What can blogging teach traditional journalism?
1) Be more personal.
2) Let the public in on news decision-making.
3) Be more focused and intentional -- stop trying to be everything to
4) Print the truth, not just the facts.
5) Don't just report, teach... Become a resource and not just a product.
6) Be more local.
7) Give readers access to source material (like the full text of interviews).
8) Add multiple RSS feeds to web sites.
9) Add email addresses to stories.
10) Learn to change in response to the flow of news or market conditions.
Don't think of this article as a primer for journalists, think of it
as an outline of what to expect from your source of news.
[SOURCE: First Draft, AUTHOR: Tim Porter]
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Via / By / Excerpted / From / Tip from / Thanks to:
Communications-related Headlines is a free online news summary service
provided by the Benton Foundation (www.benton.org). Posted Monday through
Friday, this service provides updates on important industry developments,
policy issues, and other related news events. While the summaries are
factually accurate, their often informal tone does not always represent the
tone of the original articles. Headlines are compiled by Kevin Taglang
(headlines@benton.org) -- we welcome your comments.
(c)Benton Foundation 2004. Redistribution of this email publication -- both
internally and externally -- is encouraged if it includes this message. For
subscribe/unsubscribe info email: headlines@benton.org
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Due to the nature of email & the WWW, check ALL sources.
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