Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - US ACLU Bustcard and UK Photographers Rights Guide.

[Forwarder's Note; If anyone knows of a Canadian version... or
versions for other countries... please let me know and I will pass
them along too. Thanks, George]


PhotoPermit is about keeping photographers out of trouble, and
supporting them when trouble looms.

This site is mostly about the US.

Recent News Items
Navajo Nation: Exceptions to US Rules
NY MTA PhotoBan Protest, This Friday
Send NYC Photo Ban Comments NOW
DHS Civil Rights Office
UK Photographers' Rights Doc
NYC Transit Photo Ban Moves Forward
A Tip for December
Cosmetic Site Changes
NY Student Photo Threat
U.S. vs. Bill Emory

Have you been hassled while trying to make what you thought was an
innocuous photograph or video? Have you been threatened? Have
security guards demanded that you hand over your film, memory cards,
and/or camera? Perhaps snatched them from you? Then PhotoPermit.Org
is intended for you.

Have you been successful in convincing irate parents, confused
rent-a-cops, and troublesome self-appointed "authorities" to let you
go on with your own perfectly legal work in peace? Then this site is
especially intended for you, to share your methods and success in
making the world a more free one. No one has ever demonstrated that
an ignorant society is a safer one.

Have you been one of millions of honest, non-threatening
photographers who are anxious about visiting the streets of their own
cities, national parks, or public landmarks for fear they will be
targeted by overzealous authorities? Then PhotoPermit is here to help
you be you sure and comfortable in your rights and responsibilities.

Working journalists at least have the resources of their publishers
and agencies to call upon when dealing with denial of their rights to
see - independent artists and photographers often have nothing. Many
are frightened and confused by what has occurred or may still be
occurring. PhotoPermit.Org is especially for them, which is why we
permit anonymous posting in the forums (though we encourage all
visitors to register - it's easy, useful, and private).

See also..

Know Your Rights: Bustcard from the ACLU at


FREE DOWNLOAD - The UK Photographers Rights Guide.
This is intended to provide a short UK guide to the main legal
restrictions on the right to take photographs and the right to
publish photographs that have been taken.
The guide was written by Linda Macpherson LL.B, Dip.L.P., LL.M, who
is a lecturer in law at Heriot Watt University, with particular
experience in Information Technology Law, Intellectual Property Law
and Media Law.
The guide is a 2 page PDF, it will print out front and back of an A4
page allowing you to make leaflets to hand out. The guide is intended
as an overview of the current legal situation in the UK for
photographers, it is not a definitive bible of UK law.


If you're looking for a USA based photographer rights guide please
take a look at


The Photographer's Right - A Downloadable Flyer
Your Rights When Stopped or Confronted for Photography

The right to take photographs is now under assault more than ever.
People are being stopped, harassed, and even intimidated into handing
over their personal property simply because they were taking
photographs of subjects that made other people uncomfortable. Recent
examples have included photographing industrial plants, bridges, and
bus stations. For the most part, attempts to restrict photography are
based on misguided fears about the supposed dangers that unrestricted
photography presents to society.


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Via / By / Excerpted / From / Tip from / Thanks to:

Tim Atherton

© info
Due to the nature of email & the WWW, check ALL sources.
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