Friday, November 26, 2004

International Association of Women in Radio & TV (IAWRT)

International Association of Women in Radio & TV (IAWRT)

The International Association of Women in Radio and Television is a forum for personal contact and professional development among women broadcasters worldwide. The organisation was founded in 1951.

- Network
- Conferences
- Awards
- Scholarships
- Training
- Newsletters
- Lobby/Support Group

To share professional input among members through networking, workshops, conferences, programme productions and management skills.
To contribute towards the enhancement of broadcasting by assuring that women's views and values are an integral part of programming.
To utilise the professional skills of members to support women in developing countries.

IAWRT arranges international conferences with workshops, screenings, lectures, training sessions and professional networking.
IAWRT holds regional meetings in different geographical areas.
IAWRT presents Awards of Excellence to publicly recognise programmes that demonstrate the ability and creativity of women producers.
IAWRT publishes a Newsletter to provide information and to update members, individuals and institutions.
IAWRT has a study scholarship programme for deserving members.
IAWRT maintains a website for information sharing, membership news, links to relevant sites, and a chance to see and hear clips of members' programmes

The International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT) is an international organisation with world wide membership of professional women actively engaged in the production and management of programmes in the electronic media or in fields closely allied to broadcasting.          The organisation was founded in 1951.

Because we are an international organization, the site is proving to be a really useful tool for sharing information, resources, links and news with each other in between the times we see one another.

If you are involved in any organization or work that you think would be of interest to our members and to people visiting the site, please let us know and we can provide links to those sites.

I urge our members and other women working in radio and television to submit stories, articles, updates, information, rants and raves to the site and we will consider all input for publication. Please use the site to tell us about the interesting projects you are working on or know about.

All submissions to be sent to in a WORD document and photos should be sent in jpeg format.

If you would          like to become a member of IAWRT, please fill in the forms found on the          ABOUT IAWRT page

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