. 26, 2004. 09:25 AM
Unnatural story selection - Media still aims for easy targets - But
2004 better than 2003 overall


"What is the role of a free and independent press in a democratic
society? Is it to be a passive conduit responsible only for the
delivery of information between a government and its people? Is it to
aggressively print allegation and rumor independent of accuracy or
fairness? Is it to show boobies? No. The role of a free press is to
be the people's eyes and ears, providing not just information but
access, insight and, most importantly, context."

- From America (The Book) by The Daily Show With Jon Stewart.

It is, one hopes, a positive sign that a book of media and political
criticism ends up as book of the year by Publishers Weekly.

It is, however, not a good thing that it took a fake news show on a
comedy network to give Americans the real deal on their country.

At least 2004 was an improvement on 2003. This year, some of the
mainstream media, at least some of the time, stepped out of the
pro-war, pro-George W. Bush conga line and stopped beating the war

The New York Times copped to having swallowed the administration
hook, line and clunker about weapons of mass destruction. The New
Yorker and CBS showed the extent of American war crimes at Abu Ghraib
prison. The networks gave big play to Kevin Sites's video of an
American marine shooting an unarmed Iraqi in a mosque. Another
embedded journalist encouraged a National Guardsman this month to ask
Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld about the lack of armoured Humvees
- probably saving many American troops and contributing to the
almost-certain demise of Rumsfeld's long political run.

But it wasn't all good.


As America (The Book) points out, the media have never been freer -
and "the status never quo-er."

full story


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Bill Doskoch
Toronto, ON

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See "The Wagon Burner" winner best experimental -2004

The Wagon Burner
Super 8 Film, Video, Audio
Terrance Houle 2003

"Wagon Burner" examines what happens when a boy reclaims his identity
through the simple act of destruction. The boy burns his wagon and
dances to put out the flames. Music is done by Isho Bailey. Houles'
images tell a story older than colonization: the power of resistance
and remembrance.

2004 ImagineNATIVE Film Festival, Toronto, CANADA

Terrance Houle, born in Calgary, is a member of the Blood/Blackfoot
nation. His creative work includes painting, drawing, video/film,
mixed media, performance and installation.

See it at

Actual file

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Canadian copyright law; CLA Copyright Information Centre

Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2004 18:43:12 -0500 (EST)
From: Russell McOrmond

On Sun, 26 Dec 2004, Paul Nielson wrote:

This information is a bit dated and many of the links are broken.
Our own links on the site are a bit dated as
they focused on the 2001/2002 consultation process, rather than the
upcoming legislation that may be tabled in 2005. Latest is that it
won't likely be
February, and it is uncertain whether there will be another election
before legislation is tabled.

Those Canada-wide that are involved in Copyright Revision should be
at least aware of which we hope to keep
updated with the latest information on this and related areas of

Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant:
Have you, your family, your friends (, your enemies) signed the
Petition to the Canadian Parliament for Users' Rights in Copyright?

Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2004 16:53:34 -0600
From: Paul Nielson

Subject: [CPI-UA] CLA Copyright Information Centre

This section will provide the latest information on revisions to
Canada's Copyright Act and regulations; position statements by
associations and governments on copyright reform; interpretations of
Canadian copyright law; issues related to digital information and
media copyright; international copyright law and the Multilateral
Agreement on Investment (MAI); collective and performing rights
societies; and some readings and writings on Canadian, U.S. and
international copyright.

Table of Contents

1. Canadian Copyright Act
International Copyright Law
Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI)
4. Position Statements on Canadian Copyright Law Reform & Regulations
Bill C-32 (Phase II)
Canadian Government
Associations & Organizations
Interpretations of Canadian Copyright Law
6. Digital Information & Related Issues (Phase III)
Government Reports & Discussion Papers
Access to Information
Internet Content & Liability
7. Media Copyright
Organizations & Institutions
Studies & Discussions
United States
Collectives & Performing Rights Societies
9. Readings & Writings on Copyright Law
United States
United Kingdom
Discussion Paper On Digital Copyright Issues (issued by the Copyright
Forum, of which CLA is a member)
Public Access to Information Threatened by Copyright Inaction (by Margaret Law)
CLA Response to the Consultation Paper on Digital Copyright Issues
(Issued by the Intellectual Property Policy Directorate, Industry
Canada and the Copyright Policy Branch, Canadian Heritage)
Copyright Protection in Unpublished Works: Final Report by Wanda
Noel, Barrister & Solicitor (pdf) ~ April 23, 2002

For further information, please contact:

Karen Adams - Convenor, Copyright Committee (2004)
Cameron Library
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2J8
Tel.: (780) 492-6491
Fax: (780) 492-8302

Friday, December 24, 2004

"Abologs" list from APTN National News (ANN)


Many Aboriginal people in Canada, the US, and around the world
maintain their own blogs. Such blogs - we've nicknamed them "abologs"
- can provide a fascinating view into the personal lives and
differing political and social realities of Aboriginal people.

APTN (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network ) has compiled a blog
list (or blogroll) of just some of the Aboriginal blogs available on
the web.

Links to all the Blogs below may be found at:

Please note: APTN National News (ANN) provides these links as a
service only, and ANN neither endorses nor is affiliated with
off-site material or opinions. ANN is not responsible for any content
that may appear on other sites.

Want to suggest other aboriginal blogs in Canada? Email us,

Alan's Blog
Alan Greyeyes is a 25 year old living in Winnipeg

As Twisted by Dave
Ojibway/Cree/Scot blogging from Sioux Lookout, ON

Big Wab All Day, E're Day
Life & times of a young Aboriginal hip hop artist in Winnipeg

The Daily Blog: Insight into the Life of Anishnawbe
Based out of Nipissing First Nation in Ontario

Yet another young Aboriginal hip hop artist - only he's in Montreal

gôdag wajo
Web log of an abenaki parent

Life on the Rez
Life in Nisga'a Territory; Métis living in Gingolx BC

My Stolen Cat
Yukon blog

NOD version 5.1
Aboriginal woman blogging from Thunder Bay, ON

Metis new media artist

one more nish gyrl left to shatter
An engineer poet "with big cheekbones" from Wikwemikong

'Mom/Animator/Poet/Writer/Director' from Pabineau First Nation, NB
Sonny Assu is an Aboriginal artist from the West Coast

Scott's page of Picto-graphic Impressions of a PAGAK!
Images captured by an Ojibway photographer in Winnipeg

Mohawk woman from Kahnawake blogs about family, friends, music and art

Urban Injun
'Step into my world for a minute or two'

Kept by Waubgeshig Rice, originally from Wasauksing FN

Suggest other Blogs?,


Bad Eagle
Oft-controversial web log of Dr. David A. Yeagley, conservative American Indian

Beats Per Minute
A "full-blooded Navajo" living in New Orleans

Aboriginal woman in Phoenix, AZ

Blog Goddess
A "22 yr young Navajo female" blogger

Brown Chick
"Devoted to the steamy textures and tastes of frybread"

chimEra / saaniidotcom
A Navajo poet from northern New Mexico named Zoey

Atlanta-based Cherokee

Incoherent Musings
Some postings from a Colville native in WA state

Joy Harjo's Web Log
Artist Joy Harjo reports here on her life, travels, and other happenings

Kiwasicu: The Life of an Urban Indian
Pebbles is a 27-years-young Lakota Sioux blogger from New York City.
Very nice layout.

26-year-old native american male living on the Navajo Indian reservation

::my trip to felicity::
Navajo and Jamez Pueblo female blogger

Dine photo blog

Native American ties to the land
Collaboration between Anishinabe elders and students in Minnesota
(note: seems inactive, but still a good read)

Reflections of an Outlaw Indian Lawyer
The title speaks for itself

"The Collective Braindump Project."

Sarcastic Life
A blog written in Chinle, AZ

7th Direction
Nez Perce blogger now in S.Dakota

Sweet Complexity
22-year-old "rez chick" and self-described "wannabe artist" from Kayenta, AZ

Group blog from the US. Progressive Politics, Indian Issues, and
Autism Advocacy

World Suggest other Blogs?,

Blogger de Timor
About East Timor, which re-gained independence in 2002 (note: em
portugêse somente)

Free Hawaii
set up by the Koani Foundation

Hawaiian Independence Weblog
A media log in Hana, Maui

John's Weblog
Political New Zealand blog kept by Maori MP John Tamihere

another Hawaiian blogger

No Rest for the Awake: Minagahet Chamorro
Dedicated to the Chamorro people of the Marianas Islands in Guam

Tanya Wooley - Flexible Learning Leader 2004
Australian interested in education in remote aboriginal communities

Weblog sobre povos indígenas (note: em portugêse somente)

Want to suggest other international indigenous blogs? Email us.,

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Ottawa unwraps $9 million to protect Arctic ecosystems from development, Tue, 21 Dec 2004 12:35 PM PST
Ottawa unwraps $9 million to protect Arctic ecosystems from
YELLOWKNIFE (CP) - The federal government played Santa Claus to
northern environmentalists Tuesday when it unwrapped a long-awaited
$9-million commitment to protect Arctic ecosystems threatened by
industrial development in the Mackenzie Valley.

New Voices Competition of digital art and design

[A $25 (Canadian) registration fee is required for each entry. ]

From: Design Exchange Express []
Sent: December 13, 2004 5:13 PM
Subject: Express Alert: New Voices Competition


December 13, 2004

Call for Submissions
digifest 2005: go wild!

New Voices Competition

Presented by Design Exchange and Telefilm Canada

Deadline: January 31, 2005 - 5:00pm EST

In 2005, digifest goes wild! That's right - in May 2005 Canada's
largest annual festival of digital art and design is taking a look at
all things wild. Tired of the mechanistic point and click paradigm?
Get ready for WILDcode, WILDstates, WILDmedia and more.

We invite you to join digifest goes wild! in exploring the
increasingly potent intersections of digital technologies with wild
(i.e. irrational or uncontrolled) forces, from the biological to the
psychological to the socio-political and beyond. Key issues that may
be addressed by artists and designers include organic interfaces,
animals and computers, digital mysticism, disruptive technologies,
digital terrorism, wild games, digital sexuality, cybernetics, worms,
parasites and viruses, and chaotic information systems, products or
environments with "wild" styles or aesthetics, to name but a few

The New Voices Competition is an opportunity for emerging and
mid-career designers, artists, and technologists to showcase their
latest innovations in digital media technologies. Companies, design
teams, digital media artists and other content creators are eligible
to submit new and innovative ideas and applications in interactive
digital media, games, 3D design, real-time environments, digital film
and video, web applications, mobile applications, fashion, digital
performing arts and all other digital idioms.

Winners will present their work at digifest in Toronto and their work
will be installed or displayed as part of digifest. Winning entries
will also be highlighted in both the digifest program and an in-depth

For an application and complete competition details, go to our


Irene Chong, New Voices Coordinator
Paola Poletto, Director, digifest
John Sobol, Associate Director, digifest

Design Exchange is grateful for the support of Telefilm Canada.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Proposed AP ethics policy draws some Guild concerns in US

Proposed AP ethics policy draws some Guild concerns in US
A proposed new ethics policy for US The Associated Press, which would
be the news organisation's most extensive to date, is drawing some
concern from union leaders, who say its limits on financial
investments, conflict of interest, and freelance work may be too
restrictive. The 11-page draft proposal, includes a number of basic
journalistic tenets such as requirements that datelines be used only
when a reporter is at the datelined location. But it extends to some
areas that have been the
subject of recent news industry concern, such as anonymous sources,
conflict of interest, and corrections. "Much of it has been in print
in lots of different places," said Kathleen Carroll, AP executive
editor, who distributed copies of the proposal to staff last week.

- Editor & Publisher

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Media News is archived at and
searchable on keyword.

Visit the European Journalism Centre website at
for information on training
activities, EJC publications and useful tools for journalists.

For Subscribe/Unsubscribe/Suggestions contact the EJC newsroom at:

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What can blogging teach traditional journalism?
1) Be more personal.
2) Let the public in on news decision-making.
3) Be more focused and intentional -- stop trying to be everything to
4) Print the truth, not just the facts.
5) Don't just report, teach... Become a resource and not just a product.
6) Be more local.
7) Give readers access to source material (like the full text of interviews).
8) Add multiple RSS feeds to web sites.
9) Add email addresses to stories.
10) Learn to change in response to the flow of news or market conditions.

Don't think of this article as a primer for journalists, think of it
as an outline of what to expect from your source of news.

[SOURCE: First Draft, AUTHOR: Tim Porter]

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Via / By / Excerpted / From / Tip from / Thanks to:

Communications-related Headlines is a free online news summary service
provided by the Benton Foundation ( Posted Monday through
Friday, this service provides updates on important industry developments,
policy issues, and other related news events. While the summaries are
factually accurate, their often informal tone does not always represent the
tone of the original articles. Headlines are compiled by Kevin Taglang
( -- we welcome your comments.
(c)Benton Foundation 2004. Redistribution of this email publication -- both
internally and externally -- is encouraged if it includes this message. For
subscribe/unsubscribe info email:

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The Associated Press 'insurgency'

The Associated Press 'insurgency'

Conservative bloggers suggested Monday that an Associated Press
photographer was complicit with militants who executed three Iraqi
election workers on Baghdad's dangerous Haifa Street on Sunday. They
accused the photographer of knowing in advance that the executions
were to take place; rather than warn the authorities, they insinuated,
the photojournalist went after the disturbing story and images to
shock readers and smear the Bush administration's war effort.
Wretchard [of the Belmont Club blog] compared the AP coverage with the
famous Vietnam-era photo taken by Eddie Adams, who captured the
execution in Saigon in 1968 of Vietcong Capt. Bay Lop by South
Vietnamese Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan. . . . This is hardly the first time
that pundits on the political right have sought to portray a left-wing
media insurgency bent on capturing grim images in U.S.-occupied Iraq
in order to undermine the Bush administration. Last April, the editors
of the New York Post blared accusations of the AP cutting a deal with
Fallujah's mutilators and helping to maximize the carnage of the four
American military contractors murdered there.

Source: Mark Follman, Salon

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Via / By / Excerpted / From / Tip from / Thanks to:

PressNotes is edited by Matthew Cecil, Assistant Professor in the
Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University
of Oklahoma. Cecil can be reached at:

Robert Greene can be reached at:

SPJ PressNotes is an e-mail newsletter produced every business day by
the Society of Professional Journalists. It is made possible through
a grant from the Sigma Delta Chi Foundation. Send subscription requests
or changes to

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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - US ACLU Bustcard and UK Photographers Rights Guide.

[Forwarder's Note; If anyone knows of a Canadian version... or
versions for other countries... please let me know and I will pass
them along too. Thanks, George]


PhotoPermit is about keeping photographers out of trouble, and
supporting them when trouble looms.

This site is mostly about the US.

Recent News Items
Navajo Nation: Exceptions to US Rules
NY MTA PhotoBan Protest, This Friday
Send NYC Photo Ban Comments NOW
DHS Civil Rights Office
UK Photographers' Rights Doc
NYC Transit Photo Ban Moves Forward
A Tip for December
Cosmetic Site Changes
NY Student Photo Threat
U.S. vs. Bill Emory

Have you been hassled while trying to make what you thought was an
innocuous photograph or video? Have you been threatened? Have
security guards demanded that you hand over your film, memory cards,
and/or camera? Perhaps snatched them from you? Then PhotoPermit.Org
is intended for you.

Have you been successful in convincing irate parents, confused
rent-a-cops, and troublesome self-appointed "authorities" to let you
go on with your own perfectly legal work in peace? Then this site is
especially intended for you, to share your methods and success in
making the world a more free one. No one has ever demonstrated that
an ignorant society is a safer one.

Have you been one of millions of honest, non-threatening
photographers who are anxious about visiting the streets of their own
cities, national parks, or public landmarks for fear they will be
targeted by overzealous authorities? Then PhotoPermit is here to help
you be you sure and comfortable in your rights and responsibilities.

Working journalists at least have the resources of their publishers
and agencies to call upon when dealing with denial of their rights to
see - independent artists and photographers often have nothing. Many
are frightened and confused by what has occurred or may still be
occurring. PhotoPermit.Org is especially for them, which is why we
permit anonymous posting in the forums (though we encourage all
visitors to register - it's easy, useful, and private).

See also..

Know Your Rights: Bustcard from the ACLU at


FREE DOWNLOAD - The UK Photographers Rights Guide.
This is intended to provide a short UK guide to the main legal
restrictions on the right to take photographs and the right to
publish photographs that have been taken.
The guide was written by Linda Macpherson LL.B, Dip.L.P., LL.M, who
is a lecturer in law at Heriot Watt University, with particular
experience in Information Technology Law, Intellectual Property Law
and Media Law.
The guide is a 2 page PDF, it will print out front and back of an A4
page allowing you to make leaflets to hand out. The guide is intended
as an overview of the current legal situation in the UK for
photographers, it is not a definitive bible of UK law.


If you're looking for a USA based photographer rights guide please
take a look at


The Photographer's Right - A Downloadable Flyer
Your Rights When Stopped or Confronted for Photography

The right to take photographs is now under assault more than ever.
People are being stopped, harassed, and even intimidated into handing
over their personal property simply because they were taking
photographs of subjects that made other people uncomfortable. Recent
examples have included photographing industrial plants, bridges, and
bus stations. For the most part, attempts to restrict photography are
based on misguided fears about the supposed dangers that unrestricted
photography presents to society.


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Tim Atherton

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* Speech takes on search engines *

* Speech takes on search engines *
A Scottish firm is looking to attract web surfers with a search
engine that reads out results.
Full story:


Called Speegle, it has the look and feel of a normal search engine,
with the added feature of being able to read out the results ...

But experts have questioned whether talking search engines are of any
real benefit to people with visual impairments.


Monday, December 20, 2004

On Mac? Need to see MSWord, Excel & PowerPoint files without the programs?

FYI There is software for the Max
[disclosure... I have nothing to do with these programs... I just
dislike MS products)

icWord 3.1X+ icExcel 2.0X ... 39.00 CAD

Viewers and converters for - Microsoft(r) Excel and AppleWorks(r)
spreadsheet - Microsoft(r) Word, AppleWorks(r) and NisusWriter word
processor. - Microsoft(r) PowerPoint presentations. Displays the
content of the documents in a WYSIWYG fashion and allows conversion
to various formats. These versions of icWord and icExcel work with
Mac OS X version 10.2 and version 10.3
Other versions available for OS 9.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Arctic peoples demand the right to exist - take on US over threat

International Herald Tribune, Wed, 15 Dec 2004 7:43 AM PST
To Eskimos, warming is a rights issue
The Eskimos, or Inuit, about 155,000 seal-hunting peoples scattered
around the Arctic, plan to seek a ruling from the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights that the United States, by contributing
substantially to global warming, is threatening their existence.
Eskimos Seek to Recast Global Warming as a Rights Issue
New York Times Tue, 14 Dec 2004 5:44 PM PST
The Eskimos plan a legal effort to cast global warming as a human
rights violation.,14124,1373541,00.html
Damage litigation
Guardian Unlimited Tue, 14 Dec 2004 6:13 PM PST
We know that human behaviour is leading to global warming, but what
if the companies responsible for changes to the weather in specific
areas could be identified?
Inuit take on US over threat of warming
Sydney Morning Herald (subscription) - Sydney,New South Wales,Australia
... Sheila Watt-Cloutier, the elected chairwoman of the Inuit
Circumpolar Conference, the quasi-governmental group recognised by
the United Nations as representing ...

The New Zealand Herald, Wed, 15 Dec 2004 4:15 PM PST
Arctic peoples demand the right to exist
Their ancient way of life is in unprecedented peril. Their very land
is melting beneath their feet. Even the endless night of the Arctic
winter, which should be one of nature's most immutable constants, may
be changing.

Independent, Wed, 15 Dec 2004 4:32 PM PST
A nation demands the right to exist
The Inuit peoples of the Arctic have launched a dramatic legal action
against America. The charge? Their ancient way of life is in
unprecedented peril. Their very land is melting beneath their feet.

U.S. Newswire via Yahoo! News, Wed, 15 Dec 2004 3:50 PM PST
Inuit Leader Sheila Watt-Cloutier Announces Intention to File Human
Right Claim Against U.S. for its Dangerous
Sheila Watt-Cloutier, elected chair of the Inuit Circumpolar
Conference (ICC), announced tonight that the ICC will soon petition
the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, seeking a declaration
that emissions of greenhouse gases that are destroying the Inuit way
of life are a violation of human rights.

Monday, December 13, 2004

How to do Community Radio - A Primer for Community Radio Operator

How to do Community Radio - A Primer for Community Radio Operators Community Radio has a special place in UNESCO's programs. The aim of UNESCO's community radio program is to address crucial social issues at a community level, such as poverty and social exclusion, empower marginalized rural groups and catalyze democratic processes and development efforts.

English (file)
How to do

Community Radio Handbook


Saturday, December 11, 2004

Digital recording and transcribing on a Mac

Remembering a past thread on recording interviews and transcribing -- some BoingBoing ( ) posts may be helpful.  Mac only tho' -- sorry PC'ers
"Yesterday, I wrote about a super simple recorder for OS X, called Audio Recorder. I've been using iTunes to play back the files, but last night Boing Boing reader Mason told me about a $20 transcribing program called Listen&Type. I gave it a whirl, and I'm sold on it. Here's why: (1) You
don't have to switch back and forth between iTunes and a text editor to stop and start the recording. Listen&Type lets you set up keyboard commands so you can stop and start the audio without leaving your text editor. (2) You can skip back 5 seconds by entering a keyboard command. There are some other functions, too, such as marking.."
"A few weeks ago, I discovered Audio Recorder, a freeware program for OS X that records audio input as MP3 files. The interface couldn't be simpler. I've used it three times so far and the results have been flawless. I use it with the $25 RadioShack Wireless Phone Recording Controller ,  which is also great. I play back the interviews in iTunes and transcribe them in BBEdit ."
Tom Popyk

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From: Tom Popyk <>
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2004 15:42:37 -0500

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Friday, December 10, 2004


 Jimbi is the African slit drum, created by creating a hollow though a slit made on the side of a large log. It is an instrument with a big sound that could be heard up to 10 miles away, depending on the particular instrument and the nature of the terrain. Jimbi Media (JM) is a company that assists African visionaries, writers, leaders, artists and trendsetters of African descent to realize and to perfect their work, as well as to find and to satisfy their audiences. Visit their website to subscribe to their newsletter.

Jimbi Media Sites

See for links to the sites below.

AFRICAphonie is a Pan African Association which operates on the premise that AFRICA can only be what AFRICANS and their friends want AFRICA to be.
Spotlight on the Bakweri Society and Culture. The Bakweri are an indigenous African nation.
Bate Besong
Bate Besong, award-winning firebrand poet and playwright.
Bernard Fonlon
Dr Bernard Fonlon was an extraordinary figure who left a large footprint in Cameroonian intellectual, social and political life.
Fonlon-Nichols Award
Website of the Literary Award established to honor the memory of BERNARD FONLON, the great Cameroonian teacher, writer, poet, and philosopher, who passionately defended human rights in an often oppressive political atmosphere.
France Watcher
Purpose of this advocacy site: To aggregate all available information about French terror, exploitation and manipulation of Africa
Francis Nyamnjoh
George Ngwane: Public Intellectual
George Ngwane is a prominent author, activist and intellectual.
Godfrey Tangwa aka Rotcod Gobata
Renaissance man, philosophy professor, actor and newspaper columnist, Godfrey Tangwa aka Rotcod Gobata touches a wide array of subjects. Always entertaining and eminently readable. Visit for frequent updates.
Ilongo Sphere
Novelist and poet Ilongo Fritz Ngalle, long concealed his artist's wings behind the firm exterior of a University administrator and guidance counsellor. No longer. Enjoy his unique poems and glimpses of upcoming novels and short stories.
Jacob Nguni
Virtuoso guitarist, writer and humorist. Former lead guitarist of Rocafil, led by Prince Nico Mbarga.
Kencor Foods: Greatdryfish
Kencor foods dries, smokes, vacuum-packs and fish to suit African and Asian tastes in conformity with FDA standards. Kenkor will ship greatdryfish to your family or in bulk to your restaurant or store.
Martin Jumbam
The refreshingly, unique, incisive and generally hilarous writings about the foibles of African society and politics by former Cameroon Life Magazine columnist Martin Jumbam.
Professor of Medicine and interventional cardiologist, Nowa Omoigui is also one of the foremost experts and scholars on the history of the Nigerian Military and the Nigerian Civil War. This site contains many of his writings and comments on military subjects and history.
PostNewsLine is an interactive feature of 'The Post', an important newspaper published out of Buea, Cameroons.
Postwatch Magazine
A UMI (United Media Incorporated) publication. Specializing in well researched investigative reports, it focuses on the Cameroonian scene, particular issues of interest to the former British Southern Cameroons.
Simon Mol
Cameroonian poet, writer, journalist and Human Rights activist living in Warsaw, Poland
Victor Mbarika ICT Weblog
Victor Wacham Agwe Mbarika is one of Africa's foremost experts on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Dr. Mbarika's research interests are in the areas of information infrastructure diffusion in developing countries and multimedia learning.
A West African in Arusha at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda on the angst, contradictions and rewards of that process.

What Corporate America Can't Build: A Sentence

[Forwarder's Note: This sounds like a good opportunity for professional writers to pick up some extra cash by offering training to corporations. George]

Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 06:34:33 -0600
From: Paul Nielson <>
Subject: [CPI-UA] What Corporate America Can't Build: A Sentence By SAM DILLON

National Commission on Writing for America's Families, Schools, and Colleges

In an effort to focus national attention on the teaching and learning of writing, in September 2002, the College Board established the National Commission on Writing for America's Families, Schools, and Colleges. The decision to create the Commission was animated in part by the Board's plans to offer a writing assessment in 2005 as part of the new SAT®, but the larger motivation lay in the growing concern within the education, business, and policy-making communities that the level of writing in the United States is not what it should be. Although there is much good work taking place in our classrooms, the quality of writing must be improved if students are to succeed in college and in life. The addition of a writing component to the SAT and the establishment of a writing commission respond directly to that concern. We hope that the work of this commission and the agenda it lays out will help create a writing revolution in the United States.

Writing: A Ticket to Work . . . Or a Ticket Out, A Survey of Business Leaders


Poorly written job applications are a figurative kiss of death, and corporations spend several billion dollars annually improving writing among employees, according to a business survey released here today by a blue-ribbon group worried about the quality of writing in the nation's schools and colleges.

News release: <>

The Neglected "R": The Need for a Writing Revolution


What Corporate America Can't Build: A Sentence By SAM DILLON

New York Times December 7, 2004

[Forwarder's Note: No URL was supplied for this story in the original message I received, so I have excerpted it to allow for "fair use". George]

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. - R. Craig Hogan, a former university professor who heads an online school for business writing here, received an anguished e-mail message recently from a prospective student.

"i need help," said the message, which was devoid of punctuation. "i am writing a essay on writing i work for this company and my boss want me to help improve the workers writing skills can yall help me with some information thank you".

Hundreds of inquiries from managers and executives seeking to improve their own or their workers' writing pop into Dr. Hogan's computer in-basket each month, he says, describing a number that has surged as e-mail has replaced the phone for much workplace communication. Millions of employees must write more frequently on the job than previously. And many are making a hash of it.

"E-mail is a party to which English teachers have not been invited," Dr. Hogan said. "It has companies tearing their hair out."

A recent survey of 120 American corporations reached a similar conclusion. The study, by the National Commission on Writing, a panel established by the College Board, concluded that a third of employees in the nation's blue-chip companies wrote poorly and that businesses were spending as much as $3.1 billion annually on remedial training.

The problem shows up not only in e-mail but also in reports and other texts, the commission said.

"It's not that companies want to hire Tolstoy," said Susan Traiman, a director at the Business Roundtable, an association of leading chief executives whose corporations were surveyed in the study. "But they need people who can write clearly, and many employees and applicants fall short of that standard."

Millions of inscrutable e-mail messages are clogging corporate computers by setting off requests for clarification, and many of the requests, in turn, are also chaotically written, resulting in whole cycles of confusion.


"The more electronic and global we get, the less important the spoken word has become, and in e-mail clarity is critical," said Sean Phillips, recruitment director at another Silicon Valley corporation Applera, a supplier of equipment for life science research, where most employees have advanced degrees. "Considering how highly educated our people are, many can't write clearly in their day-to-day work."

Some $2.9 billion of the $3.1 billion the National Commission on Writing estimates that corporations spend each year on remedial training goes to help current employees, with the rest spent on new hires. The corporations surveyed were in the mining, construction, manufacturing, transportation, finance, insurance, real estate and service industries, but not in wholesale, retail, agriculture, forestry or fishing, the commission said. Nor did the estimate include spending by government agencies to improve the writing of public servants.


Kathy Keenan, a onetime legal proofreader who teaches business writing at the University of California Extension, Santa Cruz, said she sought to dissuade students from sending business messages in the crude shorthand they learned to tap out on their pagers as teenagers.

"hI KATHY i am sending u the assignmnet again," one student wrote to her recently. "i had sent you the assignment earlier but i didnt get a respond. If u get this assgnment could u please respond . thanking u for ur cooperation."

Most of her students are midcareer professionals in high-tech industries, Ms. Keenan said.

The Sharonview Federal Credit Union in Charlotte, N.C., asked about 15 employees to take a remedial writing course. Angela Tate, a mortgage processor, said the course eventually bolstered her confidence in composing e-mail, which has replaced much work she previously did by phone, but it was a daunting experience, since she had been out of school for years. "It was a challenge all the way through," Ms. Tate said.

Even C.E.O.'s need writing help, said Roger S. Peterson, a freelance writer in Rocklin, Calif., who frequently coaches executives. "Many of these guys write in inflated language that desperately needs a laxative," Mr. Peterson said, and not a few are defensive. "They're in denial, and who's going to argue with the boss?"

But some realize their shortcomings and pay Mr. Peterson to help them improve. Don Morrison, a onetime auditor at Deloitte & Touche who has built a successful consulting business, is among them.

"I was too wordy," Mr. Morrison said. "I liked long, convoluted passages rather than simple four-word sentences. And I had a predilection for underlining words and throwing in multiple exclamation points. Finally Roger threatened to rip the exclamation key off my keyboard."

Exclamation points were an issue when Linda Landis Andrews, who teaches at the University of Illinois at Chicago, led a workshop in May for midcareer executives at an automotive corporation based in the Midwest. Their exasperated supervisor had insisted that the men improve their writing.

"I get a memo from them and cannot figure out what they're trying to say," the supervisor wrote Ms. Andrews.

When at her request the executives produced letters they had written to a supplier who had failed to deliver parts on time, she was horrified to see that tone-deaf writing had turned a minor business snarl into a corporate confrontation moving toward litigation.


"If you want to indicate stronger emphasis, use all capital letters and toss in some extra exclamation points," Ms. Sherwood advises in her guide, available at, where she offers a vivid example:

">Should I boost the power on the thrombo?

"NO!!!! If you turn it up to eleven, you'll overheat the motors, and IT MIGHT EXPLODE!!"

Dr. Hogan, who founded his online Business Writing Center a decade ago after years of teaching composition at Illinois State University here, says that the use of multiple exclamation points and other nonstandard punctuation like the :-) symbol, are fine for personal e-mail but that companies have erred by allowing experimental writing devices to flood into business writing.


"E-mail has just erupted like a weed, and instead of considering what to say when they write, people now just let thoughts drool out onto the screen," Dr. Hogan said. "It has companies at their wits' end."

<>Copyright 2004 <>The New York Times Company

Better Googling: Things You Didn't Know Google Does

Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 09:04:19 -0500
From: "Colin J. Williams" <>
Subject: Re: [CPI-UA] Better Googling: Things You Didn't Know Google Does

George Lessard wrote:

Better Googling: Things You Didn't Know Google Does
Power tips for getting the most from the Google search engine,
from toolbars to using Google as a calculator or to look up phone
book entries. Includes tips for journalists on using Google to
research stories. From Sree Sreenivasan, "Tech Guru" for New
York's WABC-TV.

The above says:

   If you are using a Windows PC, you should download the free
   "Toolbar," which installs a search box on your Web browser, speeding
   up the search process - and now offering a pop-up ad blocker . Only works on Explorer - a great reason
   to switch from Netscape. (Once you install it, you can use *ALT+G*
   to access the search box instantly, without using the mouse).****

More recent information is available at:

Of course there is also the recently released Mozilla-Firefox, which provides good Google access.

This merely advertises the one above.

Google is great but its news is US centred, even if one selects an "English" site (Canadian-English, UK, India, Australia, New Zealand).

The news for other languages seems to be less American. Although, under Science/Tech one finds:


   *Firefox à la conquête d'Internet*
   *01net -** Il y a 7 heures*
   Novateur à plusieurs égards avec, entre autres, son interface
   personnalisable, le logiciel libre veut détrôner le navigateur phare
   de la Toile. Pas moins. Après plusieurs versions intermédiaires,
   Firefox *...*
   10 millions pour Firefox 1.0 <>
   Logiciel de messagerie Thunderbird 1.0 fr
   Mes Nouvelles
   <> -
   <> -
   Journal du Net
   <> -
   - *et 37 articles connexes >>*

There is a translation facility but it's still somewhat prinitive. The above is rendered as:

   Firefox with the conquest of Internet 01net - 7 Novateur hours ago
   in several connections with, inter alia, its interface
   personnalisable, the free software wants détrôner the navigator
   headlight of the Fabric. Not less. After several intermediate
   versions, Firefox... 10 million for Firefox 1.0 CKOI Software FM of
   transport Thunderbird 1.0 Fr My News - Echosdunet -
   Newspaper of the Net - ZDNet - and 37 articles related > >

There is a good phone lookup but they link to and not to

They former has a better presentation but the latter seems to have a more complete database.

Colin W.

Better Googling: Things You Didn't Know Google Does

 Better Googling: Things You Didn't Know Google Does
   Power tips for getting the most from the Google search engine,
   from toolbars to using Google as a calculator or to look up phone
   book entries. Includes tips for journalists on using Google to
   research stories. From Sree Sreenivasan, "Tech Guru" for New
   York's WABC-TV.
     * Web search engines
     * Internet searching
     * Google
  Created by: kgs

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                Suggest a site:



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Canadian spam decision posted online

In response to many requests, I have posted a copy of the
Canadian Privacy Commissioner's decision involving the
application of PIPEDA to spam. Finding at
Media coverage at

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Via / By / Excerpted / From / Tip from / Thanks to:

BNA's Internet Law News is published weekdays by The Bureau
of National Affairs, Inc., 1231 25th St., NW, Washington, DC
20037.  Michael Geist, a law professor at the University of
Ottawa, holds the Canada Research Chair in Internet and
E-commerce Law.  He may be
reached at

Use of this service is subject to the terms and conditions
published at Permission
is granted to distribute this issue in its entirety to
colleagues, students, and friends. To receive your own free
personal copy of BNA's Internet Law News or to change your
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Thursday, December 09, 2004

Panel seeks more info on Mackenzie Valley pipeline impact

Panel seeks more info on pipeline impact

CBC North - Canada
YELLOWKNIFE - A report describing the impact of the pipeline proposed for the Mackenzie Valley is thousands of pages long, but incomplete, according to the ...

LINK: Mackenzie Gas Project

See all stories on this topic

Nunavut Business Stories

Stockwatch, Thu, 09 Dec 2004 8:32 AM PST
Sabina Resources Ltd. has released additional drill results from step-out exploration holes on the company's Hackett River project located in Nunavut, Canada.

Stockwatch, Thu, 09 Dec 2004 10:01 AM PST
Commander gets gold rights on 34 permits in Amaruk JV
Commander Resources Ltd. has reached an agreement with Diamonds North Resources Ltd. and BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc. whereby Commander has been granted the rights to 100 per cent of all gold on 34 prospecting permits covering a land area of more than two million acres in Nunavut.

CCNMatthews via Yahoo! Finance, Thu, 09 Dec 2004 11:34 AM PST
North West Company Fund Reports 2004 Third Quarter Earnings and Announces Distribution Increase for 2005
WINNIPEG, MANITOBA-- - North West Company Fund today reported 2004 third quarter earnings for the period ended October 30, 2004, declared a quarterly cash distribution of $0.45 per unit to unitholders of record on December 31, 2004, distributable by January 15, 2005, and announced a 4.4% increase in distributions for 2005 to $0.47 per quarter.

CCNMatthews via Yahoo! Finance, Thu, 09 Dec 2004 6:02 AM PST
Diamonds North Resources Ltd.: Victoria Island Project Expanded for 2005
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA-- - Diamonds North Resources Ltd. announces that Teck Cominco Limited has met the 2004 requirements under the 2004 Amending Agreement and has elected to include the White Ice and Hadley Bay projects under the Blue Ice Participation Agreement.

CANADA: Natives' Land Battles Bring a Shift in Economy

CANADA: Natives' Land Battles Bring a Shift in Economy - USA

... After Eskimos gained their own Arctic territory, Nunavut, in 1999, they have since won ... for the possibility that aboriginal people will have more power and real ...

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

US - Reporters trail badly in annual poll on honesty and ethics

Reporters trail badly in annual poll on honesty and ethics
Nurses top the list as most honest and ethical.
Once again, newspaper reporters score poorly in the annual Gallup Poll, released today, on "honesty and ethical standards" in various professions, as judged by the American public. They rank even lower than bankers, auto mechanics, elected officials, and nursing-home operators. To put this in perspective: Newspaper reporters are even less respected than their TV counterparts.Somehow, however, they top lawyers, car salesmen, and ad directors. And they also edge business executives and congressmen. Nurses top the list as most honest and ethical. If there's any good news for newspapers, it's that since 2000, the number of those saying that reporters have high or very high
ethical standards has climbed from 16% to 21%. In 2000, reporters were behind even lawyers in that category. All in all, in the current survey, Gallup found that 5% of the sample gave newspaper journos very high marks for honesty, 16% high, 50% average, and 28% low or very low.
Source: Greg Mitchell, Editor & Publisher


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SPJ PressNotes for Wednesday, December 8, 2004

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Information & Media Specialist
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"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
"We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are."
(Max Depree)
"Try? There is not try. There is only do or not do."

Meagre funding raises questions about pipeline review

  People hoping to intervene in the hearings into construction of the Mackenzie Valley pipeline say they're disappointed by the funding they're going to receive to do their job.

Call for papers CIRN 2005 24-26 August 2005, Cape Town

Date: Wed,  8 Dec 2004 17:51:19 +1000
To:,,,,,, africa@wsis-cs.orga
Subject: incom Call for papers CIRN 2005 24-26 August 2005, Cape Town
List-Subscribe: ,

Apologies fro cross posting.

CIRN 2005 - 24-26 August 2005, Cape Town South Africa - CALL FOR PAPERS

The Community Informatics Research Network (CIRN) 2005 Conference is open to receive research, policy and praxis based papers around the major theme of ‘partnershipsÂ’.  The Conference website will be found at

Community Informatics is principally involved with the social appropriation of ICT for local benefits.

The practice of community informatics usually involves role players with diverse interests, and many of the benefits are found in the combination of different role players' interests and resources.  The main role players in CI are found in civil society, government, business and individuals. CIRN 2005 will highlight the interactions between these sectors in delivering local benefit.

Increasing availability of ICT highlights the need for new partnerships between and within civil society, the public sector and business.  It moves the agenda beyond simple questions of access, to effective use.  This challenges the current roles, responsibilities and activities in civil society, government and business.  Experience is demonstrating that neither 'top down' nor 'bottom up' approaches are consistently delivering universal benefit; rather, partnerships are providing significant value propositions in the emerging information economy.  Further, whilst the relationships between business and government are quite well understood, the relationships between civil society and business, government and individuals in the emerging information age are still in formative stages.

The conference is designed for researchers, policymakers, community leaders, ICT project leaders, government officials and regional community development groups who have interests, skills and experience in the social appropriation of ICT

Critical dates:

Abstracts and panel proposals 1 February 2005.
Notification of acceptance 15 February 2005
Full refereed papers due 15 March 2002,
Notification of acceptance 15 May  2005
Final papers due 30 June 2005

Contributions are invited from both developed and developing countries, but within the intended theme of the conference:

• Academic papers will be double-blind refereed and published in the conference proceedings.
• Papers that are not intended for refereeing are welcome and will be published separately.
• Case studies describing ICT related interventions and initiatives within communities are invited.
• Posters describing planned work or work in progress are also invited.
• Proposals for panels within areas closely related to community informatics are encouraged

A PhD colloquium will be conducted and these presentations will be reviewed
by a panel of leading CI researchers.

Submissions will be managed online.  Please submit via:
indicating under "Topics" (towards the end of the form) the *kind* of submission that you are making.  Tracks will be organised according to submissions received and accepted.

In any case of difficulty, please email details to

Executive Committee

• Prof Andy Bytheway (Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa)
• Dr Peter Day (Brighton University, United Kingdom)
• Prof Geoff Erwin (Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa)
• Prof Mike Gurstein (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)
• Prof Don Schauder (Monash University, Australia)
• Prof Wal Taylor (Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa)


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AP: U.S. tourists urged to pose as Canadians

December 7, 2004

ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico (AP) An American T-shirt company wants to
help U.S. citizens relax on vacation -- by posing as Canadians.

Full story at:

Reading the comments posted on this story is even more interesting that the original story.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

"Voices of Youth" Training Guidelines

"Voices of Youth" Training Guidelines

The Moab, UT-based Voices of Youth project has developed a handbook
for youth radio production training. This easy-to-read resource for
documentary production was written by Project Director Bruce Hucko, a
photographer who brings an artistic eye and ear to radio sound
design, recording and interviewing skills. You can download the VOY
Guidebook from the Sound Partners for Community Health Toolkit on
Production and Programming.,1156,1151

or use this short URL

Voices of Youth Production Guidelines (49K)

Other Items in Tips:

"Guide to Field Recording" by Flawn Williams
"How to Produce a Radio Documentary (or Feature)" By Dmae Roberts
"Make Your Own Radio Diary" by
"Working With Pro Tools Free" by Jeff Towne
Current's Guide to Public and Community Radio Streaming Sites
This American Life's Digital Editing Guide
Audio Distribution Solution
Defining Narrative Storytelling
Guide for Independent Media Makers
How and Why To Tweak Audio Levels
How To Make a Documentary (for Community Organizations) (.pdf)
KUAC's Telling It Like It Is Radio Diary Handbook
KUAC's Sample Teen Reporter Agreement
Media Convergence Conference: Aug '04
Minidisc Guide by Jeff Towne (6/03)
NPR's Guide to Encoding and Streaming Audio
Radio Show Advice from Brooke Gladstone
Sample Release Form for Interviews
Technical How To Forum
Using the Sony Minidisc Recorder MD-37 and Sony907mic

Copyright © 2004 Benton Foundation

15 Steps To Fight Violence Against Women

15 Steps To Fight Violence Against Women: Monday, November 29, 2004
CAW's Video News describes the campaign to raise awareness of the need to fight violence against women.
Find out more >>


Journalists and civil society groups in Central Africa will converge for an upcoming conference in Tanzania to discuss ways they can collaborate on promoting a lasting peace in the region.

The Panos Institute-Paris has scheduled the conference for December 13 to 15 in Dar es Salaam. The International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) reports that the conference is aimed at encouraging better news coverage of peace initiatives in Central Africa.

The Panos conference is a follow-up to the recent International Conference on Peace, Security, Democracy and Development in the Great Lakes, sponsored by the United Nations and the African Union. At that meeting in November, also in Dar Es Salaam, 11 heads of state signed a declaration calling for an end to conflict in the region.

The December conference will encourage media professionals to reflect further on the four themes discussed at the earlier conference: peace and security; democracy and good governance; economic development, cooperation and regional integration; and human and social questions.

Organizers also hope that participants define and use some tools that could facilitate the peace processes in the region, such as information distribution networks or a charter for journalists. They also hope the participants develop a strategic plan for collaboration between media and civil society groups in the region.

Panos will select about 50 journalists from three target countries: Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The organizers also expect attendance from journalists in neighboring countries affected by the ongoing conflict, such as Uganda and Tanzania.

For more information:


Canadian parliament set to ratify Tli Cho land claim

Parliament set to ratify Tli Cho land claim
     The Tli Cho Land Claims and Self-Government Act is on the verge of becoming law.

See also
Results about 7,520 for Tli Cho