Canadian Society of Independent Radio Producers
This site contains a lot of resources on radio art production and radio documentary production.
Training Resources site!
Producing radio is often a solitary occupation. We spend much of our time in the studio, in the music library, in the editing suite or in the car driving to our next interview.
When we're in school or at a conference, there is no shortage of new ideas and new ways to inspire us to do radio in different ways. But where do those new ideas come from after we graduate or after the conference is over?
Those of us with full time radio jobs have the benefit of a circle of peers from whom they can learn -- but how often does that happen? In the daily grind of producing a radio show, there's not much room to discuss ideas that don't immediately fill air time. The radio world is full of people who can't go to conferences or workshops because a) there's no money in the training budget at their station or b) there's no extra bodies at the station to put the show on their air when the regular staff is gone.
And then there are the thousands of talented radio producers working in community and campus radio. But in the understaffed, overworked and underbudgeted world of the community airwaves, there is precious little time and resources for training in house. So most programmers end up figuring it out by themselves.
Bottom line -- radio is about ideas. It's about skills. It's about learning -- and a big part of it is about teaching ourselves. We all need to take charge of our own learning curve. That's what this website is all about.
It's also a place for producers to share the things they've learned with each other. We welcome your articles, your feedback and your ideas. Read, enjoy, listen and tell us what YOU want to learn.
Wavelength is CSIRP's newsletter. Funding ideas, professional leads, equipment reviews, and more. Wavelength is in Adobe PDF format
A listing of Canadian community and non-profit radio web sites and related resources. Clicking on a link will open the site in a new browser window. Sites with the audio icon next to their names contain live broadcasts .
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