Friday, November 26, 2004

UNESCO's Community Radio Guide in Arabic

From: "Bruce Girard" <>
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 23:57:05 -0200
Priority: normal
Subject: [CR in Afghanistan] Community Radio Guide in Arabic

UNESCO's Community Radio Guide Now in Arabic
26-11-2004 (UNESCO)

UNESCO published its first Arabic language manual on "How to Do Community Radio". The new publication that is a translation of an earlier guide aims at expanding its outreach to the Arab region.
UNESCO considers community media as one of the most cost-efficient tools for sustainable development, social inclusion and access to information and knowledge.

“Several ways and means are possible to set up a community radio, organize it or compose its equipment. Often located in remote rural areas, these stations are “operated in the community, for the community, about the community and by the community”, states the manual.

Community Radio development has a special place in UNESCOÂ’s programmes. The aim of UNESCOÂ’s community radio programme is to address crucial social issues at a community level, such as poverty and social exclusion, empower marginalized rural groups and catalyze democratic processes and development efforts.

The manual will be distributed to the Arab media and other actors concerned through UNESCO field offices in the Arab States

The publication is available online at:

Bruce Girard  -  -  +(598) 2 410.2979
Dr. Pablo de María 1036, Montevideo, Uruguay


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Via / By / Excerpted / From / Tip from / Thanks to:
Cr-afghan mailing list
"The Potential for Community Radio in Afghanistan"

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